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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Testing in the Web Environment

    Jeff Boes

    By Jeff Boes
    February 13, 2009


    Testing is an important part of good software engineering practices. In fact, it can be said that it is at once the most important, and yet most neglected part of software engineering. Testing methodology for software engineering developed out of its hardware engineering roots: software was defined in terms of its inputs and outputs, and testing was similarly defined in terms of applied inputs and expected outputs.

    However, software testing is more complex than that: this is because software almost always incorporates “state” or memory that affects subsequent operations. For instance, the following pseudocode:

    if (VALUE is not defined)
    VALUE := 1.0
    FRACTION := 1.0 / VALUE

    In this simple case, the code fragment will always operate correctly on the first execution, but subsequent executions may fail if VALUE is zero.

    Testing web applications involves planning for this kind of memory, because in essence a web application runs within a larger program (the web server and perhaps the application server) and may inherit state from the environment, or indeed may preserve its own state from one page reference to the next.

    In addition, web applications involve human factors.

    • Does the application “display correctly” (whatever that means)?
    • Does the page load “quickly enough”?
    • Do dynamic elements (e.g. Ajax) respond appropriately?

    Such factors are harder to measure than verifying that a sales tax calculation returns an accurate number.

    For these reasons, we turn to web application testing frameworks. Loosely defined these frameworks provide either a substitute for, or an interface to, a web browser that is under programmatic control. So for instance, a test script can invoke the web application via URL just as a browser would. Then it can test for page content or metadata (title, etc.), and even in some cases access embedded media such as image files. The framework provides a way to operate the web application: through it, the test script can submit forms, click on objects, respond to dynamic events such as JavaScript alerts, and even operate the browser in other ways: navigating via the “Back” button, saving files, etc.

    Using such frameworks, the software engineer can automate the testing process. The application’s performance can be defined in terms of the test scripts that it passes, so that modifications to the application (new functionality or bug repairs) can be validated against the existing tests (regression testing).

    In this article, I’ll briefly survey several approaches to web application testing frameworks that are in use or under study at End Point.


    The first framework is a Perl module called “WWW::Mechanize”, and its associated extension “Test::WWW::Mechanize”. This framework provides an object-oriented interface to an HTTP connection which allows a test script, written in Perl, to perform operations on a web site much like a browser, and to test the results in various ways. By way of example, here is a script that operates on the End Point website:

    use strict;
    use Test::WWW::Mechanize;
    use Test::More tests => 4;
    my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize->new();
    $mech->get_ok('http://www.endpoint.com', 'Home page fetched');
    $mech->title_like(qr/End Point/, 'Page mentions us');
    $mech->follow_link_ok({ text_regex => qr/Team Bios/ }, 'Found team bios');
    $mech->content_contains('Jeff Boes', 'Author was mentioned');

    This test declares that we will run four tests. It initializes the test framework with a call to the “new” method. Then it executes the four tests, annotating each one with a message that lets us identify which test failed by a human-friendly string rather than a bare number.

    The first test just checks that the framework can retrieve the home page; failure would be caused by a server problem, DNS failure, etc. The second test just verifies that the page title contains a particular text pattern (the name of our company). The third test finds a link (in this case, based on a pattern of text in the link; we could also locate a link by URL, for example) and verifies that the framework can follow the link. The fourth and final test verifies that the author’s name appears on the page.

    From simple building blocks like this, more and more complex tests can be built up. Through the underlying framework, a test script can:

    • set and retrieve form field values, including checkboxes and selectors
    • submit forms
    • set and retrieve cookie values
    • analyze images
    • provide credentials for HTTP Basic Authentication (for password-protected sites)

    End Point has used this approach with success. For example, the order and checkout process on CityPass uses a sequence of tests designed to place orders for every product offered, in various combinations. The test script makes a connection to the site’s PostgreSQL database allowing it to compare the resulting order receipts with the matching database entries.

    The major failing of the Mechanize family is that JavaScript is not supported. Thus, this framework is not suitable for testing pages for which major parts of the functionality are provided through JavaScript.


    This framework, another Perl module, is really a system for constructing test scripts for use with WWW::Mechanize. It doesn’t offer any testing facility on its own; instead, it is designed to line up between a browser and a web application, recording the mouse clicks and keystrokes made, and emitting a test script that is then fed through WWW::Mechanize (perhaps after suitable manual adjustment).

    Again, this system doesn’t recognize, operate on, or record JavaScript events, so it’s not as useful for testing sites with large amounts or critical sections of JavaScript.


    Selenium is a framework rather unlike the previous entries, although from the view of the programmer developing a test script or suite, it doesn’t seem that much different. Selenium has several components; the one that interests us most for this particular survey is “Selenium RC” (Remote Control). This component services requests from a test script written much like the WWW::Mechanize scripts. The Selenium RC server will start up a browser and translate test script requests into actual mouse and keyboard events on the controlled browser.

    Selenium works with several different browsers, such as Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer. For the vast majority of test scripts, the only change required to switch from testing one browser platform to another is to change a single line in the initial server request.

    Selenium works with JavaScript events and functionality. You can, for instance, test JavaScript “onmouseover” events, or field validation through “onchange” or “onsubmit”. Your test scripts can check for JavaScript alerts and respond to them, and behave in nearly every way just as a real user would, sitting in front of a real browser.

    Selenium RC is implemented as a Java application, which means that its environment must include a Java installation (JVM).

    The drawback of Selenium is that since it must be run in an environment that includes a browser and window display system, you’ll almost certainly need to run your test script on a workstation, or a server with all the windowing software installed.

    Other approaches

    • OpenSTA (Open System Testing Architecture) is more of a heavy-load testing framework, although it does provide a scripted setup.
    • Usability testing environments such as WAUTER are designed to observe and record end-user actions (such as scrolling and mouse clicks) for later analysis.

