2025 9
March 2
- Getting Output from jps with NRPE by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- Introducing the End Point AI Portal for Our Customers by Benjamin Goldstein
February 5
- How to Analyze Application Logs and Extract Actionable Insights by Edgar Mlowe
- Resolving iptables Update Issues on Rocky Linux and Other RHEL-Based Systems by Jeffry Johar
- The Case of the Mistimed Python Script by Josh Williams
- Place Labels in Cesium using Vector Data Tiles by Dmitry Kiselev
- Django and Mojolicious: a quick comparison of two popular web frameworks by Marco Pessotto
January 2
- Reducing page load times: Cloudflare and caching with ASP.NET by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- Learning Vue 3 composables by creating an invoice generator by Bimal Gharti Magar
2024 26
December 1
- Studying “The Mythical Man-Month” in Collaboration with a Client by TJ Christofferson
October 1
- Migration from Struts 1 to Struts 2 by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
September 3
- Using a Containerized Nginx Proxy to Serve a Multi-Application .NET System by Kevin Campusano
- Deploying and Troubleshooting Self-Hosted MicroBin by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- Automating DNS Management with GitLab CI/CD by Kannan Ponnusamy
August 4
- Streamlining SELinux Policies: From Policy Modules to Modules and Silent SELinux Denials by Bharathi Ponnusamy
- Exploring Geodatabase Files by Constante “Tino” Gonzalez
- Measuring Metamorphopsia by Darius Clynes
- The Perl and Raku Conference 2024 by Andrew Baerg
July 4
- Writing a WebSocket-Controlled State Machine by Will Plaut
- Using Docker Compose to Deploy a Multi-Application .NET System by Kevin Campusano
- Introduction to Nuxt3 and Rendering Modes by Bimal Gharti Magar
- Uploading multiple files in a single request in an ASP.NET Core application by Kevin Campusano
June 4
- Secure Your Dockerized Nginx with Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates by Jeffry Johar
- Practical Linux Command Line Tips for Productivity and Efficiency by Edgar Mlowe
- Docker and iptables by Jeffry Johar
- End Point’s CasePointer business acquired by Deloitte by Rick Peltzman
May 3
- How to validate record uniqueness in ASP.NET by Kevin Campusano
- Writing integration tests for an ASP.NET Web API by Kevin Campusano
- An OpenStreetMap Editor for Adding Public Transit Data Using GTFS by Dmitry Kiselev
April 2
- Using Razor templates to render HTML emails in .NET by Kevin Campusano
- Passing Data Between Components in Vue.js: An Overview by Tuğrul Gökbel
March 1
- Making a Loading Spinner with tkinter by Matt Vollrath
February 2
- Key Takeaways from Practical Object-Oriented Design by Sandi Metz by Kevin Campusano
- Setting User-Specific Resource Limits with systemd by Seth Jensen
January 1
- Building a real-time application with SignalR, .NET, and three.js by Bimal Gharti Magar
2023 48
December 3
- End Point meetup in Ljubljana, Slovenia by Jon Jensen
- Client Profile: J.G. Title Company by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- Developers: Time and Teamwork by Greg Hanson
November 1
- Domain Move Considerations by Josh Ausborne
October 3
- JSforce: A Quick Path to Salesforce Development by Couragyn Chretien
- Building Ecommerce Search Using Algolia by Dylan Wooters
- Introduction to Playwright using C# by Bimal Gharti Magar
September 1
- Testing user-defined functions with pgTAP by Todor “Theo” Dimov
August 4
- Ubuntu Touch on a Galaxy S7 & a Pixel 3a by Seth Jensen
- Upgrade Vue to TypeScript by Nicholas Piano
- Synchronous work in asynchronous work environments by Vincent Martin
- How to use dependent dropdowns in Microsoft Excel by Nicholas Piano
July 6
- Text manipulation using regex replace in VS Code by Kevin Quaranta Jr.
- Achieving Healthcare Data Interoperability by Jarrett Smolarkiewicz
- SSH and Old Servers by Josh Ausborne
- CSTE Conference 2023 Retrospective by Samuel Stern
- Unix tools & tips by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- Rocky Linux 9 at Hetzner Robot Made Quick and Easy by Jeffry Johar
June 8
- Migrating Rails 6 React to Rails 7 React by Indra Pranesh Palanisamy
- Announcing CasePointer by Jon Jensen
- Using EndeavourOS as a daily driver by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- Compressed CZML by Dmitry Kiselev
- VisionPort: The Future of Tourism Marketing by Jonathan Perlin
- Rocky Linux 9 via Hetzner Robot for the impatient by Jeffry Johar
- Google Chrome Yum/RPM package update fails on RHEL/CentOS 7 by Jon Jensen
- Migrating from Universal Analytics to GA4 by Juan Pablo Ventoso
May 4
- I wrote the same app twice, with Hotwire and Blazor Server — here’s what I learned by Kevin Campusano
- Mount a remote filesystem over SSH using SSHFS by Trevor Slocum
- Cesium Labels by Dmitry Kiselev
- eCR Coordinator job opening by Shannon Sandall
April 3
- How to use the Caps Lock key as an Escape key on Windows, macOS, and Linux by Trevor Slocum
- SSH host key verification: a few useful tips by Selvakumar Arumugam
- How To Set Up pgTAP for Writing PostgreSQL Database Unit Tests by Edgar Mlowe
March 6
- Tennessee Hackathon 2023 by Darius Clynes
- Identifying Vulnerabilities in Code Using Horusec by Indra Pranesh Palanisamy
- Interchange 3rd Party Tax Support by Mark Johnson
- Getting started with Java development using Visual Studio Code by Trevor Slocum
- Programming the Intel NDP in 1983 by Jeremy Freeman
- Interchange rust_link connector by Jon Jensen
February 3
- How to create a Hugo website without a theme by Seth Jensen
- Find Text in Any Column of a PostgreSQL Table by Josh Tolley
- Data Migration Tips by Josh Tolley
January 6
- Implementing Basic HTTP Authentication in Rails by Kevin Campusano
- Bypassing a CDN to browse a website directly on your origin host by Seth Jensen
- Using Devise for Authentication in Rails Without Database Stored Accounts by Kevin Campusano
- Developing Rails Apps in a Dev Container with VS Code by Kevin Campusano
- Updating Ruby on Rails by Couragyn Chretien
- Kubernetes environment variables, ConfigMaps and Secrets by Jeffry Johar
2022 72
December 2
- How to write end-to-end & component tests with Cypress in Vue.js by Edgar Mlowe
- Nevada State EpiTrax Launch by Katrease Hale
November 4
- A/B Testing by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
- ssh-askpass on macOS for SSH agent confirmation by Bharathi Ponnusamy
- Introduction to Terraform with AWS by Jeffry Johar
- Building and Hosting a Web App with .NET 6, Postgres and Linux by Dylan Wooters
October 9
- Creating a Messaging App Using Spring for Apache Kafka, Part 5 by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
- Kubernetes Volume definition defaults to EmptyDir type with wrong capitalization of hostPath by Ron Phipps
- Knocking on Kubernetes’s Door (Ingress) by Jeffry Johar
- University of Denver and VisionPort: The Classroom of the 21st Century by Samuel Stern
- Upgrading PostgreSQL 14 to 15 on Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, Rocky, Alma Linux with PGDG RPM packages by Jon Jensen
- Type guards in TypeScript by Nicholas Piano
- Integrating Contentful with NuxtJS by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- Kubernetes From The Ground Up With AWS EC2 by Jeffry Johar
- Git 2.38 packages for RHEL, CentOS, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux 7 and 8 by Jon Jensen
September 1
- Vulnerability Scanning by Jeremy Freeman
August 5
- CI/CD with Azure DevOps by Dylan Wooters
- Kansas State University: One Year with VisionPort by Sanford Libo
- Ansible tutorial with AWS EC2 by Jeffry Johar
- Implementing Backend Tasks in ASP.NET Core by Kevin Campusano
- SSH Key Auth using KeeAgent with Git Bash and Windows CLI OpenSSH by Ron Phipps
July 4
- Auburn University and VisionPort: How the World Gets Its Water by Samuel Stern
- Running PostgreSQL on Docker by Jeffry Johar
- VisionPort at University of Tokyo, New York office: An Exhibition for Peace on August 6th and 7th by Samuel Stern
- Windows SSH key agent forwarding confirmation by Ron Phipps
June 8
- CSTE Conference EpiTrax retrospective by Steve Yoman
- How to deploy a Django App with Aurora Serverless and AWS Copilot by Jeffry Johar
- How to deploy a containerized Django app with AWS Copilot by Jeffry Johar
- Getting started with Docker and Kubernetes on macOS by Jeffry Johar
- Implementing Authentication in ASP.NET Core Web APIs by Kevin Campusano
- 3 useful built-in objects and functions in JavaScript by Phineas Jensen
- End Point booth at CSTE 2022 conference by Shannon Sandall
- Understanding Linear Regression by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
May 4
- Backing up your SaaS data with Google Takeout by Seth Jensen
- Aligning monospace font text columns with an old Unix tool by Jon Jensen
- Middleware: Is that still a thing? by Richard Templet
- Docker and containers boot camp by Phineas Jensen
April 7
- EditorConfig: Ending the Spaces vs. Tabs Confusion by Jon Jensen
- Formatting SQL code with pgFormatter within Vim by Josh Tolley
- Visualizing Data with Pair-Plot Using Matplotlib by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
- Perl Web Frameworks by Marco Pessotto
- Quartz Scheduler as a Service by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
- Job opening: VisionPort support engineer (western U.S.) by Alejandro Ramon
- On Shapefiles and PostGIS by Josh Tolley
March 8
- Extending Your Jetty Distribution’s Capabilities by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
- Working around SPF problems delivering to Gmail by Jon Jensen
- Code Reviews by Kevin Campusano
- Using pgTAP to automate database testing by Josh Tolley
- Automating reading the screen and interacting with GUI programs on X Window System by Constante “Tino” Gonzalez
- Database Design: Using Documents by Emre Hasegeli
