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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    2012 company meeting in New York City

    Jon Jensen

    By Jon Jensen
    June 11, 2012

    All of us at End Point will have a change of pace this week. We are spread out in different locations around the world, so we don’t get to see everyone face to face as often as we’d like. This week we’re meeting up at our main office in New York City to spend three days in person, sharing knowledge and experiences with each other.

    We’re looking forward to hearing from each other on a wide range of topics reflecting both the scope and depth of work we do:

    • Recent major ecommerce projects including ground-up rebuilds, legacy system integrations, new payment processing options, and feature enhancements
    • Liquid Galaxy deployments, logistics, hardware improvements, and custom tours
    • Development process topics around workflow, version control, and testing
    • Operations (and “DevOps”) topics including configuration management with Chef and Puppet, and monitoring with Nagios
    • The Piggybak Rails ecommerce gem
    • User experience in projects using RailsAdmin, Django, and jQuery
    • Database and web application security
    • Transitioning ecommerce architecture to modern browsers and mobile apps using web services
    • And social events ranging from a little friendly technical competition to bowling to a picnic in Central Park

    It’ll be a busy week! By the time it’s over I expect that we’ll be tired, but return to our regular work enlightened and reinvigorated.

    If you’re interested in any of these areas, keep an eye on our blog via our RSS feed or follow us on Twitter. We plan to share some of what we learn here.

    company conference
