Download Functionality for Rails Ecommerce
I recently had to build out downloadable product support for a client project running on Piggybak (a Ruby on Rails Ecommerce engine) with extensive use of RailsAdmin. Piggybak’s core functionality does not support downloadable products, but it was not difficult to extend. Here are some steps I went through to add this functionality. While the code examples apply specifically to a Ruby on Rails application using paperclip for managing attachments, the general steps here would apply across languages and frameworks.
Data Migration
Piggybak is a pluggable ecommerce engine. To make any models inside your application “sellable”, the class method acts_as_variant must be called for any class. This provides a nice flexibility in defining various sellable models throughout the application. Given that I will sell tracks in this example, my first step to supporting downloadable content is adding an is_downloadable boolean and attached file fields to the migration for a sellable item. The migration looks like this:
class CreateTracks < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :tracks do |t|
# a bunch of fields specific to tracks
t.boolean :is_downloadable, :nil => false, :default => false
t.string :downloadable_file_name
t.string :downloadable_content_type
t.string :downloadable_file_size
t.string :downloadable_updated_at
Class Definitions
Next, I update my class definition to make tracks sellable and hook in paperclip functionality:
class Track < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :downloadable,
:path => ":rails_root/downloads/:id/:basename.:extension",
:url => "downloads/:id/:basename.:extension"
The important thing to note here is that the attached downloadable files must not be stored in the public root. Why? Because we don’t want users to access the files via a URL through the public root. Downloadable files will be served via the send_file call, discussed below.
Piggybak’s order model has_many shipments. In the case of an order that contains only downloadables, shipments can be empty. To accomplish this, I extend the Piggybak::Cart model using ActiveSupport::Concern to check whether or not an order is downloadable, with the following instance method:
module CartDecorator
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module InstanceMethods
def is_downloadable?
items = self.items.collect { |li| li[:variant].item }
items.all? { |i| i.is_downloadable }
Piggybak::Cart.send(:include, CartDecorator)
If all of the cart items are downloadable, the order is considered downloadable and no shipment is generated for this order. With this cart method, I show the FREE! value on the checkout page under shipping methods.

Forcing Log In
The next step for adding downloadable support is to add code to enforce user log in. In this particular project, I assume that downloads are not included as attachments in files since the files may be extremely large. I add a has_downloadable method used to enforce log in:
module CartDecorator
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module InstanceMethods
def has_downloadable?
items = self.items.collect { |li| li[:variant].item }
items.any? { |i| i.is_downloadable }
Piggybak::Cart.send(:include, CartDecorator)
On the checkout page, a user is forced to log in if cart.has_downloadable?. After log in, the user bounces back to the checkout page.

Download List Page
After a user has purchased downloadable products, they’ll need a way to access these files. Next, I create a downloads page which lists orders and their downloads:
With a user instance method (current_user.downloads_by_order), the download index page iterates through orders with downloads to display orders and their downloads. The user method for generating orders and downloads shown here:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def downloads_by_order
self.piggybak_orders.inject([]) do |arr, order|
downloads = []
order.line_items.each do |line_item|
downloads << line_item.variant.item if line_item.variant.item.is_downloadable?
arr << {
:order => order,
:downloads => downloads
} if downloads.any?
The above method would be a good candidate for Rails low-level caching or alternative caching which should be cleared after user purchases to minimize download lookup.
Sending Files
As I mentioned above, download files should not be stored in the public directory for public access. From the download list page, the “Download Now” link maps to the following method in the downloads controller:
class DownloadsController < ApplicationController
def show
item = ProductType.find(params[:id])
if current_user.downloads.include?(item)
send_file "#{Rails.root}/#{item.downloadable.url(:default, false)}"
redirect_to(root_url, :notice => "You do not have access to this content.")
Note that there is additional verification here to check if the current user’s downloads includes the download requested. The .url(:default, false) bit hides paperclip’s cache buster (e.g. “?123456789”) from the url in order to send the file.
This straightforward code accomplished the major updates required for download support: storing and sending the file, enforcing login, and handling shipping. In some cases, download support functionality may be more advanced, but the elements described here make up the most basic building blocks.
If you are interested in this project, check out these related articles:
- Introducing Piggybak: A Mountable Ruby on Rails Ecommerce Engine
- ActiveRecord Callbacks for Order Processing in Ecommerce Applications
- Importing into RailsAdmin: Part 1
- Importing into RailsAdmin: Part 2