- Using a YubiKey as authentication for an encrypted disk by Zed Jensen
- Optimizing media delivery with Cloudinary by Juan Pablo Ventoso
February 6
- String Processing in SQL, the Hard Way by Josh Tolley
- Migrating a Node.js app database from MongoDB to PostgreSQL by Phineas Jensen
- Data Reporting with EpiTrax by Shannon Sandall
- Image compression: WebP presets, HEIC, AVIF, JPEG XL by Jon Jensen
- Fun with Rational Numbers by Darius Clynes
- Web developer in GIS, mapping, Cesium, JavaScript job opening by Jon Jensen
January 14
- How We Do It by Rick Peltzman
- How to use regular expression group quantifiers in PostgreSQL by Selvakumar Arumugam
- Using SSH tunnels to get around network limitations by Zed Jensen
- VisionPort Hardware Overview by Alejandro Ramon
- Creating Telegram bots with Google Apps Script by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- Comparison of Lightweight CSS Frameworks by Seth Jensen
- Database integration testing with .NET by Kevin Campusano
- On the Importance of Explicitly Converting Strings to Numbers by Jeff Laughlin
- Kubernetes 101: Deploying a web application and database by Kevin Campusano
- Fixing a PostgreSQL cluster that has no superuser by Jon Jensen
- Setting up SSH in Visual Studio Code by Couragyn Chretien
- Word diff: Git as wdiff alternative by Jon Jensen
- Generate PDF with Chrome, Puppeteer, and Serverless Stack by Afif Sohaili
- VisionPort: A Breakdown by Ben Witten
2021 56
December 6
- Ecommerce customer names with interesting Unicode characters by Jon Jensen
- VisionPort Success at Auburn University by Ben Witten
- Remote Access Control with AWS Security Groups by Ardyn Majere
- Using Postman to Test APIs by Couragyn Chretien
- Installing Git 2 on CentOS 7 by Jon Jensen
- Building responsive websites with Tailwind CSS by Afif Sohaili
November 10
- Building a search suggestions feature with Node.js and Vue by Greg Davidson
- Salesforce data migration: promoting data changes from a sandbox to production by Dylan Wooters
- From Liquid Galaxy to VisionPort by Alejandro Ramon
- Forwarding Google Forms responses to an external API by Afif Sohaili
- Liquid Galaxy Media Stream Integration by Alejandro Ramon
- New Jersey Liquid Galaxy Installation by Ben Witten
- .NET/C# developer job opening by Jon Jensen
- DevOps & Kubernetes engineer job opening by Jon Jensen
- Java developer job opening by Jon Jensen
- Rails developer job opening by Jon Jensen
October 6
- Generating TOTP QR codes as Unicode text from the command line by Bharathi Ponnusamy
- .NET Conf 2021 is coming! by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- Moving to by Rick Peltzman
- Job opening: Systems Programmer by Matt Vollrath
- Vue GraphQL integration using Apollo Client by Daniel Gomm
- Liquid Galaxy Hackathon 2021 by Seth Jensen
September 7
- Liquid Galaxy Screen Share Integration by Alejandro Ramon
- Integrating the Estes Freight Shipping SOAP API as a Spree Shipping Calculator by Patrick Lewis
- Deploying a .NET 5 app on IIS by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- Monitoring Settings Changes in ASP.NET Core by Daniel Gomm
- Introducing VisionPort Remote by Alejandro Ramon
- Lock down your security with GPG on a YubiKey by Ardyn Majere
- Video Conference Integration by Alejandro Ramon
August 3
- Converting to Hugo by Seth Jensen
- Full-text search on a budget: Xapian by Marco Pessotto
- Liquid Galaxy at Kansas State University by Ben Witten
July 1
- Building REST APIs with .NET 5, ASP.NET Core, and PostgreSQL by Kevin Campusano
June 5
- Appium: Automated Mobile Testing by Couragyn Chretien
- Catching CSS Regressions and Visual Bugs in Continuous Integration by Afif Sohaili
- Job opening: Liquid Galaxy support engineer by Benjamin Goldstein
- Lazy Isn’t Bad: Write Lazy Scripts by Ardyn Majere
- Fetching Outputs From Java Process Monitoring Tool with Icinga/Nagios by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
May 6
- Engineering Is Not Just About the Cool Stacks by Afif Sohaili
- Database Design: Using Composite Keys by Emre Hasegeli
- Choosing Between SaaS and a Custom Website by Greg Hanson
- End Point Relocates Its Tennessee Office by Cody Ressler
- Integrating Laravel With a React Frontend by Daniel Gomm
- What is serialization? by Zed Jensen
April 5
- 3 Immediate Benefits of Google Analytics for Business Owners by Ben Witten
- Enumerated Types in Rails and PostgreSQL by Patrick Lewis
- Automating Windows Service Installation by Daniel Gomm
- GStreamer Nvenc for Ubuntu 20.04 by Neil Elliott
- CZML-KML Editor Geometry Editing by Dmitry Kiselev
March 2
- Spatial queries with MySQL by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- Database Design: Using Natural Keys by Emre Hasegeli
February 2
- Job opening: Ruby on Rails & Vue.js developer by Jon Jensen
- An Introduction to TypeScript by Jeff Laughlin
January 3
- Monads: Another tool from the functional programming toolbox by Kevin Campusano
- Endless OS: A Linux Distro for Kids by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- Creating a Messaging App Using Spring for Apache Kafka, Part 4 by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
2020 67
December 7
- Cesium KML-CZML Editor by Dmitry Kiselev
- Media erasure in the time of SSD by Ardyn Majere
- Vue 3 is out with exciting new features by Bimal Gharti Magar
- 3D Audio Fundamentals by Matt Vollrath
- Demonstrating the QuickBooks Desktop SDK by Daniel Gomm
- A great gift for the holidays: No ads! by Ardyn Majere
- Svelte: A compiled JavaScript front-end framework by Kevin Campusano
November 7
- Advanced WordPress customizations by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- Demonstrating the HotSwap JVM by Josh Tolley
- Availity: An API for Health Insurance by Patrick Lewis
- Job opening: Java & JavaScript developer by Jon Jensen
- Job opening: PostgreSQL database administrator & developer by Jon Jensen
- Rapid Test-Driven Development in Julia by Kamil Ciemniewski
- .NET 5 will be released at .NET Conf 2020 by Juan Pablo Ventoso
October 7
- Craft: A CMS for developers by Kevin Campusano
- EMSA: Electronic Messaging Staging Area by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- Detecting gaps in time-series data in PostgreSQL by David Christensen
- ROS 2 Migration by Matt Vollrath
- The Pragmatic Programmer book, 20th anniversary edition by Jon Jensen
- Python concurrency: asyncio for threading users by Matt Vollrath
- Using CTEs to do a binary search of large tables with non-indexed correlated data by David Christensen
September 5
- An introduction to automated testing for web applications with Symfony by Kevin Campusano
- Liquid Galaxy at the Nano Museum in Seoul by Dave Jenkins
- COVID-19 Support for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment by Steve Yoman
- Introduction to BorgBackup by Kannan Ponnusamy
- Rclone: upload to the cloud from your command line and much more by Ardyn Majere
August 2
- Containerizing Magento with Docker Compose: Elasticsearch, MySQL and Magento by Kevin Campusano
- Our Vue Storefront “Proof of Concept” Experience by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
July 4
- Downtown San Diego Liquid Galaxy by Dave Jenkins
- Job opening: Windows Systems Integrator by Jon Jensen
- Deploying (Minecraft) Servers Automatically with Terraform by Zed Jensen
- Random Strings and Integers That Actually Aren’t by Josh Williams
June 7
- Improving max() performance in PostgreSQL: GROUP BY vs. CTE by David Christensen
- Randomly spacing cron jobs by Jon Jensen
- Job opening: PHP / JavaScript developer by Jon Jensen
- Magento 2: Creating a custom theme by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- Linux Development in Windows 10 with Docker and WSL 2 by Kevin Campusano
- Jamstack Conf Virtual 2020: Thoughts & Highlights by Greg Davidson
- Why upgrading software libraries is imperative by Selvakumar Arumugam
May 5
- Testing to defend against nginx add_header surprises by Jon Jensen
- Implementing SummAE neural text summarization with a denoising auto-encoder by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Designing flexible CI pipelines with Jenkins and Docker by Will Plaut
- Creating a Messaging App Using Spring for Apache Kafka, Part 3 by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
- Shopify Admin API: Importing Products in Bulk by Patrick Lewis
April 6
- Creating a Messaging App Using Spring for Apache Kafka, Part 2 by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
- Convenient Reporting with Jasper by Árpád Lajos
- Migrating large PostgreSQL databases by Árpád Lajos
- Creating a Messaging App Using Spring for Apache Kafka, Part 1 by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
- Installing Ubuntu 18.04 to a different partition from an existing Ubuntu installation by Bharathi Ponnusamy
- Magento 2: Creating a custom module by Juan Pablo Ventoso
March 11
- Salesforce Integration with Node.js by Dylan Wooters
- An Introduction to webpack 4: Setting Up a Modern, Modular JavaScript Front-End Application by Kevin Campusano
- Web Projects for a Rainy Day by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- What is SharePoint? by Dan Briones
- Serialization and Deserialization Issues in Spring REST by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
- Consolidating Multiple SFTP Accounts Into One Master Account by Selvakumar Arumugam
- Capturing Outgoing Email With Mock SMTP Servers by Patrick Lewis
- E-commerce Client Project Management by Greg Hanson
- Cooking with CAS by Josh Tolley
- Symfony Quickstart by Árpád Lajos
- Bucardo 5.6.0 Released by David Christensen
February 3
- A Tool to Compare PostgreSQL Database Schema Versions by Selvakumar Arumugam
- A primer on Java by Árpád Lajos
- End Point Security Tips: Securing your Infrastructure by Charles Chang
January 3
