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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    End Point’s Ruby Slippers

    Kiel Christofferson

    By Kiel Christofferson
    June 13, 2012

    The next presentation of the day was Brian Dillon’s, entitled “End Point’s Ruby Slippers”.


    Even as a relatively new End Point employee (3 months now), Brian has been assisting the growth of End Point in pursuit of sales and marketing. Brian started out by letting his fellow employees know that he finds himself very fortunate to have such a gold mine of unsung talent, expertise, and marketable skill at his disposal. Tortured with the thought of not fully representing that talent, Brian has been boiling a pot of ideas that might help him tell the world who End Point is and what we really do in an accurate and concise way.

    After reading aloud each employee’s “one sentence” (written upon note cards) attempting to describe End Point, Brian took us all through a little bit of company history he had dug up from the archives. We received an overview of what End Point has done since 1995. A pattern emerged; End Point is not afraid to take interesting chances. End Point is not afraid to venture into the unusual projects that result from discussion between innovative minds. End Point is not afraid to increase the breadth of their knowledge while sharing that knowledge internally in order to increase depth of knowledge. End Point is not afraid to fail, learn from those failures, and apply the compiled knowledge to brilliantly successful projects.

    Every employee has something to offer, and End Point uses the employee threads to create their powerful tapestry. Despite our distributed work environment, despite our personal differences, we combine effectively to solve all manner of problems. We take our potential for failure and we embrace it together to grow.

    Brian wrapped up by identifying a few things we can each do to work together more coherently and efficiently—​but that’s our secret.

