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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Using CTEs to do a binary search of large tables with non-indexed correlated data

    David Christensen

    By David Christensen
    October 2, 2020

    Horses racing, accompanied by jockeys Photo by Colin Knowles, used under CC BY-SA 2.0.

    Query optimization can take different forms depending on the data represented and the required needs. In a recent case, we had a large table that we had to query for some non-indexed criteria. This table was on an appliance that we were unable to modify, so we had to find a way to query efficiently without indexes that would have made it easier.

    The straightforward approach for this query was something along these lines:

    SELECT accounts.*
    FROM accounts
    JOIN logs
        ON accounts.id = logs.account_id
        logs.created_at BETWEEN $1 - 'interval 1 minute' AND $1 + 'interval 1 minute' AND
        logs.field1 = $2 AND
        logs.field2 = $3

    Unfortunately, none of the fields involved in this query were indexed, nor could they be, due to our access level on this database system. This lack of indexes means that our query against those fields would end up doing a sequential scan of the whole table which made things unacceptably slow. This specific table held time-series data with ~ 100k records per 1 minute period over a period of several weeks, which meant we were dealing with a lot of data.

    While we could not create any additional indexes to help us with this query, we could use some specific properties to help us:

    1. There was a primary key field, id, which was unique and monotonic, i.e., always increasing in value.

    2. This table was append only; no updates or deletes, so once data existed in the table it was always the same.

    3. The field we actually care about (created_at) also ends up being monotonic: subsequent records would always have the same or later values.

    4. Since records were created sequentially and the id field was always increasing, id values and created_at fields would be together be generally monotonic; this means there is an indexed field which we can use as a surrogate stand-in for the target field that we want to treat as an index. While due to the nature of logging ingest it is possible the created_at and id values are not strictly monotonic (for instance if there are multiple logging records being created by separate ingest processes, of which ids get assigned in chunks), for our purposes this was close enough, since we were looking around in a time window which was wider than we were actually expecting the message to appear.

    5. Since we are looking for fields matching a specific window of time, we can substitute the non-indexed clause created_at BETWEEN <timestamp_min> AND <timestamp_max> with an expression matching the indexed statement id BETWEEN <id of first id gt timestamp_min> AND <id of first id gt timestamp_max> to get the same effective approach.

    6. In order to find the specific id fields which match the created_at time ranges we are interested in, we would need to find the first id value which matched the criteria created_at > 'timestamp'::timestamp, as all subsequent id values would match that condition as well. This would effectively require a binary search of the table to check which records match the criteria, and return the smallest id value for which this criteria held.

    So now that we have identified how we can use an indexed surrogate key to substitute for the non-indexed expression, we need to figure out how to calculate the ranges in question.

    Based on some recent discoveries about optimizing simple-looking but poorly-performing queries using more complicated queries1, I had instincts that this could be solved with a WITH RECURSIVE Common Table Expression. After toying around for a while and not coming up with the exact solution, I ended up visiting the #postgresql channel on FreeNode IRC Network. There, I presented the problem and got some interested responses, as this is the exact kind of question that database nerds experts love2. The solution that user xocolatl (Vik Fearing) came up with for a basic binary search is the basis for the rest of my solution:

    CREATE TABLE test_table (id integer PRIMARY KEY, ts timestamptz);
    INSERT INTO test_table
    SELECT g, date 'today' + interval '1s' * g
    FROM generate_series(1, 1000000) AS g;
    search (min, max, middle, level) AS (
        SELECT min(id), max(id), (min(id)+max(id))/2, 0
        FROM test_table
            UNION ALL
        SELECT v.min, v.max, (v.min + v.max)/2, s.level+1
        FROM search AS s
            SELECT *
            FROM test_table AS e
            WHERE e.id >= s.middle
            ORDER BY e.id
        ) AS e
            CASE WHEN e.ts < now() THEN e.id ELSE s.min END,
            CASE WHEN e.ts < now() THEN s.max ELSE e.id END
        )) AS v (min, max)
        WHERE (v.min + v.max)/2 NOT IN (v.min, v.max)
    SELECT *
    FROM search AS s
    JOIN test_table AS e ON e.id = s.middle
    ORDER BY s.level DESC

    As expected, the solution involved a WITH RECURSIVE CTE.

