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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Reach customers and drive sales with MailChimp

    Josh Lavin

    By Josh Lavin
    August 22, 2016

    It’s a good idea for ecommerce stores to regularly contact their customers. This not only reminds customers that your business exists, but also allows the sharing of new products and resources that can enrich the lives of your customers and clients. One of the easiest ways to stay in touch is by using an email newsletter service, such as MailChimp.

    <img alt="" border="0" height="200" src="/blog/2016/08/reach-customers-and-drive-sales-with/image-0.png" title="Freddie, the MailChimp mascot" width="191"/>

    MailChimp offers the regular suite of email newsletter services: lists, campaigns, and reports—​but in addition, they allow an ecommerce store to integrate sales data back into MailChimp. When you have detailed shopping statistics for each subscriber, it opens new possibilities for customized marketing campaigns.

    Endless possibilities

    For example, imagine you have an email mailing list with 1,000 recipients. Instead of mailing the same generic newsletter to each subscriber, what if you could segment the list to identify your 100 best customers, and email them a special campaign?

    Additional ideas could include:

    • Reach out to inactive subscribers, offering a coupon
    • Invite your best customers to a secret sale
    • Re-engage customers who placed items in their cart, but left without purchasing
    • Offer complementary products to purchasers of Product X

    Automatic marketing

    Once your store has sales data for subscribers, and you’ve decided on the campaigns you want to run with this data, the next step is to automate the process. This is where MailChimp’s Automation feature comes in. Spend some time up-front to craft the automated campaigns, then sit back and let MailChimp run them for you; day in, day out.

    Steps to implement

    There are several off-the-shelf integrations for ecommerce stores, including Magento and BigCommerce.

    Users of Perl and Interchange can use our newly-released toolsets of the Mail::Chimp3 CPAN module and the integration for Interchange5.

    Contact us today for expert help integrating one of these solutions with your ecommerce store.

    Go beyond the simple newsletter

    Most businesses already have an email newsletter. Hopefully, you are sending regular email campaigns with it. This is a great first step. Going beyond this to segment your email list and reach out to these segments with relevant information to each of them, is the next step. Not only can this increase your sales, but it also respects your clients’ and customers’ time and preferences. It’s a win-win for all.

    Additional resource: MailChimp for Online Sellers

    ecommerce email interchange perl magento
