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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Cybergenetics Helps Free Innocent Man

    We all love a good ending. I was happy to hear that one of End Point’s clients, Cybergenetics, was involved in a case this week to free a falsely imprisoned man, Darryl Pinkins.

    Darryl was convicted of a crime in Indiana in 1991. In 1995 Pinkins sought the help of the Innocence Project. His attorney Frances Watson and her students turned to Cybergenetics and their DNA interpretation technology called TrueAllele® Casework. The TrueAllele DNA identification results exonerated Pinkins. The Indiana Court of Appeals dropped all charges against Pinkins earlier this week and he walked out of jail a free man after fighting for 24 years to clear his name.

    TrueAllele can separate out the people who contributed their DNA to a mixed DNA evidence sample. It then compares the separated out DNA identification information to other reference or evidence samples to see if there is a DNA match.

    End Point has worked with Cybergenetics since 2003 and consults with them on security, database infrastructure, and website hosting. We congratulate Cybergenetics on their success in being part of the happy ending for Darryl Pinkins and his family!

    More of the story is available at Cybergenetics’ Newsroom or the Chicago Tribune.

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