- Ecommerce sales tax primer by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- Decreasing your website load time by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- Useful terminal tools by Jon Jensen
2019 55
December 2
- Making sense of XML/JSON items in the shell by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- A Career Talk for 1st Graders by Steph Skardal
November 3
- Reviewing the Code by Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
- A Project Manager’s Toolkit by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- Winning with CSS Grid and Autoprefixer by Greg Davidson
October 4
- Rails Exception Notification and Logging by Patrick Lewis
- Project On-ramping: Infrastructure and Codebase by Steph Skardal
- Seeking a PHP developer by Jon Jensen
- Custom cabinets for the Liquid Galaxy by Ben Witten
September 5
- Google Drive for virtual machine images by Jon Jensen
- React: Style Tips by Zed Jensen
- Keeping our Windows Server clean by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- OpenITI Starts Arabic-script OCR Catalyst Project by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- Campendium: A Responsive, Fancy Detail Page by Steph Skardal
August 7
- National Braille Press Releases Redesigned Website by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- Fix for cdparanoia segmentation fault by Jon Jensen
- The Dollars and Sense of Hiring Software Consultants by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- How to set up a local development environment for WordPress from scratch by Kevin Campusano
- A Moon Landing and the Education of Our Children by Jonathan Perlin
- Campendium v2019: A Summary of Recent Updates by Steph Skardal
- Prepare for .NET Core 3 and .NET 5 by Juan Pablo Ventoso
July 6
- Ruby Gem Spotlight: DRG by Patrick Lewis
- A tribute to Kyle Simpson’s JavaScript book series by Árpád Lajos
- GraphQL Client Libraries by Zed Jensen
- Mocking asynchronous database calls in .NET Core by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- GraphQL Server Libraries by Zed Jensen
- An Introduction to Neural Networks by Ben Ironside Goldstein
June 5
- Deploying production Machine Learning pipelines to Kubernetes with Argo by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Linting Ruby In Your Editor by Patrick Lewis
- SCAM ALERT: EndPoint Petroleum Corporation, P&Z Petroleum by Benjamin Goldstein
- Cloudflare and Vue SSR; Client Hydration Failures by David Christensen
- Vue.js Remote Devtools Review by Patrick Lewis
May 4
- GraphQL — An Alternative to REST by Zed Jensen
- LinuxFest Northwest 2019 by Josh Williams
- Introduction to Snapshot Testing Vue Components by Patrick Lewis
- Facial Recognition Using Amazon DeepLens: Counting Liquid Galaxy Interactions by Ben Ironside Goldstein
April 3
March 6
- Eliminating Resolvers in GraphQL Ruby by Patrick Lewis
- Thoughts on Project Estimation: The Star, the Planet, and the Habitable Zone by Árpád Lajos
- Switching from Google Maps to Leaflet by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- Running Magento 2 in Windows with XAMPP by Juan Pablo Ventoso
- Extensible Binary Encoding with CBOR by Matt Vollrath
- The flow of hierarchical data extraction by Árpád Lajos
February 5
- Converting GraphQL Ruby Resolvers to the Class-based API by Patrick Lewis
- OWASP Top Ten Application Security Risks by Marco Pessotto
- Volunteer While You Work From Home by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- Where are you with your Windows OS in 2019? by Dan Briones
- Camping in the Clouds with Terraform and Ansible by Josh Williams
January 5
- Adding Awesomplete to Vue Components by Patrick Lewis
- How to Migrate from Microsoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL by Selvakumar Arumugam
- VISGRAF and the Moreira Salles Institute to Collaborate Using Liquid Galaxy by Benjamin Goldstein
- Speech Recognition from scratch using Dilated Convolutions and CTC in TensorFlow by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Switching PostgreSQL WAL-based Backup Options by Josh Williams
2018 52
December 4
- Roundup of some useful websites by Jon Jensen
- Data Center Relocation Initiatives: Daunting But Achievable by Charles Chang
- Liquid Galaxy at Austin Startup Week by Dave Jenkins
- Liquid Galaxy Support Engineer Job Opening by Benjamin Goldstein
November 3
- How to use Zend Framework components in a console app by Kevin Campusano
- What’s the deal with ASP.NET Core Razor Pages? by Kevin Campusano
- End Point at Google for Kenya by Will Plaut
October 3
- How I Learn New Technologies by Árpád Lajos
- Image Recognition Tools by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- Immersive and GIS Developer Job Opening by Benjamin Goldstein
September 1
- Building Rasters in PostGIS by Josh Tolley
August 3
- Job opening: .NET/C# and JavaScript developer by Jon Jensen
- Self-driving toy car using the Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic algorithm by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Liquid Galaxy at Google for Nigeria by Brian Zenone
July 5
- Meet the End Point Windows consulting group by Chris Hopkins
- Recommender System via a Simple Matrix Factorization by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Currency exchange rates with by Jon Jensen
- Vue, Font Awesome, and Facebook/Twitter Icons by David Christensen
- Training Tesseract 4 models from real images by Kamil Ciemniewski
June 6
- SRV DNS records in Terraform and Cloudflare by Jon Jensen
- Ecommerce Shakeups: Magento Acquisition and Etsy Rate Increases by Steph Skardal
- systemd: a primer from the trenches by Ian Neilsen
- Instant TLS Upgrades Through Proxy Magic! by David Christensen
- Systematic Query Building with Common Table Expressions by Josh Tolley
- Liquid Galaxy Supporting the Community During Natural Disaster by Ben Witten
May 4
- GDPR is alive! by Jon Jensen
- Sentiment Analysis with Python by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- Work philosophy canon by Jon Jensen
- Liquid Galaxy at EarthX Conference by Dave Jenkins
April 8
- Expert Help with Your SaaS System by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- RailsConf 2018 Summary: The Train is Still Moving by Steph Skardal
- RailsConf 2018: Communication 101 by Steph Skardal
- RailsConf 2018: Day One by Steph Skardal
- Using FFI in Ruby by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Ruby on Rails: Russian Translation and Pluralization by Steph Skardal
- Shell Command Outputs Truncated in Python by Selvakumar Arumugam
- Start basic application with Vue.js 2 and Drupal 8 by Piotr Hankiewicz
March 8
- Designing for SEO from the Start by Jon Allen
- In-House to Consulting, Rinse and Repeat by Steph Skardal
- Multi-Tenant Architecture by Gaurav Soni
- King Arthur Flour Recipes by Seth Jensen
- Recycling Web Workers: Just Proper Hygiene by Josh Williams
- The End Point Design Process by Jon Allen
- Rails Active Storage by Gaurav Soni
- Vue in Ecommerce: Routing and Persistence by Steph Skardal
February 4
- Vue and Ecommerce: An Introduction by Steph Skardal
- Sunsetting Piggybak, A Ruby on Rails Ecommerce Gem by Steph Skardal
- Liquid Galaxy at the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics by Dave Jenkins
- Regionation with PostGIS by Josh Tolley
January 3
- New Tools — Old-Fashioned Project Management by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- YouTube Algorithms, Engagement, and You by Cody Ressler
- Regular Expression Inconsistencies With Unicode by Phineas Jensen
2017 67
December 8
- Enhancing Your Sites with Vue.js by Greg Davidson
- End Point Featured as Global Leader in Ruby on Rails & Ecommerce Development by Ben Witten
- Mobile Device and Application Management (MAM vs. MDM) by Joe Marrero
- Reconciling Android source code by Zed Jensen
- Symantec Certificate Distrust (CertQuake) by Josh Lavin
- HGCI Summit Conference 2017, Malaysia: A conference on cloud, security and big data by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- Inserting lots of data efficiently in Rails + PostgreSQL by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Conference Recap: PyCon Asia Pacific (APAC) 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
November 4
- Logstash: Removing fields with empty values by Jon Jensen
- From Zero to HTTPS in an afternoon by Matt Vollrath
- President of UN General Assembly Thanks End Point by Jonathan Blessing
- Using GitHub for Blog Comments by Phineas Jensen
October 7
- A Collaborative Timezone Utility by Joe Marrero
- Hot-deploy Java classes and assets in Wildfly 8/9/10 by Piotr Hankiewicz
- Using tail_n_mail after hours by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Liquid Galaxy at ASTC 2017 by Ben Witten
- PKIX path validation failed — Debugging by Selvakumar Arumugam
- AngularJS is not Angular by Piotr Hankiewicz
- Disaster Recovery — Miami to Dallas in one hit by Ian Neilsen
September 4
- Using PostgreSQL cidr and inet types, operators, and functions by Phineas Jensen
- Working on production systems by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Liquid Galaxy Goes to Chile for IMPAC4 by Bryan Berry
- Web Security Services Roundup by Phineas Jensen
August 4
- Client Case Study: Vervante—Publishing, Production and Fulfillment Services by Greg Hanson
- Custom eCommerce Development by Greg Hanson
- How to split Git repositories into two by Wojtek Ziniewicz
- How to check process duration in Linux with the “ps” command by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
July 4
- JBoss 4/5/6 to Wildfly migration tips by Piotr Hankiewicz
- co:collective Doable Innovation Software by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- Postgres migrating SQL_ASCII to UTF-8 with fix_latin by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Liquid Galaxy at 2017 BOMA International Annual Conference & Expo by Ben Witten
June 5
- Zero Pricing in Interchange using CommonAdjust by Mark Johnson
