King Arthur Flour Recipes

We have been pleased to have King Arthur Flour (renamed King Arthur Baking in 2020) as a client for a few years. A year or so ago I started using some of their recipes, and their website has since become my go-to source for good baking recipes. I have used their flours a few times, but I am going to focus on their recipes in this post.
They have a ton of recipes. There are upwards of 30 recipes for different kinds of brownies alone. These include gluten free, fudge, raspberry, mint, you name it. The vast majority of recipes I’ve seen have at least a 4 star rating from the public. The recipes are organized into 9 major categories, which makes it easy to browse through recipes quickly.

Their customer service is amazing. Most recipes have several comments on them, and some have up to several hundred. Even with this many comments, if you leave criticism of the recipe, a KAF staff member will almost always answer with suggestions to make it work better. They also have a toll-free baker’s hotline, where you can call or email them with any baking questions, whether or not it’s related to their products!

I have used several of their recipes, including a few different pizza doughs, brownies, and scones. Some recipes have had great tips I hadn’t seen before. For example, their recipe for scones has you freeze them before baking, which allows them to rise much higher. We’ve since used this in other biscuit recipes.
They also have a tips section on recipes, which suggest using different flours, adding ingredients, etc. for more variations on flavor and texture, including gluten-free or dairy-free alternatives.
Overall, my experience with their recipes has been great, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a good baking site. Take a look for yourself!