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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Converting JSON to PostgreSQL values, simply

    Szymon Lipiński

    By Szymon Lipiński
    February 29, 2016

    In the previous post I showed a simple PostgreSQL table for storing JSON data. Let’s talk about making the JSON data easier to use.

    One of the requirements was to store the JSON from the files unchanged. However using the JSON operators for deep attributes is a little bit unpleasant. In the example JSON there is attribute country inside metadata. To access this field, we need to write:

    SELECT data->'metadata'->>'country' FROM stats_data;

    The native SQL version would rather look like:

    SELECT country FROM stats;

    So let’s do something to be able to write the queries like this. We need to repack the data to have the nice SQL types, and hide all the nested JSON operators.

    I’ve made a simple view for this:

    CREATE VIEW stats AS
      id                                                    AS id,
      created_at                                            AS created_at,
      to_timestamp((data->>'start_ts')::double precision)   AS start_ts,
      to_timestamp((data->>'end_ts')::double precision)     AS end_ts,
        to_timestamp((data->>'start_ts')::double precision),
        to_timestamp((data->>'end_ts')::double precision)
      )                                                     AS ts_range,
      ( SELECT array_agg(x)::INTEGER[]
        FROM jsonb_array_elements_text(data->'resets') x)   AS resets,
      (data->'sessions')                                    AS sessions,
      (data->'metadata'->>'country')                        AS country,
      (data->'metadata'->>'installation')                   AS installation,
      (data->>'status')                                     AS status
    FROM stats_data;

    This is a normal view, which means that it is only a query stored in the database. Each time the view is queried, the data must be taken from the stats_data table.

    There is some code I could extract to separate functions. This will be useful in the future, and the view sql should be cleaner.

    Here are my new functions:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION to_array(j jsonb) RETURNS integer[] AS $$
      SELECT array_agg(x)::INTEGER[] FROM jsonb_array_elements_text(j) x;
    LANGUAGE sql
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION to_timestamp(j jsonb) RETURNS timestamptz AS $$
      SELECT to_timestamp(j::text::double precision);
    LANGUAGE sql
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION to_timestamp_range(start_ts jsonb, end_ts jsonb) RETURNS tstzrange AS $$
      SELECT tstzrange(
        to_timestamp(start_ts::text::double precision),
        to_timestamp(end_ts::text::double precision)
    LANGUAGE sql

    And now the view can be changed to this:

    CREATE VIEW stats AS
      id                                                   AS id,
      created_at                                           AS created_at,
      to_timestamp(data->'start_ts')                       AS start_ts,
      to_timestamp(data->'end_ts'  )                       AS end_ts,
      to_timestamp_range(data->'start_ts', data->'end_ts') AS ts_range,
      to_array(data->'resets')                             AS resets,
      (data->'sessions')                                   AS sessions,
      (data->'metadata'->>'country')                       AS country,
      (data->'metadata'->>'installation')                  AS installation,
      (data->>'status')                                    AS status
    FROM stats_data;

    So currently we have normal SQL fields, except for the sessions part, which is there as JSON for a purpose.

    The types made by PostgreSQL are:

                     View "public.stats"
        Column               Type            Modifiers
     id            integer                  
     created_at    timestamp with time zone 
     start_ts      timestamp with time zone 
     end_ts        timestamp with time zone 
     ts_range      tstzrange                
     resets        integer[]                
     sessions      jsonb                    
     country       text                     
     installation  text                     
     status        text                     

    The data from this view looks like this:

    SELECT * FROM stats WHERE id = 1;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------
    id           | 1
    created_at   | 2016-02-09 16:46:15.369802+01
    start_ts     | 2015-08-03 21:10:33+02
    end_ts       | 2015-08-03 21:40:33+02
    ts_range     | ["2015-08-03 21:10:33+02","2015-08-03 21:40:33+02")
    resets       | \N
    sessions     | [{"end_ts": 1438629089, "start_ts": 1438629058, "application": "first"},
                    {"end_ts": 1438629143, "start_ts": 1438629123, "application": "second"},
                    {"end_ts": 1438629476, "start_ts": 1438629236, "application": "third"}]
    country      | USA
    installation | FIRST
    status       | on

    The last part left is to extract information about the sessions. To make the reports simpler, I’ve extracted the sessions list into another view. However, because the operation of extracting the data is more expensive, I made it as a MATERIALIZED VIEW. This means that this view not only stores the query, but also keeps all the view data. This also means that this view is not updated automatically when the stats_data changes. I refresh the view data automatically in a script which loads the JSON files.

    The sessions view looks like this:

      id                                                      AS id,
      country                                                 AS country,
      installation                                            AS installation,
      s->>'application'                                       AS appname,
      to_timestamp_range(s->'start_ts', s->'end_ts')          AS ts_range,
      COALESCE(bool(s->>'occupancy_triggered'), false)        AS occupancy_triggered,
      to_timestamp(s->'end_ts') - to_timestamp(s->'start_ts') AS session_length
    FROM stats, jsonb_array_elements(sessions) s;
    CREATE INDEX i_sessions_country  ON sessions (country);
    CREATE INDEX i_sessions_retailer ON sessions (installation);
    CREATE INDEX i_sessions_ts_range ON sessions USING GIST (ts_range);

    I’ve also created indexes on the materialized view, as my report queries will contain the where clause like:

    WHERE country='' and installation='' and ts_range && tstzrange(fromdate, todate)

    An example data extracted from the JSON looks like this:

    select * from sessions;
    id | country | installation | appname |                      ts_range                       | occupancy_triggered | session_length
     1 | USA     | FIRST        | first   | ["2015-08-03 21:10:58+02","2015-08-03 21:11:29+02") | f                   | 00:00:31
     1 | USA     | FIRST        | second  | ["2015-08-03 21:12:03+02","2015-08-03 21:12:23+02") | f                   | 00:00:20
     1 | USA     | FIRST        | third   | ["2015-08-03 21:13:56+02","2015-08-03 21:17:56+02") | f                   | 00:04:00
    (3 rows)

    In the next part I will show how to load the same JSON files multiple times, without any errors in a very simple Python script.