- Liquid Galaxy at The Ocean Conference by Ben Witten
- Successful First GEOINT Symposium for End Point Liquid Galaxy by Ben Witten
- Amazon AWS upgrades to Postgres with Bucardo by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Series Digital joins End Point! by Jon Jensen
May 8
- Recognizing handwritten digits: a quick peek into the basics of machine learning by Kamil Ciemniewski
- infoShare 2017 - JavaScript, JavaScript everywhere by Piotr Hankiewicz
- Drupal — rapid development by Piotr Hankiewicz
- Malaysia Open Source Conference (MOSC) 2017 by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- Age comparison in Bash for files and processes by Kiel Christofferson
- End Point Liquid Galaxy at GEOINT Symposium by Ben Witten
- Postal code pain and fun by Jon Jensen
- Designing a Computer Science Program for Free (or Cheap) by Matt Galvin
April 8
- The New Earth by Dave Jenkins
- Job opening: Web developer by Jon Jensen
- The mystery of the disappearing SSH key by Greg Sabino Mullane
- SELINUX=disabled? Read this and think twice! by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- mysqldump issues after Percona 5.7 update by Marco Matarazzo
- Linode IPv6 issues with NetworkManager on CentOS 7 by Marco Matarazzo
- Half day GlusterFS training in Selangor, Malaysia by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- DBA Revenge: How To Get Back at Developers by Josh Williams
March 5
- Postgres WAL files: best compression methods by Greg Sabino Mullane
- wroc_love.rb 2017 part 2: The Elixir Hype by Wojtek Ziniewicz
- wroc_love.rb 2017 part 1 by Wojtek Ziniewicz
- Shell efficiency: mkdir and mv by Jon Jensen
- 360° Panoramic Video on Liquid Galaxy by Ben Witten
February 4
- Become A File Spy With This One Easy Trick! Sys Admins Love This! by Josh Williams
- FOSDEM 2017: experience, community and good talks by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Full Cesium Mapping on the Liquid Galaxy by Dave Jenkins
- Liquid Galaxy Success at U.S. Embassy’s Cultural Center by Ben Witten
January 6
- Smartrac’s Liquid Galaxy at National Retail Federation by Ben Witten
- TriSano Case Study by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- End Point Rings the Morning Bell for Small Business by Ben Witten
- Separate and Not Equal: Development Environments to Support People, Process, and Automation by Dylan Wooters
- Using Awk to beautify grep searches by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Liquid Galaxy at CES by Ben Witten
2016 101
December 9
- Liquid Galaxy Uses at UNC Chapel Hill by Ben Witten
- Client Case Study: Carjojo by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- Office Space Available at End Point HQ! by Ben Witten
- Seedbank: Structured Seed Files for Rails Projects by Patrick Lewis
- Job opening: Fulfillment Manager by Jon Jensen
- Bash: loop over a list of (possibly non-existing) files using wildcards with nullglob (or failglob) option by Marco Matarazzo
- Malaysia Open Source Community Meetup Quarter 4 2015 (MOSCMY Q4 2015) by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- Postgres statistics and the pain of analyze by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Implementation of Ruby on Rails 5 Action Cable with Chat Application by Selvakumar Arumugam
November 9
- Perl Dancer Conference 2016 Day 1 by Sam Batschelet
- Throw It Away: Suppressing Writes on PostgreSQL Replicas by Josh Williams
- Vim Golf: Learning New Skills for Code Editors by Josh Lavin
- Connect Multiple JPA repositories using Static and Dynamic Methods by Selvakumar Arumugam
- DNS and BIND Training with MyNIC by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
- Reflections on Being a Co-working Couple by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- 8 Simple Steps to Saner Software Development by Dylan Wooters
- The Happy Path: An Interview with Design Strategist & Gallerist Kelani Nichole by Liz Flyntz
- Making cross-blogs queries in multi-site WordPress performant by Kamil Ciemniewski
October 7
- Postgres connection service file by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Use Java along with Perl by Szymon Lipiński
- Building Containers with Habitat by Kirk Harr
- Postgres schema differences and views by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Liquid Galaxy developer job opening by Jon Jensen
- CSSConf US 2016 — Day One by Greg Davidson
- SSH Key Access Recovery on EC2 Instances by Josh Williams
September 5
- Liquid Galaxy featured in Realtor Magazine by Ben Witten
- Liquid Galaxy at the National Weather Center by Ben Witten
- pg_healer: repairing Postgres problems automatically by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Executing Custom SQL in Django Migrations by Szymon Lipiński
- Josh and Lele Interviewed as Experts in Leading Cloud Technologies by Ben Witten
August 5
- Ruby Fight Club by Greg Davidson
- Surviving the Framework Hype Cycle (MWRC 2016) by Jon Jensen
- Reach customers and drive sales with MailChimp by Josh Lavin
- Create categories in Virtuemart 3 with Joomla 2.5 and 3.5 programmatically by Piotr Hankiewicz
- Creating a recent activity feed for Thredded by Piotr Hankiewicz
July 11
- Showing Your Client Measurable Progress with Video Updates by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- Report on The Perl Conference 2016 by Josh Lavin
- Case Study: Responsive Design Return on Investment by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- Liquid Galaxy Featured on Reef Builders by Ben Witten
- Poor Man’s Linux Remote Desktop Using VNC Server by Ed Huott
- Book review: “Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices for Django 1.8” by Phineas Jensen
- Cesium on the Liquid Galaxy by Dave Jenkins
- Disabling Postgres constraints for pg_dump by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Liquid Galaxy on PBS by Ben Witten
- Scrape web content with PHP (no API? no problem) by Piotr Hankiewicz
- WAL-based Estimates For When a Record Was Changed by Josh Williams
June 8
- Garbage collection in your head, or how to vacation by Jeff Boes
- Free Encryption for All, In Our Time by Lee Azzarello
- Postgres migration speedup with table change analysis by Greg Sabino Mullane
- End Point CEO and NYSE Bell Ringing by Rick Peltzman
- Liquid Galaxy for Hyundai Card Travel Library by Dave Jenkins
- Talking UI/UX with Trey McKay by Liz Flyntz
- Adding Bash Completion To a Python Script by Szymon Lipiński
- The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive, and to how to fix it in Spree by Matt Galvin
May 6
- Bucardo replication workarounds for extremely large Postgres updates by Greg Sabino Mullane
- A caching, resizing, reverse proxying image server with Nginx by Marco Matarazzo
- How to Add Labels to a Dimple JS Line Chart by Matt Galvin
- Randomized Queries in Ruby on Rails by Kent Krenrich
- Sketchfab on the Liquid Galaxy by Ben Witten
- Gem Dependency Issues with Rails 5 Beta by Patrick Lewis
April 10
- Postgres concurrent indexes and the curse of IIT by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Cybergenetics Helps Free Innocent Man by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- We are bigger than VR gear - Liquid Galaxy by Yaqi Chen
- Liquid Galaxy for Real Estate by Ben Witten
- Client web browser logging by Piotr Hankiewicz
- How to Build a Skyscraper by Phineas Jensen
- Tuples in C# by Dylan Wooters
- Learning from data basics II: simple Bayesian Networks by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Writing a Test Framework from Scratch by Phineas Jensen
- New Features in PostgreSQL 9.5 by Szymon Lipiński
March 10
- A Beginner’s Guide to PCI DSS Compliance and TLS Versions by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- Learning from data basics: the Naive Bayes model by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Creating a video player with time markers — step by step by Piotr Hankiewicz
- Spree Admin pages unreachable (500 errors) by Kent Krenrich
- QuickCheck - property based testing in Haskell and JavaScript by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Hue’s on First: How we used responsive bulbs to join software and hardware for a busy medical practice by Liz Flyntz
- MediaWiki extension EmailDiff: notification emails improved by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Strict typing fun example — Free Monads in Haskell by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Story telling with Cesium by Dmitry Kiselev
- Loading JSON Files Into PostgreSQL 9.5 by Szymon Lipiński
February 8
- Converting JSON to PostgreSQL values, simply by Szymon Lipiński
- Storing Statistics JSON Data in PostgreSQL by Szymon Lipiński
- Migrating to Devise in a Legacy Rails App by Brian Gadoury
- Grammy Awards at Musica Russica by Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
- Building an e-commerce Website by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Creating Composite Docker Containers with Docker Compose by Kirk Harr
- Bonked By Basic_auth Because Bcrypt by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Zurb Foundation 5: Applying Styles Conditionally Based on Viewport Size by Patrick Lewis
January 13
- Postgres 9.5: three little things by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Improve SEO URLs for Interchange search pages by Jeff Boes
- Full Screen Gallery with Supersized and video slides by Marina Lohova
- Medium-inspired Parallax Blur Effect For WordPress by Marina Lohova
- Breaking Bash by Jeff Boes
- PostgreSQL Point-in-time Recovery: An Unexpected Journey by David Christensen
- Design for the Quotidian. Build for the 100-Year Flood. by Jonathan Blessing
- MediaWiki major upgrade process by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Using Google Analytics to understand and grow your business by Ben Witten
