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Puppet custom facts and Ruby plugins to set a homedir

Greg Sabino Mullane

By Greg Sabino Mullane
March 21, 2012

Photo of Swedish Chef by A. M. Kuchling

Puppet is an indispensable tool for system admins, but it can be tricky at times to make it work the way you need it to. One such problem one of our clients had recently was that they needed to track a file inside a user’s home directory via Puppet (a common event). However, for various reasons the user’s home directory was not the same on all the servers! As Puppet uses hard-coded paths to track files, this required the use of a custom Puppet “fact” and a helper Ruby script plugin to solve.

Normally, you can use Puppet to track a file by simply adding a file resource section to a puppet manifest. For example, we might control such a file inside a manifest named “foobar” by writing the file puppet/modules/foobar/init.pp as so:

class foobar {

  user {
      ensure     => present,
      managehome => true;

  file {
      ensure      => present,
      owner       => postgres,
      group       => postgres,
      mode        => 644,
      source      => [
      require     => User["postgres"];

This is a bare-bones example (the actual username and file were different), but gets the idea across. While we want to ensure that the postgres user has the correct .psqlrc file, we also need to make sure that the postgres user itself exists. Hence the user section at the top of the script. This will ask puppet to create that user if it does not already exist. We also added the “managehome” parameter, to ensure that the new user also has a home directory. If this parameter is false (or missing), puppet runs a plain useradd command (or its equivalent); if the parameter is true, it adds the -m or –create-home argument, which is what we need, as we need to monitor a file in that directory.

As there is no point in trying to manage the .psqlrc file before the user is created, we make the User creation check a pre-requisite via the “require” parameter; basically, this helps puppet determine the order in which it runs things (using a directed acyclic graph, a feature that should be familiar to git fans).

The file resource in this manifest, named “/home/postgres/.psqlrc”, ensures that the file exists and matches the version stored in puppet. Most of the parameters are straightforward, but the source is not quite as intuitive. Here, rather than giving a simple string as the value for the parameter source, we give it an array of strings. Puppet will walk through the list until it finds the first one that exists, and use that for the actual file to use as /home/postgres/.psqlrc on each box using this manifest. This allows us to have different versions of the .psqlrc file for different arbitrary classes of boxes, but without having to write a separate manifest for each one. Instead, they all use the same manifest and simply change the $pg_environment variable, usually at the puppet “role” level.

The syntax puppet:///foobar/ is a way of telling puppet that the file is underneath the main puppet directory, inside the “foobar” directory, and in a subdirectory called “files”. The level above “files” is where one would create different subdirectories based on $pg_environment, so your module might look like this:

         │     └─init.pp
              │     └─psqlrc

In the above, we have three versions of the psqlrc file stored: one for boxes with a $pg_environment of “production”, one for a $pg_environment of “development”, and a default one for boxes that do not have $pg_environment set (or whose $pg_environment string does not have a matching subdirectory).

All well and good, but the problem comes when the user in question already exists on more than one server, and has a different home directory depending on the server! We can no longer say “/home/postgres/.psqlrc”, because on some boxes, what we really want is “/var/lib/pgsql/.psqlrc”. There are a couple of wrinkles that prevent us from simply saying something like “$HOME/.psqlrc”.

The first wrinkle is that Puppet runs as root, and what we need here is the $HOME of the postgres user, not root. The second wrinkle is that, even if we were to come up with a clever way to figure it out (say, by parsing /etc/passwd with an exec resource), we cannot add run-time code to our manifest and have it get stored into a variable. The reason is that the first thing Puppet does on a client is compiles all the manifests into a static catalog, that is then applied. Which introduces another wrinkle: even if we were to somehow know this information beforehand, what about the case where the user does not exist? We can ask puppet to create the user, but it is way, way too late in the game at that point to apply the location of the new home directory into our manifest.

We stated that the first thing puppet does is compile a catalog, but that’s not strictly true: it actually walks through the manifests and does a few other things as well, including executing any plugins. We can use this fact to create a custom fact for each client server—​this new fact will contain the location of the home directory for the postgres user on that server.

