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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    An update to the email_verifier gem has been released

    Kamil Ciemniewski

    By Kamil Ciemniewski
    December 4, 2013

    I have just released a newer version of the email_verifier gem. It now supports Rails localization out of the box.

    If you are one of gem’s users—​you can safely update your Bundles!

    With this release, the project has also gained its first contributors. Some time ago, one of gem’s users—​Franscesco Gnarra has asked me about a possibility of having validation messages localized. While I was planning to do it myself—​Francesco took an action and contributed to the project himself.

    The project also received a pull request from another Rails developer—​Maciej Walusiak. His commit provided a way to handle Dnsruby::NXDomain exceptions.

    It’s great to see that our work is helpful for others. If you’d like to contribute yourself—​I invite you to do so.

    Email verifier at GitHub: https://github.com/kamilc/email_verifier

    email open-source ruby rails