- Install WordPress on Heroku in OS X Yosemite by Marina Lohova
- Sort product attribute options by the position property in Magento by Piotr Hankiewicz
- File names the same except for capitalization by Jon Jensen
- Liquid Galaxy at New York Tech Meetup by Ben Witten
2015 122
December 8
- Postgres checksum performance impact by Greg Sabino Mullane
- 2015 Perl Dancer Conference videos by Sam Batschelet
- Git: pre-receive hook error on CentOS 7 by Marco Matarazzo
- Event Listener Housekeeping in Angular Apps by Greg Davidson
- ROS architecture of Liquid Galaxy by Jacob Minshall
- ROS Platform Upgrades for Liquid Galaxy by Dave Jenkins
- Testing Django Applications by Zdeněk Maxa
- Image Processing In The Cloud With Blitline and Wordpress by Marina Lohova
November 10
- Odd pg_basebackup Connectivity Failures Over SSL by Josh Williams
- Broken wikis due to PHP and MediaWiki “namespace” conflicts by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Liquid Galaxy at UNESCO in Paris by Dave Jenkins
- Taking control of your IMAP mail with IMAPFilter by Patrick Lewis
- Biennale Arte 2015 Liquid Galaxy Installation by Brian Zenone
- End Pointers’ Favorite Liquid Galaxy Tours by Ben Witten
- Top 15 Best Unix Command Line Tools by Ramkumar Kuppuchamy
- Top 7 Funniest Perl Modules by Jeff Boes
- Updating rbenv, ruby-build on Ubuntu: ruby version not found by Steph Skardal
- End Point’s 20th anniversary meeting, part 2 by Phineas Jensen
October 8
- AngularJS & Dancer for Modern Web Development by Josh Lavin
- Perl Dancer Conference 2015 Report—Conference Days by Josh Lavin
- Perl Dancer Conference 2015 Report — Training Days by Josh Lavin
- NOAA Marine Sanctuaries in Liquid Galaxy by Erik Samsoe
- End Point’s 20th anniversary meeting by Phineas Jensen
- MediaWiki extension.json change in 1.25 by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Int’l — JavaScript numbers and dates formatting, smart strings comparison by Piotr Hankiewicz
- Intro to DimpleJS, Graphing in 6 Easy Steps by Matt Galvin
September 7
- DevOpsDays India — 2015 by Selvakumar Arumugam
- Pgbouncer user and database pool_mode with Scaleway by Greg Sabino Mullane
- YAPC::NA 2015 Conference Report by Josh Lavin
- Install Tested Packages on Production Server by Selvakumar Arumugam
- Memcache Full HTML in Ruby on Rails with Nginx by Steph Skardal
- Liquid Galaxy and the Coral Reefs of London by Gerard Drazba
- Old Dog & New Tricks — Giving Interchange a New Look with Bootstrap by Greg Hanson
August 9
- Graphing System Statistics with Grafana by Kirk Harr
- Coding style guides across languages by Piotr Hankiewicz
- Perl’s CPAN is 20 years old by Jon Jensen
- Usability: Don’t Make Me Think and a Bookmarklet by Steph Skardal
- Bucardo replication from Postgres to sqlite and mariadb using pgbench by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Streaming Replication time lag monitoring added to check_postgres by Josh Williams
- Not so popular JavaScript/HTML functionalities by Piotr Hankiewicz
- How To: Big Beautiful Background Video by Marina Lohova
- Converting from Pivotal Tracker to Trello for project management by Josh Lavin
July 8
- Perusion has joined End Point! by Jon Jensen
- Ruby On Rails: Hash#slice With Default Values by Kent Krenrich
-, a secret encrypted image sharing service tool by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Nothing more permanent than a temporary fix by Jon Jensen
- E-commerce website encryption changes by Jon Jensen
- Selectively firing Postgres triggers by Greg Sabino Mullane
- How fast is pg_upgrade anyway? by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Python string formatting and UTF-8 problems workaround by Muhammad Najmi bin Ahmad Zabidi
June 7
- Documenting web services with Perl POD and AJAX by Jeff Boes
- IPython Tips and Tricks by Kannan Ponnusamy
- Heroku: dumping production database to staging by Marina Lohova
- Google Maps JavaScript API LatLng Property Name Changes by Greg Davidson
- The Portal project — Jenkins Continuous Integration summary by Zdeněk Maxa
- MediaWiki complete test wiki via cloning by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Updated NoSQL benchmark: Cassandra, MongoDB, HBase, Couchbase by Josh Williams
May 5
- Postfix Address Verification by Marco Matarazzo
- Postgres “unsupported frontend protocol” mystery by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Connected to PgBouncer or Postgres? by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Job opening: Web developer by Jon Jensen
- Non-English Google Earth Layers on the Liquid Galaxy by Josh Ausborne
April 17
- Raw Packet Manipulation with Scapy by Kirk Harr
- Protect Interchange Passwords with Bcrypt by Mark Johnson
- RailsConf 2015 for the non-Attendee by Steph Skardal
- How to Bring a Baby to a Tech Conference by Steph Skardal
- RailsConf 2015—Atlanta: Day Three by Steph Skardal
- RailsConf 2015—Atlanta: Day Two by Steph Skardal
- Handling databases in dev environments for web development by Spencer Christensen
- RailsConf 2015—Atlanta: Day One by Steph Skardal
- The ‘name’ attribute is required in cookbook metadata: Solving a Vagrant/Chef Provisioning Issue by Greg Davidson
- Nvidia: Invalid or Corrupted Push Buffer Stream by Neil Elliott
- Joe Mastey at Mountain West Ruby Conference 2015 by Brian Gadoury
- RailsConf 2015: Coming Soon by Steph Skardal
- RubyConf India 2015 by Selvakumar Arumugam
- New NoSQL benchmark: Cassandra, MongoDB, HBase, Couchbase by Jon Jensen
- Happy 10th birthday, Git! by Jon Jensen
- PgConf 2015 NYC Recap by David Christensen
- Manage Python Script Options by Szymon Lipiński
March 13
- Impressions from Open Source work with Elixir by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Liquid Galaxy for at SXSW by Dave Jenkins
- Simple AngularJS Page by Szymon Lipiński
- Simple cross-browser communication with ROS by Matt Vollrath
- Mobile-friendly sites or bust! by Jon Jensen
- Advanced Product Filtering in Ecommerce by Steph Skardal
- wroc_love.rb a.k.a. “The best Java conference in Ruby world” by Wojtek Ziniewicz
- HTTP/2 is on the way! by Jon Jensen
- Cross Release APT Managment aka How to Watch Netflix on Debian 7 Wheezy by Bryan Berry
- On End Point’s Development Environment by Steph Skardal
- Postgres searchable release notes—one page with all versions by Greg Sabino Mullane
- SCaLE 13x by Jacob Minshall
- Working with Annotator: Part 2 by Steph Skardal
February 13
- Temporary tables in SQL query optimization by Jeff Boes
- Postgres ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK explained by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Testing your chef repo pull requests with chef-zero, Vagrant and Jenkins by Wojtek Ziniewicz
- Postgres pg_dump implicit cast problem patched! by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Postgres custom casts and pg_dump by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Updated End Point Blog Stats and Our Services by Steph Skardal
- Interchange Loop Optimization by Mark Johnson
- Cron Wrapper: Keep your cron jobs environment sane by Richard Templet
- Vim Plugin Spotlight: CtrlP by Patrick Lewis
- Filling in header elements with Dancer and Template::Flute by Jeff Boes
- Polemics on opinions about AngularJS by Kamil Ciemniewski
- FOSDEM conference day 2 by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- One-time password SSH solutions by Greg Sabino Mullane
January 17
- FOSDEM conference day 1 by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- A few PostgreSQL tricks by Josh Tolley
- Shrink XFS partition: Almost possible with LVM by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Getting realtime output using Python Subprocess by Kannan Ponnusamy
- Postgres session_replication role - Bucardo and Slony’s powerful ally by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Social Innovation Summit 2014 by Erik Samsoe
- Elastic Beanstalk Whenever by Kent Krenrich
- CentOS 7 on Hetzner server with more than 2 TB disk by Spencer Christensen
- PGConf.US NYC: "Choosing a Logical Replication System" by David Christensen
- Cleaner redirection in Perl Dancer by Jeff Boes
- SSH one-time passwords (otpw) on chromebook by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Spree Commerce “invalid value for Integer(): "09"” in Spree::Checkout/update by Matt Galvin
- Angular Responsive Layout Directive by Marina Lohova
- DBD::Pg escaping placeholders with backslashes by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Riding the Elasticsearch River on a CouchDB: Part 1 by Brian Gadoury
- Web Development, Big Data and DevOps—OSI Days 2014, India by Selvakumar Arumugam
- DBD::Pg: one ping to rule them all by Greg Sabino Mullane
2014 157
December 4
- Bucardo replication trigger enabling by Greg Sabino Mullane
- 2014 hack.summit() wrap-up #hacksummit by Brian Gadoury
- Ecommerce in the Django World by Kirk Harr
- Easier IE Site Testing With RemoteIE by Greg Davidson
November 13
- MySQL to PostgreSQL Migration Tips by David Christensen
- Integrate Twilio in Django by Kulbir Singh
- When Postgres will not start by Greg Sabino Mullane
- MongoDB and OpenStack — OSI Days 2014, India by Selvakumar Arumugam
- Brazilian Portuguese Liquid Galaxy website launch! by Marco Manchego
- Novo website do Liquid Galaxy em Português! by Marco Manchego
- Create a sales functionality within Spree 2.3 using Spree fancy by Bianca Rodrigues
- Can we Server Name Indicate yet? by Josh Williams
- Dear PostgreSQL: Where are my logs? by Josh Tolley
- Finding specific Git commit at a point in time by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Where is pg_ctl on CentOS 6 for Postgres 9.3? by Spencer Christensen
- Simplifying mobile development with Ionic Framework by Kamil Ciemniewski
- CSS table-cells ::before and ::after by Kent Krenrich
October 10