There’s a few steps to get it all working. The first thing to know is that puppet provides a number of “facts” that get stored as simple key/value pairs, and these are available as variables you can use inside of your manifests. For example, you can put PostGIS on any of your hosts that contain the string “gis” somewhere in their hostname by saying:

  if $::hostname =~ /gis/ {
    package {
        ensure => latest;

This list of facts can be expanded by the use of “custom facts”, which basically means we add our own variables that we can access in our manifests. In this particular case, we are going to create a variable named “$postgres_homedir”, which we can then utilize in our manifest.

A custom fact is created by a Ruby function: this function should be in its own file, located in the “lib/facter” directory of the relevant module. So in our case, we will create a small ruby file named “postgres_homedir.rb” and stick it here:

         │  └─facter/
         │       └─postgres_homedir.rb
         │     └─init.pp
              │     └─psqlrc

The function itself follows a fairly standard format: The only unique parts are the actual system calls and the name of the variable:

# postgres_homedir.rb

Facter.add("postgres_homedir") do
  setcode do
    system('useradd -m postgres 2>/dev/null')
    Facter::Util::Resolution.exec('/bin/grep "^postgres:" /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f6').chomp

Since we’ve already shown how having Puppet create the user happens way too late in the game, and because we know that the foobar module always needs that user to exist, we’ve moved the user creation to a simple system call in this Ruby script. The -m makes sure that a home directory is created, and then the next line extracts the home directory and stores it in the global puppet variable $postgres_homedir. The ‘useradd’ line feels the least clean of all of this, and alternatives are welcome, but having the system do a ‘useradd’ and returning a (silenced) error each time the puppet client is run seems a fairly small price to pay for having this all work (and shorter than checking for existence, doing a conditional, etc).

Now that we have a way of knowing what the home directory of the postgres user will be before the manifest is compiled into a catalog, we can rewrite puppet/foobar/manifests/init.pp like so:

class foobar {

  file {

      path        => "${::postgres_homedir}/.psqlrc",
      ensure      => present,
      owner       => postgres,
      group       => postgres,
      mode        => 644,
      source      => [

Voila! We no longer have to worry about the user existing, because we have already done that in the Ruby script. We also no longer have to worry about what the home directory is set to, for we have a handy top-level variable we can use. Note the use of the :: to indicate this is in the root namespace; Puppet variables have a scope and a name, such as $alpha::bravo.

Rather than leave the title of this resource as the “path” (most puppet resources have sane defaults like that), we have explicitly set the path, as having a variable in the resource title is ugly and can make referring to it elsewhere very tricky. We also changed the on-disk copy of .psqlrc to psqlrc: while normally the files are the same, there is no reason to keep it as a “hidden” file inside the puppet repo.

Let’s take a look at this module in action. We’ll manually run puppetd on one of our clients, using the handy –test argument, which expands to –onetime –verbose –ignorecache –no-daemonize –no-usecacheonfailure. Notice how our plugins are retrieved and loaded before the catalog is built, and that our postgres user now has the file in question:

$ puppetd --test
info: Retrieving plugin
notice: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/postgres_homedir.rb]/ensure: 
  content changed '{md5}0642408678c90dced5c3e34dc40c3415'
    to '{md5}0642408678c90dced5c3e34dc40c3415'
info: Loading downloaded plugin /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/postgres_homedir.rb
info: Caching catalog for somehost.example.com
info: Applying configuration version '1332065118'
notice: //foobar/File[postgres_psqlrc]/ensure: content changed 
    to '{md5}08731a768885aa295d3f0856748f31d5'
            Total: 1
          Applied: 1
      Out of sync: 1
        Scheduled: 195
            Total: 179
 Config retrieval: 1.63
             Exec: 0.00
             File: 6.28
       Filebucket: 0.00
            Group: 0.00
        Mailalias: 0.00
          Package: 0.13
         Schedule: 0.00
          Service: 0.51
             User: 0.01
            Total: 8.56
notice: Finished catalog run in 13.26 seconds

So we were able to solve out original problem via the use of custom facts, a Ruby plugin, and some minor changes to our manifest. While you don’t have to go through all of this effort often, it’s nice that Puppet is flexible enough to allow you do so!

automation ruby sysadmin
