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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Liquid Galaxy NYC Annual Meeting

    Steph Skardal

    By Steph Skardal
    June 13, 2012

    I’m here in NYC for End Point’s annual company meeting and I’m kicking off our live blogging! We hope to blog about several of the sessions during and throughout the company meeting to give you an idea of what we are sharing at the company meeting.


    This first session is titled Liquid Galaxy past, present, and future. given by Ben. Liquid Galaxy is an immersive 360° Google Earth experience that has been leveraged for custom tours, GIS data, 3D models, and even video games. Here are a few of the things that Ben covered during his talk:

    • past: Liquid Galaxy was created in 2009 as a Google 20% project and initially meant for enhancing Google Street View. With a few initial features, it picked up some momentum. Jason asked End Point if they would be interested in supporting Liquid Galaxy and Ben attended a conference to check it out. From there, End Point’s invested time and energy to build out the Liquid Galaxy side of the business and learned several valuable lessons during the initial installations. These lessons yielded improved technology for improved maintenance and support.
    • present: The system is easier to deploy and has new features, such as a Google Earth tools, utilities for data display, panoramic video camera, and a near bezel-less display.
    • future: In the future, Liquid Galaxy holds promise for panoramic video and photography, gaming, adding input devices, improving performance and support, and increasing the number of deployments. The Liquid Galaxy team at End Point continues to grow!

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