- OpenSSL CSR with Alternative Names one-line by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Prevent MediaWiki showing PHP version with new extension: ControlSpecialVersion by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Another Round of Tidbits: Browser Tools, Performance, UI by Steph Skardal
- Updating Firefox and the Black Screen by Jeff Boes
- Postgres copy schema with pg_dump by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Liquid Galaxy at the Ryder Cup 2014 by Will Plaut
- Rails Recursive Sorting for Multilevel Nested Array of Objects by Selvakumar Arumugam
- Liquid Galaxy at UNC Chapel Hill by Dave Jenkins
- Parsing Email Addresses in Rails with Mail::Address by Patrick Lewis
- MediaWiki minor upgrade with patches by Greg Sabino Mullane
September 12
- RSpec’s Anything Argument Matcher Trickery by Brian Gadoury
- Using jQuery Migrate plugin by Marina Lohova
- Solving pg_xlog out of disk space problem on Postgres by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Some metaprogramming examples from RSpec by Miguel Alatorre
- Spree Authorization Failure for Customized Role by Matt Galvin
- Piggybak: Recent Updates and Upgrades by Steph Skardal
- Aliasin’ and Redmine plugins by Miguel Alatorre
- Analyzer Reports with Geo Map Option in Pentaho 5 BI Server by Selvakumar Arumugam
- Today’s Internet Slowdown by Jon Jensen
- Adventures in Downgrading my Linode Plan by Steph Skardal
- Enhancing the Spree application by Bianca Rodrigues
- Rsyslog property based filtering features by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
August 6
- Looking at development environments with DevCamps and Vagrant by Spencer Christensen
- Liquid Galaxy for the Daniel Island School by Dave Jenkins
- Spree Commerce, Take Care When Offering Free Shipping Promotion by Matt Galvin
- Postfix IPv6 preference by Jon Jensen
- Ubuntu upgrade gotchas by Greg Sabino Mullane
- The Beauty of IPMI by Josh Ausborne
July 13
- Point Clouds on the Liquid Galaxy by Josh Tolley
- PyOhio 2014: Python FTW! by Josh Williams
- Customizing the Nestable jQuery Plugin by Steph Skardal
- PostgreSQL conflict handling with Bucardo and multiple data sources by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Python Imports by Miguel Alatorre
- Python Subprocess Wrapping with sh by Kirk Harr
- Creating a Symbol Web Font by Zed Jensen
- Runaway Rewrite Rule by Jeff Boes
- Interactive Highlighting and Annotations with Annotator by Steph Skardal
- Liquid Galaxy installation at Sparkassen-Finanzportal Forum 2014 by Szymon Lipiński
- Facebook, Twitter, Google+ sharing with the URL by Marina Lohova
- Interchange 5.8.2 Release with Bcrypt Encryption Support by Mark Johnson
- Version differences via GitHub from the command line by Greg Sabino Mullane
June 19
- Class is in Session: CartoDB by Bianca Rodrigues
- YAPC::NA 2014, Day Three (and wrap-up) by Jeff Boes
- Rails Performance with Skylight by Steph Skardal
- YAPC::NA 2014, Day Two by Jeff Boes
- Liquid Galaxy Technology Showcase at Situation Interactive by Bianca Rodrigues
- Laziness is a virtue by Jeff Boes
- Version 5 of Bucardo database replication system by Greg Sabino Mullane
- YAPC::NA 2014, Day One by Jeff Boes
- Liquid Galaxy engineer job opening by Jon Jensen
- SELinux, PHP and FTP issues by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- DAD Trouble by Josh Williams
- Integrating Facebook SDK and HybridAuth PHP library by Spencer Christensen
- Android Developer Tools via Google Chrome by Zed Jensen
- Why Can’t I Edit this Database Table? Don’t Forget the Client! by Mark Johnson
- OpenWest Conference Recap by Josh Tolley
- Elixir — a step in a never ending journey by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Unable to Bcc in mail, Spree 2.0 Stable Rails 3.2.14 by Matt Galvin
- CSS Conf US 2014 — Part Two by Greg Davidson
- vim-airline: A lightweight status/tabline for Vim by Patrick Lewis
May 11
- CSSConf US 2014 — Part One by Greg Davidson
- Supporting Apple Retina displays on the Web by Phineas Jensen
- DBD::Pg, array slices, and pg_placeholder_nocolons by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Kamelopard version 0.0.15 released by Josh Tolley
- Liquid Galaxy at MundoGeo in Brazil by Marco Manchego
- git checkout at a specific date by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Highlights of OpenWest conference 2014 by Spencer Christensen
- Interchange form pitfalls by Jeff Boes
- MediaWiki extensions and wfLoadExtensionMessages by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Drupal Commerce for Fun and Profit by Kirk Harr
- Git Workflows That Work by Spencer Christensen
April 22
- Convert Line Endings of Mac and Windows to Unix in Rails and Test with RSpec by Selvakumar Arumugam
- Liquid Galaxy installation at Westfield State University by Will Plaut
- Custom plans prepared statements in PostgreSQL 9.2 by Greg Sabino Mullane
- RailsConf 2014: My Sketchnote Summary by Steph Skardal
- Building an Open Source Software-Centric Company at RailsConf 2014 by Steph Skardal
- ActsAsTaggable acts quirky by Marina Lohova
- RailsConf 2014 on Machine Learning by Steph Skardal
- Dictionary Comprehensions in Python by Szymon Lipiński
- Rails Tips & Tricks at RailsConf 2014 by Steph Skardal
- Spree Security Update 2.x.x Error, undefined method ‘assume_from_symbol’ for Money:Class (ActionView::Template::Error) by Matt Galvin
- RailsConf 2014: Highlights from Day One by Steph Skardal
- Chrome, onmousemove, and MediaWiki JavaScript by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Firefox, Input (type=button), and Line-Height by Kent Krenrich
- Piggybak: Upgrade to Rails 4.1.0 by Steph Skardal
- jQuery Content Replacement with AJAX by Jeff Boes
- SPF, DKIM and DMARC brief explanation and best practices by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Speeding Up Saving Millions of ORM Objects in PostgreSQL by Szymon Lipiński
- Sanity, thy name is not MySQL by Jeff Boes
- Filling Gaps in Cumulative Sum in Postgres by Szymon Lipiński
- Open Source: Challenges of Modularity and Extensibility by Steph Skardal
- I Annotate 2014 Day 2: If it were easy, we would have already solved it by Steph Skardal
- I Annotate 2014 Conference: Day 1 by Steph Skardal
March 20
- 2014 Mountain West Ruby Conference Day 2 by Brian Gadoury
- Puppet, Salt, and DevOps (a review of the MountainWest DevOps conference) by Spencer Christensen
- ZNC: An IRC Bouncer by Greg Davidson
- GIS Visualizations on the Liquid Galaxy by Dave Jenkins
- Mountain West Ruby Conference, Day 1 by Mike Farmer
- Proxy Nginx ports using a regular expression by Brian Gadoury
- Significant Whitespace in an Interchange UserTag by David Christensen
- Scripting ssh master connections by Josh Williams
- Provisioning a Development Environment with Packer, Part 2 by Mike Farmer
- Setup Rails Environment with PostgreSQL on Apple Mac OS X by Selvakumar Arumugam
- Restrict IMAP account access to one (or more) IP address by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Bucardo, and Coping with Unicode by Josh Tolley
- Provisioning a Development Environment with Packer, Part 1 by Mike Farmer
- Implementing Background Fetch in iOS 7 by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Interchange table hacking by Jeff Boes
- md+lvm expansion from RAID 1 to RAID 5 by Josh Williams
- Amazon Payments — Caveat Developer by Carl Bailey
- Ansiblizing SSH Keys by Cas Rusnov
- JavaScript Namespacing with the Rails Asset Pipeline by Steph Skardal
- Liquid Galaxy at the Economist World Ocean Summit by Dave Jenkins
February 17
- DBD::Pg prepared statement change by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Monitoring Productivity with RescueTime by Mike Farmer
- MySQL, ASCII Null, and Data Migration by Mark Johnson
- Accepting Bitcoin with BitPay by Mark Johnson
- More jQuery confusion: hidden, disabled fields by Jeff Boes
- Python decorator basics, part II by Miguel Alatorre
- DBD::Pg 3.0.0 and the utf8 flag by Greg Sabino Mullane
- A Git and symlink mistake by Steph Skardal
- Java Web app error: “Your security settings have blocked a self-signed application from running” by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Spree Active Shipping Gem “We are unable to calculate shipping rates for the selected items.” Error by Matt Galvin
- A Brief Retrospective of Spree by Tim Case
- Long-term Benefits from RailsAdmin by Steph Skardal
- Perl PostgreSQL driver DBD::Pg 3.0.0 released by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Rails ActiveRecord with Database Column Defaults by Kent Krenrich
- The more the merrier? Not always... by Richard Templet
- HTML Doctypes Make A Difference by Spencer Christensen
- phpMemcachedAdmin: Graphical/Web Administration for memcached by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
January 10
- WebP images experiment on End Point website by Jon Jensen
- Mobile Emulation in Chrome DevTools by Greg Davidson
- Functional Handler — A Pattern in Ruby by Mike Farmer
- Unbalanced HTML considered harmful for jQuery by Jeff Boes
- Using Google Maps and jQuery for Location Search by Steph Skardal
- End Point’s New Tennessee Office by Benjamin Goldstein
- News of FreeOTP, RHEL/CentOS, Ruby, Docker, HTTP by Jon Jensen
- Copy Data Between MySQL Databases with Sequel Pro by Greg Davidson
- IPTables: All quotes are not created equal by Richard Templet
- Spot On Cost Effective Performance Testing by Josh Williams
2013 164
December 14
- Highlighting Search Pattern Matches in Vim by Patrick Lewis
- Developer Specific Configuration in Ruby on Rails by Tim Case
- Increasing MySQL 5.5 max_connections on RHEL 5 by Jon Jensen
- Building ImageMagick on RHEL/CentOS 6 with Perl 5.18.1 by Jon Jensen
- Setting a server role in Salt (comparing Puppet and Salt) by Spencer Christensen
- Database federation performance showdown by Josh Tolley
- End Point Partners with A-Zero to Expand Liquid Galaxy Services in South Korea by Dave Jenkins
