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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    PostgreSQL at LinuxFest Northwest

    Selena Deckelmann

    By Selena Deckelmann
    April 23, 2010

    This is my third year driving up to Bellingham for LinuxFest Northwest, and I’m excited to be presenting two talks about PostgreSQL there. Adrian Klaver is one of the organizers of the conference, and has always been a huge supporter of PostgreSQL. He has gone out of his way to have a track of content about our favorite database.

    I’ll be presenting an introduction to Bucardo and co-hosting a talk about new features in version 9.0 of PostgreSQL with Gabrielle Roth.

    Talking about Bucardo and replication is always a blast. The last time I gave this talk to a packed house in Seattle, so I’m hoping for another lively discussion about the state of replication in PostgreSQL.

    conference postgres bucardo
