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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Piggybak Dependency & Demo Updates

    Steph Skardal

    By Steph Skardal
    November 21, 2013

    Things have been quiet on the Piggybak front lately, but we recently upgraded the demo to Ruby 2.0.0 via rbenv, Rails 3.2.15, and Postgres 9.3. The Piggybak demo runs on Debian 7 with nginx and Unicorn. The upgrade went fairly smoothly, with the exception of jQuery related issues, described below.

    As of jQuery 1.7, the live() method is deprecated, replaced with the on() method. As of jQuery 1.10., the live() method no longer exists. The previous version of Rails that was used on the demo, Rails 3.2.12, required the jquery-rails gem version which included an older version of jQuery. Upon upgrading to Rails 3.2.15, the attached jquery-rails gem now includes jQuery 1.10., resulting in the live() method no longer existing. As a result, several of the dependencies needed to be updated to accomodate this change (Rails_admin, the Piggybak Coupon gem, and the Piggybak Gift Cert gem, jQuery Nivo Slider).

    What’s next for Piggybak? Our future plans include an upgrade to support Rails 4.0. Additional features described on our last Roadmap Update include advanced taxonomy, reviews & ratings, saved cart, wishlist functionality, and saved address support. Piggybak continues to be a great mountable ecommerce solution for Ruby on Rails, but End Point has a great deal of experience with other popular Ruby on Rails ecommerce platforms as well.

    ecommerce piggybak ruby rails