- Use Ansible/Jinja2 templates to change file content based on target OS by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Getting navigation bar to look good in iOS 7 by Kamil Ciemniewski
- 3 common misconceptions about Ruby on Rails by Tim Case
- New Kamelopard version by Josh Tolley
- Python decorator basics by Miguel Alatorre
- Managing Multiple Hosts and SSH Identities with OpenSSH by Patrick Lewis
- An update to the email_verifier gem has been released by Kamil Ciemniewski
November 23
- A review of The Rails 4 Way by Kent Krenrich
- How to Enable MySQL Event Scheduler by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Testing Your Imagination by Jeff Boes
- Using JavaScript in PostgreSQL by Szymon Lipiński
- Copying Rows Between PostgreSQL Databases by Szymon Lipiński
- Mooving to the Mobile Web by Kirk Harr
- Piggybak Dependency & Demo Updates by Steph Skardal
- Zero Downtime Deploys with Unicorn by Mike Farmer
- SELinux fix for sudo PAM audit_log_acct_message() failed by Jon Jensen
- Asynchronous Page Switches with Django by Josh Williams
- Pagination days are over? Infinite scrolling technique by Marina Lohova
- Post Login Action in Interchange by Steph Skardal
- Internal Tidbits: Links, Resources, Tools by Steph Skardal
- Liquid Galaxy and its Very Own Street View App by Matt Vollrath
- How to Dynamically Update A Spree Product’s Price Based on Volume Pricing by Matt Galvin
- IE7 “Enhances” href Attributes of Links Added via innerHTML by Greg Davidson
- Install Pentaho BI Server 4.8 Community Edition with PostgreSQL Repository by Selvakumar Arumugam
- Install Pentaho BI Server 5 Enterprise Edition with PostgreSQL repository by Selvakumar Arumugam
- Specify versions for your dependencies in your Gemfiles by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Installing CentOS 5 on a 3 TB Drive by Cas Rusnov
- Slony Migration experience version 1.2 to version 2.2 by David Christensen
- SELinux and the need of talking about problems by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- jQuery contents() method by Steph Skardal
October 11
- ASTC Day 1 by Bianca Rodrigues
- Downstream Implications of Data Page Checksums by Josh Williams
- SSL Certificate SANs and Multi-level Wildcards by Cas Rusnov
- Changing Postgres pg_dump warnings into errors with sed by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Full Page Caching in Interchange 5 by Mark Johnson
- How to DRY out your Active Record queries with Squeel by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Controlling interactive programs with pexpect-u by Miguel Alatorre
- Ecommerce Innovation 2013 by Richard Templet
- PostgreSQL Debian apt repository GnuPG key update by Jon Jensen
- First Dance: a Gentle Introduction to for Web Services by Jeff Boes
- Newest European Liquid Galaxy installation: Google Hamburg shop-in-shop by Bianca Rodrigues
September 11
- Getting the Django Admin to sort modified columns by Phineas Jensen
- Comparing installed RPMs on two servers by Jon Jensen
- A Solution to the Most Common Rails Authentication Problem by Tim Case
- eCommerce Innovation Conference 2013 by Richard Templet
- Monitorama, Berlin, EU - Day 2 and final considerations by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Monitorama, Berlin, EU - Day 1 by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Apache accidental DNS hostname lookups by Jon Jensen
- Interchange Form Testing with WWW::Mechanize by Jeff Boes
- My Favorite Git Commands by Steph Skardal
- PostgreSQL 9.3 Released by Szymon Lipiński
- Fixed Navigation Bar: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Breakdown by Steph Skardal
August 9
- YAPC Europe in Kyiv by Jon Jensen
- Log Jam: Be careful with local syslog by Josh Williams
- We’re hiring Rails developers! by Jon Jensen
- The Un-unaccentable Character by Josh Williams
- Give me my /var/log/rpmpkgs back! by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Speeding Up Some FDW Queries by Szymon Lipiński
- Buy One Get One Promotion with Spree by Brian Buchalter
- Little Spree Big Performance Problems by Marina Lohova
- Disney Liquid Galaxy in Sao Paolo by Dave Jenkins
July 15
- Merging JSONs in PostgreSQL by Szymon Lipiński
- Pretty Printing JSONs in PostgreSQL by Szymon Lipiński
- GNU Screen logtstamp string by Jon Jensen
- has_many filter in RailsAdmin by Marina Lohova
- PostgreSQL Autovacuum Issues In EOL Postgres by David Christensen
- Speedier column additions in PostgreSQL by Jeff Boes
- Kamelopard update—Panoramic camera simulation, and splines have returned by Josh Tolley
- Vim tabs and splits by Mike Farmer
- SFTP virtual users with ProFTPD and Rails: Part 2 by Brian Gadoury
- Challenges in testing Dancer 2.0 apps by Jeff Boes
- Proxmox and the fun maze of IPv6 connectivity by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
- Use To Find GitHub Source For Gems by Tim Case
- Automating checking for new versions of PostgreSQL by Greg Sabino Mullane
- CouchDB pagination with couchdb-python by Miguel Alatorre
- WAVE: Evaluating Web Accessibility by Steph Skardal
June 16
- Rails transposing day and month after upgrading Ruby 1.8.7 by Brian Buchalter
- Custom 500 error page while using nginx proxying by Richard Templet
- Debugging obscure Postgres problems with strace by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Spree’s New Release Policy by Brian Buchalter
- Making use of a Unix Pipe by Mike Farmer
- Railsbridge NYC by Bianca Rodrigues
- Converting root filesystem from ext3 to ext4 on CentOS and RHEL 5.9 by Jon Jensen
- Installing PostgreSQL without Root by Szymon Lipiński
- PostgreSQL Functional Indexes by Szymon Lipiński
- Creating custom button graphics in Android by Zed Jensen
- JSConf US — Day 2 by Greg Davidson
- Window functions in action by Josh Tolley
- DevOps engineer job opening (remote) by Jon Jensen
- JSConf US 2013 — Day One by Greg Davidson
- CSS Conf 2013 — When Bootstrap Attacks! by Greg Davidson
- PostgreSQL as NoSQL with Data Validation by Szymon Lipiński
May 17
- Login shells in scripts called from cron by Jon Jensen
- GnuPG: list all recipients of a message by Jon Jensen
- Honor your elders (and others) by Jeff Boes
- End Point Liquid Galaxy Projects at Google I/O 2013 by Dave Jenkins
- Travis build log doesn’t display by Brian Gadoury
- Isolation Test Helper for Rails Development by Mike Farmer
- Making Python Code a Little Bit Cleaner by Szymon Lipiński
- Adventures with using Ruby 2.0 and libreadline by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Breaking Up Your Asset Pipeline by Mike Farmer
- Selenium Testing File Uploads in Django Admin by Adam Vollrath
- Foreign Data Wrappers by Josh Tolley
- Lanyrd: Finding conferences for the busy or travel-weary developer by Jeff Boes
- Dynamically adding custom radio buttons in Android by Zed Jensen
- Dimensional Modeling by Josh Tolley
- Using Modernizr with the Rails Asset Pipeline by Mike Farmer
- End Point Europe meeting in Warsaw by Jon Jensen
- Rackspace Load Balancers network issues and “desperate” solution by Emanuele “Lele” Calò
April 20
- Elasticsearch: Give me object! by Miguel Alatorre
- Estimating overlayfs File Space Usage on Ubuntu 12.04 LiveCD by Adam Vollrath
- SSH ProxyCommand with netcat and socat by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Leap Motion Controller + Liquid Galaxy by Dave Jenkins
- Creating Smooth Flight Paths in Google Earth with Kamelopard and Math by Josh Tolley
- Liquid Galaxy in GSoC 2013! by Benjamin Goldstein
- Making SSL Work with Django Behind an Apache Reverse Proxy by Greg Davidson
- Avoid 2:00 and 3:00 am cron jobs! by Jon Jensen
- Pounding Simplicity into Wiki by Mike Farmer
- End Point Upgrades Liquid Galaxy at Ann Arbor Hands On Museum by Dave Jenkins
- A DIY Ruby Profiler! by Mike Farmer
- Batteries Included! by Mike Farmer
- Code Smells: Your Refactoring Cheat Codes by Mike Farmer
- Converting RHEL 5.9 and 6.4 to CentOS by Jon Jensen
- Immutable Ruby by Michael Fairley by Mike Farmer
- It's Time Once Again for MountainWest RubyConf! by Mike Farmer
- MWRC Ruby 2.0 with Matz by Mike Farmer
- Testing Anti-Patterns by Mike Farmer
- Deploying password files with Chef by Matt Vollrath
- Debugging Localization in Rails by Mike Farmer
March 7
- Custom helper subs in Dancer templates by Jon Jensen
- Paper Source Case Study with Google Maps API by Steph Skardal
- Google Sitemap rapid deployment by Jeff Boes
- Generating PDF documents in the browser by Kamil Ciemniewski
- NoSQL benchmark of Cassandra, HBase, MongoDB by Jon Jensen
- Streaming Live with Red5 Media Server: Two-Way by Marina Lohova
- Data binding in web applications by Kamil Ciemniewski
February 11
- Installing Python in local directory by Szymon Lipiński
- Crossed siting; or How to Debug iOS Flash issues with Chrome by Jeff Boes
- To ask or not to ask? Debug first. by Miguel Alatorre
- Configuring RailsAdmin 0.0.5 with CKeditor 3.7.2 by Marina Lohova
- Kamelopard Updates by Josh Tolley
- Git as rsync by Jeff Boes
- Detecting Bufferbloat by Brian Buchalter
- Ghost Table Cells in IE9 by Greg Davidson
- Getting started with Heroku by Marina Lohova
- Install SSL Certificate from Network Solutions on nginx by Brian Buchalter
- jQuery Performance Tips: Slice, Filter, parentsUntil by Steph Skardal
January 10
- How to Apply a Rails Security Patch by Brian Buchalter
- Evading Anti-Virus Detection with Metasploit by Brian Buchalter
- JavaScript-driven Interactive Highlighting by Steph Skardal
- Create a key pair using SSH on Windows by Bianca Rodrigues
- CSS sprites: The easy way? by Richard Templet
- Camp tools by Jeff Boes
- Use Metasploit to Verify Rails is Secured from CVE-2013-0156 by Brian Buchalter
- Conversion Tracking via JavaScript by Steph Skardal
- Company Update January 2013 by Phineas Jensen
- Paper Source: The Road to nginx Full Page Caching in Interchange by Steph Skardal
