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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    On Linux, noatime includes nodiratime

    Jon Jensen

    By Jon Jensen
    February 9, 2010

    Note to performance-tweaking Linux sysadmins, pointed out to me by Selena Deckelmann: On Linux, the filesystem attribute noatime includes nodiratime, so there’s no need to say both “noatime,nodiratime” as I once did. (See this article on atime for details if you’re not familiar with it.)

    Apparently the nodiratime attribute was added later as a subset of noatime applying only to directories to still offer a bit of performance boost in situations where noatime on files would cause trouble (as with mutt and a few other applications that care about atimes).

    See also the related newer relatime attribute in the mount(8) manpage.

    hosting optimization tips
