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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Thrillist Buys JackThreads

    Jon Jensen

    By Jon Jensen
    May 14, 2010

    We were excited to learn yesterday that “flash sale” site JackThreads was acquired by Thrillist. Congratulations!

    End Point has provided technical assistance for the members-only JackThreads store in numerous ways: provisioning hosting, setting up automated development environments, improving performance for scalability, integrating with third-party systems, and various development projects.

    Though the businesses and technology are completely unrelated, End Point has also helped develop and support the growth of Backcountry.com’s several trailblazing “one deal at a time” (ODAT) sites, starting with SteepandCheap.com.

    The “flash sale” business model is a lot of fun and opens up new opportunities for retail and technical innovation alike and we look forward to more work in this area.

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