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Liquid Galaxy for Hyundai Card Travel Library

Dave Jenkins

By Dave Jenkins
June 10, 2016

image courtesy of retaildesignblog

End Point and AZero, a South Korean system integrator, have partnered to deploy a 10-screen Liquid Galaxy to the newly-opened Hyundai Card Travel Library in Seoul, South Korea. This project presented a number of unique challenges for our teams, but we have launched successfully, to the great satisfaction of AZero’s client.

The Hyundai Card Travel Library is an incredible space: wall-to-wall maple bookshelves hold travel brochures, photo books, and other travel-related material. The Liquid Galaxy displays itself sits in a small alcove off the main library space. Being fully enclosed, viewers can control the lighting and get a full immersion experience through the two rows of five 47" screens arrayed in an wall-mounted semi-circle arc. The viewer can control the screens via the podium-mounted touchscreen and SpaceNav mouse controller.

We solved several technical challenges for this deployment: the extremely tight space made cabling and display configuration tricky. Also, this isn’t a “standard” 7-screen single row deployment, but rather two rows of 5 screens each. Working with AZero, End Point reconfigured the Liquid Galaxy display configurations to account for this unique layout. NOTE: the Liquid Galaxy scales quite easily, and can be arrayed in any number of configurations. Other recent deployments include a 40-screen control room, with 10 columns of 4 screens each!

Intended as a travel planning platform, Hyundai provided a number of set tours to showcase on the Liquid Galaxy, such as “The Orient Express”, “Rio!”, or “European Capitals”. Each tour shows an overview map as a graphic overlay, while the Liquid Galaxy hops from each destination on the route to the next within Google Earth. At each location, the potential traveler can drop into Google Street View and see the fully panoramic images of street scenes in Paris or the top of Sugarloaf Mountain in Brazil. This should allow potential travelers to virtually experience the tour locations, and make more informed decisions about which trip might suit their tastes. Beyond that, it’s a pretty cool way to view the planet inside a travel library.

visionport travel
