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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    UTOSC 2012 talks of interest

    Jon Jensen

    By Jon Jensen
    May 18, 2012

    It’s been two weeks now since the Utah Open Source Conference for 2012. My fellow End Pointers wrote previously about it: Josh Ausborne about the mini Liquid Galaxy we set up there for everyone to play with, and Josh Tolley with a write-up of his talks on database constraints and KML for geographic mapping markup.

    There were a lot of interesting talks planned, and I could only attend some of them. I really enjoyed these:

    • Rob Taylor on AngularJS

    • Brandon Johnson on Red Hat’s virtualization with oVirt, Spacewalk, Katello, and Aeolus

    • Clint Savage about RPM packaging with Mock & Koji

    • Daniel Evans on testing web applications with Capybara, embedded WebKit, and Selenium (which End Pointer Mike Farmer wrote about here back in December)

    • Aaron Toponce on breaking full-disk encryption (I missed this talk, but learned about it from Aaron in the hallway track and his slides afterwards)

    • Matt Harrison’s tutorial Hands-on intermediate Python, covering doctest, function parameters and introspection, closures, function and class decorators, and more.

    I gave a talk on GNU Screen vs. tmux, which was fun (and ends with a live demo that predictably fell apart, and audience questions that you can’t hear on the recording). Here’s the video:

    Follow this Direct YouTube link in case the embedded version doesn’t work for you. And here are the presentation slides.

    I have a bit more to cover from the conference later!

    browsers conference javascript python redhat security sysadmin virtualization
