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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Interchange 3rd Party Tax Support

    Mark Johnson

    By Mark Johnson
    March 21, 2023

    Looking across a lake, a mountain rises to the left, splitting the dark storm clouds from their reflection with a long, thin triangle of the mountain and its reflection. On the lower side of the hill is a small town, with its light green fields standing out against the otherwise unbroken dark green pine trees. The lake’s wind-blown ripply texture is broken up on the far right by a rock and grass outcropping, along with a railing on the right side.

    New 3rd-party tax API support has been added to core Interchange1.

    In the wake of the Wayfair court decision2, many businesses running Interchange catalogs lack the necessary tools for full compliance. A new translation layer has been created in Vend::Tax to connect the standard sales tax structures and routines that operate within Interchange, and the development of vendor-specific 3rd-party tax providers. The goal of the Vend::Tax framework is to create a space to allow for development of any number of vendor-specific tax services to support tax calculation in Interchange.

    Vend::Tax defines 3 new tags to support its function:

    • [tax-lookup]: Returns calculated tax amount determined by specific 3rd-party provider. Tax may be estimated or live lookup, depending on settings. Data required to calculate tax will be provider dependent.
    • [load-tax-averages]: Requests and stores tax averages for running in estimate mode, for providers that support it. Stores estimates by default in the tax_averages table. Further, allows for local tracking of jurisdictions with nexus, which can be used by live lookups to determine if a particular lookup can be skipped entirely. See load_tax_averages Job and tax_averages table definition in the Strap demo.
    • [send-tax-transaction]: Reports to provider the resulting tax transaction for a given order, for providers that support it. By default, operates based on transactions.tax_sent field. 0 or empty indicates transaction not reported. 1 indicates transaction successfully reported. -1 indicates an error attempting to report transaction, requiring manual intervention. See send_tax_transactions Job in Strap demo.

    Conceptually, Vend::Tax is patterned off of Vend::Payment for payment transactions. It provides the defined interface that Interchange will use, via the 3 tags shown above, but must delegate to vendor-specific implementations through tax gateway modules.

    Additionally, connectors have already been constructed for TaxJar3 and Avalara4 in core Interchange, so that catalogs can convert to use either of these popular services for calculating their sales tax with an upgrade and a few adjustments to their catalog configuration. Both TaxJar and Avalara provide sales tax calculation, product categorization, and reporting tools that allow merchants to comply with Wayfair and keep their focus on their business.

    While currently only TaxJar and Avalara are supported — see Vend::Tax::TaxJar and Vend::Tax::AvalaraVend::Tax was designed to facilitate and encourage the development of any 3rd-party providers through the creation of new Vend::Tax::<ServiceName> modules. A review of either of the TaxJar or Avalara tax gateway modules should be instructive for the expected interface with the 3 usertags.

    For merchants who have, or wish to establish, relationships with other tax providers, they are free to build, or contract with consultants to build, their own provider’s vendor-specific module and use that to back the work performed within Vend::Tax. Any such development projects are encouraged to be submitted for inclusion in Interchange core, giving the merchant and developer the benefit of community improvements and core inclusion on future upgrades.

    Configuring Your Catalog to Use Vend::Tax

    In order to leverage [tax-lookup] to back the [salestax] tag, use it with the SalesTax directive. For example:

    SalesTax  [tax-lookup service=TaxJar]

    The service parameter should correspond with the segment of the namespace of the tax gateway module after Vend::Tax. Here, the example enables TaxJar in module Vend::Tax::TaxJar.

    If your business requires sufficient customization, the existing tax gateway modules can be subclassed, keeping all your customizations separate from core code and safe from collisions during upgrades. An example of such an expansion to Avalara would be to create module Vend::Tax::Avalara::MyBiz to subclass Vend::Tax::Avalara and change the config setup to:

    SalesTax  [tax-lookup service=Avalara::MyBiz]

    Additionally, using the Strap setup, you can easily enable TaxJar specifically by setting the following variables in variable.txt:

    TAXTOKEN [your TaxJar token]
    NEXUS_ADDRESS [business address]
    NEXUS_CITY [business city]
    NEXUS_STATE [business state postal code]
    NEXUS_ZIP [business zip]
    NEXUS_COUNTRY [business ISO two-letter country code]

    For Avalara in Strap, you also would set the TAXSERVICE and NEXUS_ variables, but then set your account API user and password:

    TAXSERVICE Avalara
    AVALARA_USER [your API user]
    AVALARA_PASSWORD [your API password]
    NEXUS_ADDRESS [business address]
    NEXUS_CITY [business city]
    NEXUS_STATE [business state postal code]
    NEXUS_ZIP [business zip]
    NEXUS_COUNTRY [business iso two-letter country code]

    Finally, like the payment modules, in order to make a particular tax service available, it must be required from interchange.cfg. For example:

    Require module Vend::Tax::TaxJar


    1. https://www.interchangecommerce.org/
    2. https://www.lbmc.com/blog/wayfair-case-sales-tax/
    3. https://www.taxjar.com/
    4. https://www.avalara.com/

    ecommerce payments interchange