    The basic explanation here is that the search expression first starts with the min, max, and middle (mean) values of id for the table (the initialization expression), then iteratively adds additional rows to the results depending on if the table row with id >= middle matches our specific test criteria, then continues until one of the boundaries of the region is hit. (Since we are using integer division in our terminal expression (v.min + v.max)/2 NOT IN (v.min, v.max) we are guaranteed to hit one of the boundary conditions eventually in our search.)

    A few other things worthy of note:

    1. This approach uses the check e.ts < now() as the condition we are testing, which means in this specific example, the answer to this “closest id” query would actually change depend on when you run this query relative to when the initial test data was populated. However, we can replace that condition with whatever condition we want to use to test for our surrogate non-indexed data.

    2. This approach will work whether or not there are gaps in the sequence. In order to properly handle gaps, we are selecting the first row with id >= middle ... FETCH FIRST ROW ONLY rather than just selecting id = middle, which you could do in a gapless sequence.

    3. In addition to not caring about gaps, we are also not trying to make sure this is using a balanced binary search; it would be not worth the computing effort to find the middlest existing row in an index, as we’d need to know the number of rows in the segment we’re searching. Since in PostgreSQL this would entail a COUNT(*) from a subselect, this would be quite slow and not worth the trouble.

    Considering my specific use case was trying to limit the records considered based on two created_at values I needed to calculate a search_min and search_max to find the start/end ids for each side in the interval.

    Given this, I just modified the CTE to calculate those and add the additional conditions we were wanting to consider. I also had to turn the result query from a join against the found id value to a range; the final query is as follows:

    search_min (min, max, middle, level) AS (
        SELECT min(id), max(id), (min(id)+max(id))/2, 0
        FROM logs
            UNION ALL
        SELECT v.min, v.max, (v.min + v.max)/2, s.level+1
        FROM search_min AS s
            SELECT *
            FROM logs AS e
            WHERE e.id >= s.middle
            ORDER BY e.id
        ) AS e
            CASE WHEN extract(epoch FROM e.created_at)::integer < $1 THEN e.id ELSE s.min END,
            CASE WHEN extract(epoch FROM e.created_at)::integer < $1 THEN s.max ELSE e.id END
        )) AS v (min, max)
        WHERE (v.min + v.max)/2 NOT IN (v.min, v.max)
    search_max (min, max, middle, level) AS (
        SELECT min(id), max(id), (min(id)+max(id))/2, 0
        FROM logs
            UNION ALL
        SELECT v.min, v.max, (v.min + v.max)/2, s.level+1
        FROM search_max AS s
            SELECT *
            FROM logs AS e
            WHERE e.id >= s.middle
            ORDER BY e.id
        ) AS e
            CASE WHEN extract(epoch FROM e.created_at)::integer < $2 THEN e.id ELSE s.min END,
            CASE WHEN extract(epoch FROM e.created_at)::integer < $2 THEN s.max ELSE e.id END
        )) AS v (min, max)
        WHERE (v.min + v.max)/2 NOT IN (v.min, v.max)
    SELECT accounts.*
    FROM accounts
    JOIN logs
        ON logs.account_id = accounts.id
        logs.field1 = $3 AND
        logs.field2 = $4 AND
        logs.id >= (SELECT middle FROM search_min ORDER BY level DESC FETCH FIRST ROW ONLY) AND
        logs.id <= (SELECT middle FROM search_max ORDER BY level DESC FETCH FIRST ROW ONLY)
    ORDER BY logs.id

    The final results were drastically improved. The initial query went from timing out in the webservice in question to returning results in a fraction of a second. Clearly this technique, while not as useful as directly indexing data we care about, can come in handy in some circumstances.

    Another tool for the toolbag!

    1 (back): Improving max() performance in PostgreSQL: GROUP BY vs. CTE

    2 (back): See nerdsniping

    postgres database sql
