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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Bucardo and truncate triggers

    Greg Sabino Mullane

    By Greg Sabino Mullane
    July 14, 2009

    Version 8.4 of Postgres was recently released. One of the features that hasn’t gotten a lot of press, but which I’m excited about, is truncate triggers. This fixes a critical hole in trigger-based PostgreSQL replication systems, and support for these new triggers is now working in the Bucardo replication program.

    Truncate triggers were added to Postgres by Simon Riggs (thanks Simon!), and unlike other types of triggers (UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT), they are statement-level only, as truncate is not a row-level action.

    Here’s a quick demo showing off the new triggers. This is using the development version of Bucardo—​a major new version is expected to be released in the next week or two that will include truncate trigger support and many other things. If you want to try this out for yourself, just run:

    $ git clone git-clone http://bucardo.org/bucardo.git/

    Bucardo does three types of replication; for this example, we’ll be using the ‘pushdelta’ method, which is your basic “master to slaves” relationship. In addition to the master database (which we’ll name A) and the slave database (which we’ll name B), we’ll create a third database for Bucardo itself.

    $ initdb -D bcdata
    $ initdb -D testA 
    $ initdb -D testB 

    (Technically, we are creating three new database clusters, and since we are doing this as the postgres user, the default database for all three will be ‘postgres’)

    Let’s give them all unique port numbers:

    $ echo port=5400 >> bcdata/postgresql.conf
    $ echo port=5401 >> testA/postgresql.conf 
    $ echo port=5402 >> testB/postgresql.conf 

    Now start them all up:

    $ pg_ctl start -D bcdata -l bc.log
    $ pg_ctl start -D testA -l A.log
    $ pg_ctl start -D testB -l B.log

    We’ll create a simple test table on both sides:

    $ psql -d postgres -p 5401 -c 'CREATE TABLE trtest(id int primary key)'
    $ psql -d postgres -p 5402 -c 'CREATE TABLE trtest(id int primary key)'

    Before we go any further, let’s install Bucardo itself. Bucardo is a Perl daemon that uses a central database to store its configuration information. The first step is to create the Bucardo schema. This, like almost everything else with Bucardo, is done with the ‘bucardo_ctl’ script. The install process is interactive:

    $ bucardo_ctl install --dbport=5400
    This will install the bucardo database into an existing Postgres cluster.
    Postgres must have been compiled with Perl support,
    and you must connect as a superuser
    We will create a new superuser named 'bucardo',
    and make it the owner of a new database named 'bucardo'
    Current connection settings:
    1. Host:          <none>
    2. Port:          5400
    3. User:          postgres
    4. PID directory: /var/run/bucardo
    Enter a number to change it, P to proceed, or Q to quit: <b>P</b>
    Version is: 8.4
    Attempting to create and populate the bucardo database and schema
    Database creation is complete
    Connecting to database 'bucardo' as user 'bucardo'
    Updated configuration setting "piddir"
    Installation is now complete.
    If you see any unexpected errors above, please report them to bucardo-general@bucardo.org
    You should probably check over the configuration variables next, by running:
    bucardo_ctl show all
    Change any setting by using: bucardo_ctl set foo=bar

    Because we don’t want to tell the bucardo_ctl program our custom port each time we call it, we’ll store that info into the ~/.bucardorc file:

    $ echo dbport=5400 > ~/.bucardorc

    Let’s double check that everything went okay by checking the list of databases that Bucardo knows about:

    $ bucardo_ctl list db
    There are no entries in the 'db' table.

    Time to teach Bucardo about our two new databases. The format for the add commands is: bucardo_ctl add [type of thing] [name of thing within the database] [arguments of foo=bar format]

    $ bucardo_ctl add database postgres name=master port=5401
    Database added: master
    $ bucardo_ctl add database postgres name=slave1 port=5402
    Database added: slave1

    Before we go any further, let’s look at our databases:

    $ bucardo_ctl list dbs
    Database: master   Status: active
    Conn: psql -h  -p 5401 -U bucardo -d postgres
    Database: slave1   Status: active
    Conn: psql -h  -p 5402 -U bucardo -d postgres

    Note that by default we connect as the ‘bucardo’ user. This is a highly recommended practice, for safety and auditing. Since that user obviously does not exist on the newly created databases, we need to add them in:

    $ psql -p 5401 -c 'create user bucardo superuser'
    $ psql -p 5402 -c 'create user bucardo superuser'

    Now we need to teach Bucardo about the tables we want to replicate:

    $ bucardo_ctl add table trtest db=master herd=herd1
    Created herd "herd1"
    Table added: public.trtest

    A herd is simply a named connection of tables. Typically, you put tables that are linked together by foreign keys or other logic into a herd so that they all get replicated at the same time.

    The final setup step is to create a replication event, which in Bucardo is known as a ‘sync’:

    $ bucardo_ctl add sync willow source=herd1 targetdb=slave1 type=pushdelta
    NOTICE:  Starting validate_sync for willow
    CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT validate_sync('willow')"
    Sync added: willow

    This command actually did quite a bit of work behind the scenes, including creating all the supporting schemas, tables, functions, triggers, and indexes that Bucardo will need.

    We are now ready to start Bucardo up. Simple enough:

    $ bucardo_ctl start
    Checking for existing processes
    Starting Bucardo

    Let’s add a row to the master table and make sure it goes to the slave:

    $ psql -p 5401 -c 'insert into trtest(id) VALUES (1)'
    INSERT 0 1
    $ psql -p 5402 -c 'select * from trtest'
    (1 row)

    Looks fine, so let’s try out the truncate. On versions of Postgres less than 8.4, there was no way for Bucardo (or Slony) to know that a truncate had been run, so the rows were removed from the master but not from the slave. We’ll do a truncate and add a new row in a single operation:

    $ psql -p 5401 -c 'begin; truncate table trtest; insert into trtest values (2); commit'
    $ psql -p 5402 -c 'select * from trtest'
    (1 row)

    It works! Let’s clean up our test environment for good measure:

    $ bucardo_ctl stop
    $ pg_ctl stop -D bcdata
    $ pg_ctl stop -D testA
    $ pg_ctl stop -D testB

    As mentioned, there are three types of syncs in Bucardo. The other type that can make use of truncate triggers is the ‘swap’ sync, aka “master to master”. I’ve not yet decided on the behavior for such syncs, but one possibility is simply:

    • Database A gets truncated at time X
    • Bucardo truncates database B, then discards all delta rows older than X for both A and B, and all delta rows for B
    • Everything after X gets processed as normal (conflict resolution, etc.)
    • The same thing for a truncate on database B (truncate A, discard all older rows).

    Second proposal:

    • Database A gets truncated at time X
    • We populate the delta table with every primary key in the table before truncation (assuming we can get at it)
    • That’s it! Bucardo does its normal thing as if we just deleted a whole bunch of rows on A, and in theory deletes them from B as well.

    Comments on this strategy welcome!

    Update: Clarified initdb cluster vs. database per comment #1 below, and added new truncation handling scheme for multi-master replication per comment #2.

    database open-source perl postgres bucardo
