VISGRAF and the Moreira Salles Institute to Collaborate Using Liquid Galaxy

In 2017, End Point donated a Liquid Galaxy to The Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) in Rio De Janeiro. The Institute is home to VISGRAF, a laboratory specializing in computer graphics research, including AR, VR, visualization, and computer vision.
IMPA recently formed a partnership with a leading Brazilian cultural institution, the Moreira Salles Institute (IMS). The IMS stewards a vast collection of culturally important Brazilian photography, music, literature, and art. IMS moved to collaborate with IMPA because of its core mission of promoting broad access to these historically valuable artifacts.
The head of VISGRAF, Professor Luiz Velho, views the partnership as a way of empowering Brazilian culture. “The IMS collection is invaluable, and we can do unprecedented things with it,” he said in a press release. Researchers from IMPA are working to geolocate the photos, analyze them with computer vision, improve their resolution, and enable immersive engagement with them on the Liquid Galaxy.
Professor Velho has co-authored an interesting working paper with Julia Giannella of IMPA discussing how IMPA and IMS can take advantage of the Liquid Galaxy. The paper goes into detail on how our Content Management System (CMS) can enable curators and researchers to present the IMS’ collection in novel ways. It also describes the physical setup of the Liquid Galaxy at IMS, and discusses how applications enabled for the Liquid Galaxy, like Panotour and Sketchfab, will contribute to the partnership’s work.
We are supporting their Liquid Galaxy use and look forward to our continued collaboration with this talented team of researchers.