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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    PostgreSQL Master Greg Sabino Mullane Joins Crew

    By Brian Dunn
    February 1, 2006

    Greg Sabino Mullane joined End Point in October and brings with him a broad expanse of knowledge regarding databases of all kinds. But while Greg is highly proficient in working with MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server, his greatest database passion is for PostgreSQL. According to Greg, “PostgreSQL is a true open-source alternative to Oracle. It’s powerful, easy to use, highly extensible, very standards-compliant, and has a support community Oracle and the others can’t match.”

    Greg is one of just a few “major developers” in the PostgreSQL community and has contributed substantial code to the current PostgreSQL product. He’s also the primary developer of the DBD::Pg module, which bridges PostgreSQL and his favorite coding language, Perl. Says Greg, “It’s great working for a company like End Point that recognizes the advantages of PostgreSQL and actively encourages its use.”

    Greg is also skilled in developing compact, efficient code. He recently rewrote and expanded database update scripts to connect to a remote SOAP server for an End Point client. Efficiency of the project was enhanced by Greg refactoring existing code into a single object-oriented module.

    Previous to coming to End Point, Greg worked at the National Human Genome Research Institute, a part of the National Institutes of Health, in Bethesda, Maryland. While there, he wrote complex Perl scripts and worked with very large datasets. His work contributed to the institute’s efforts to better understand the human genome and such aims as developing gene therapy treatments to counter rare serious diseases.

    End Point is excited about the kind of work that Greg has already proven himself capable of since joining the company.

