Monday Reading Material
Just a few links from the past week that are worth checking out:
“Spices: the internet of the ancient world!” — Planet Money Podcast. Great storytelling about the ancient spice trade and how information about where certain spices came from eventually leaked out and popped the spice trading bubble/monopoly.
Enterprise software is entirely bereft of soul. Reading this reminded me of antifeatures and the competitive advantages of open source software.
Emulating Empathy. Nice summary of how interacting with users of software (customers) on a non-technical issues, or over high-level requirements, provokes creativity. Also, that good customer communication is a skill not an innate talent—meaning it can be taught and learned. :)
Interaxon. Other than the cute name, this is a fascinating company and concept based in Vancouver, BC. Thought controlled computing! Looking forward to seeing what comes out of their “Bright Ideas” exhibit during the Winter Olympics.