2012 210
December 17
- Oceanographic Museum of Monaco Liquid Galaxy by Benjamin Goldstein
- Piggybak: End of Year Update by Steph Skardal
- Find your Perl in Other Shells by Mark Johnson
- Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS before basic auth by Ron Phipps
- Announcing Ruby gem: email_verifier by Kamil Ciemniewski
- SFTP virtual users with ProFTPD and Rails: Part 1 by Brian Gadoury
- Verify Addresses the Easy Way with SmartyStreets by Tim Case
- Advanced Product Options (Variants) in Piggybak by Steph Skardal
- Lazy AJAX by Jeff Boes
- tmux and SecureCRT settings by Ron Phipps
- Update Your GNU Screen Config on the Fly by Greg Davidson
- Is AVS for International Customers Useless? by Jeff Boes
- Piggybak Extensions: A Basic How-To Guide by Barrett Griffith
- Custom validation with authlogic: Password can't be repeated. by Marina Lohova
- Interactive Piggybak Demo Tour by Steph Skardal
- Mobixa: A Client Case Study by Steph Skardal
- Slash URL by Jeff Boes
November 12
- Rails: Devise and Email Capitalization by Steph Skardal
- Detecting table rewrites with the ctid column by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Job Opening: DevOps Engineer by Jon Jensen
- PostgreSQL search_path Behaviour by Szymon Lipiński
- Piggybak on Heroku by Steph Skardal
- Postgres alter column problems and solutions by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Using cec-client to Control HDMI Devices by Matt Vollrath
- Getting Started with the Perl Debugger by Jeff Boes
- cPanel no-pty ssh noise removal by Jon Jensen
- Piggybak: Roadmap Status Update by Steph Skardal
- How to make a PostgreSQL query slow by Szymon Lipiński
- How to Build a Command Line Executable Installer with Rubygems and Thor by Tim Case
October 17
- Association Extensions in Rails for Piggybak by Steph Skardal
- PostgreSQL auto_explain Module by Szymon Lipiński
- An Encouraging LinuxFest by Josh Williams
- Postgres system triggers error: permission denied by Greg Sabino Mullane
- The truth about Google Wallet integration by Marina Lohova
- Case Sensitive MySQL Searches by Brian Buchalter
- Debugging Sinatra with racksh and pry by Kamil Ciemniewski
- Piggybak Update: Line Item Rearchitecture by Steph Skardal
- Simple bash shell script for running batch MySQL jobs by Barrett Griffith
- How to pick a Ruby gem by Tim Case
- Don't Sleep on Rails 3 SQL Injection Vulnerabilities by Tim Case
- Feature Isolation, an Overview by Mike Farmer
- Feature Isolation with Mike Farmer by Brian Buchalter
- Piggybak: The Roadmap by Steph Skardal
- The Real Cost of Data Roundtrip by Szymon Lipiński
- Setting user ownership of nginx and Passenger processes by Brian Buchalter
- Ubuntu Dual Monitor Setup on Dell XPS by Steph Skardal
September 12
- Defense in Depth by Zed Jensen
- Test Web Sites with Internet Explorer for Free by Greg Davidson
- Piggybak: An Update on End Point's Ruby on Rails Ecommerce Engine by Steph Skardal
- Insidious List Context by Jeff Boes
- Rails 4 Highlights by Steph Skardal
- AJAX Queuing in Piggybak by Steph Skardal
- Company Presentation: Ecommerce as an Engine by Steph Skardal
- Three Things: Times Two by Steph Skardal
- Cannot parse Cookie header in Ruby on Rails by Steph Skardal
- Enforcing Transaction Compartments with Foreign Keys and SECURITY DEFINER by Mark Johnson
- PL/Perl multiplicity issues with PostgreSQL: the Highlander restriction by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Musica Russica Launches with Piggybak by Steph Skardal
August 9
- DevCamps: Creating new camps from a non-default Git branch by Brian Gadoury
- Automatically kill process using too much memory on Linux by Jon Jensen
- Git: Delete your files and keep them, too by Jeff Boes
- Company Update August 2012 by Zed Jensen
- Paginating API call with Radian6 by Marina Lohova
- Merging Two Google Accounts: My Experience by Steph Skardal
- Using Different PostgreSQL Versions at The Same Time. by Szymon Lipiński
- Hidden inefficiencies in Interchange searching by Jeff Boes
- Rails 3 ActiveRecord caching bug ahoy! by Brian Gadoury
July 13
- Postgres Open 2012 by David Christensen
- Ruby on Rails software developer needed by Jon Jensen
- Are you sure you want a MacBook Pro? by Brian Buchalter
- Interchange “on-the-fly” items by Jeff Boes
- cPanel Exim false positive failure & restart fix by Jon Jensen
- Automated VM cloning with PowerCLI by Brian Buchalter
- GoRuCo 2012 Recap by Brian Buchalter
- Liquid Galaxy at the INFO Summit by Josh Ausborne
- Changing Passenger Nginx Timeouts by Brian Buchalter
- RHEL 6 glibc IPv6 DNS resolution bug by Jon Jensen
- Company Presentation: Ember, Backbone and Friends by Greg Davidson
- Independence Day … in Belarus by Marina Lohova
- Code School: Journey into Mobile Review by Steph Skardal
June 43
- Postgres log_statement='all' should be your default by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Respecting API Call Limit with Radian6 by Marina Lohova
- Three Things: ImageMagick, RequestBin, Responsivness by Steph Skardal
- Google I/O 2012, Day 1 by Zed Jensen
- Speeding Up Integration Tests with PostgreSQL - Follow Up by Szymon Lipiński
- KISS: Slurping up File Attachments by Steph Skardal
- Simple Example of Dependency Injection with Rails by Brian Buchalter
- .rbenv and Passenger: Working through an Upgrade by Steph Skardal
- Speeding Up Integration Tests with PostgreSQL by Szymon Lipiński
- Moving a Commit to Another Branch in Git by Mike Farmer
- Guard Cucumber Command Prefix by Mike Farmer
- Company Meeting Wrap-Up by Steph Skardal
- Developing a Spree Application by Szymon Lipiński
- Interchange Caching Implementation Under Fire by Adam Vollrath
- IPv6 Basics by Josh Williams by Brian Gadoury
- Locate Express presentation by Terry Grant
- Popular Mobile Apps from Brian and Adam by Steph Skardal
- When not writing in Bash, Perl, Python, and Ruby we write in English: Writing Tips by Brian Dillon
- World of Powersports Client Report by Mike Farmer
- Adam Vollrath shows Liquid Galaxy Tours at the End Point Company Meeting by Gerard Drazba
- College District presentation by Greg Sabino Mullane
- EP Meeting: Clean Editor and Git Workflows by Matt Vollrath
- Handling Ecommerce Transactions with PayPal by Greg Davidson
- Josh Tolley: About Google Earth Tours by Josh Ausborne
- OpenSSH Tips and Tricks with Matt Vollrath by Brian Buchalter
- Overcoming Adversity on the Road: Stories Behind the Liquid Galaxy by Mark Johnson
- RailsAdmin & Django by Jeff Boes
- Security review with Kiel: Time to be paranoid. by Josh Williams
- You shall not pass! Preventing SQL injection by Marina Lohova
- Chef and Puppet Overview by Josh Tolley
- End Point’s Ruby Slippers by Kiel Christofferson
- Git Workflows by Mike Farmer
- Integration Experiences by David Christensen
- Interesting jQuery Modules by Carl Bailey
- Liquid Galaxy NYC Annual Meeting by Steph Skardal
- Paper Source Client Profile by Adam Vollrath
- The Berkman Center projects by Terry Grant
- TriSano and Pentaho at our NYC company meeting by Jon Jensen
- Web service integration in PHP, jQuery, Perl and Interchange by Ron Phipps
- Why Piggybak exists by Brian Dillon
- 2012 company meeting in New York City by Jon Jensen
- Detecting Postgres SQL Injection by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Devise on Rails: Prepopulating Form Data by Steph Skardal
May 18
- Integrating UPS Worldship - Pick and Pack by Terry Grant
- Simple Pagination with AJAX by Jeff Boes
- Liquid Galaxy at Doodle 4 Google by Alejandro Ramon
- Website Performance Boot Camp at UTOSC 2012 by Jon Jensen
- UTOSC 2012 talks of interest by Jon Jensen
- Keeping Your Apps Neat & Tidy With RequireJS by Greg Davidson
- Vim — working with encryption by Terry Grant
- Points of Interest by Brian Buchalter
- SELinux Local Policy Modules by Jon Jensen
- Three Things: Rails, JOIN tip, and Responsiveness by Steph Skardal
- UTOSC Recap by Josh Tolley
- Inherit an application by rewriting the test suite by Brian Buchalter
- Monitoring many Postgres files at once with tail_n_mail by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Problem with Cisco VPN on Ubuntu 12.04 by Szymon Lipiński
- End Point at the Utah Open Source Conference by Josh Ausborne
- Instance Variable Collision with ActsAsTaggableOn by Brian Gadoury
- Reverting Git Commits by Szymon Lipiński
- Profile Ruby with ruby-prof and KCachegrind by Brian Buchalter
April 23
- Streaming Live with Red5 Media Server by Marina Lohova
- RailsConf 2012: What’s Next in Rails? by Steph Skardal
- RailsConf 2012: Day Three by Steph Skardal
- RailsConf 2012: Day Two by Steph Skardal
- Using CarrierWave without an ORM in Spree by Mike Farmer
- RailsConf 2012: Day One by Steph Skardal
- Byte-swap an entire file using perl by David Christensen
- Deconstructing an OO Blog Designs in Ruby 1.9 by Brian Buchalter
- UTOSC, here I come by Josh Tolley
- Integrating Propel ORM by Terry Grant
- An Introduction to Google Website Optimizer by Steph Skardal
- Liquid Galaxy Website Launch by Brian Dillon
- Monitoring cronjob exit codes with Nagios by Brian Buchalter
- Easy creating ramdisk on Ubuntu by Szymon Lipiński
- XOR ROX by Jeff Boes
- Make your code search-friendly by Jeff Boes
- Tips for job applicants by Jon Jensen
- Three Things: Photography, Facebook on WordPress, and the watch command by Steph Skardal
- Guide to Ubuntu 11.10 on a Samsung Netbook by Brian Buchalter
- Custom Apache log to only show HTML requests by Ron Phipps
- MWRC Highlights Part 2 of 2 by Brian Gadoury
- Stateful IPv6 tracking in RHEL 5: Fail by Josh Williams
- Web Development for HeARTs Speak by Steph Skardal
March 19
- Three Things: frame box, Kiss Metrics, DUMP_VHOSTS by Steph Skardal
- CanCan and RailsAdmin in Ecommerce by Steph Skardal
- Debugging Celery Tasks in Django Projects by Greg Davidson
- Dealing with Rails Application Complexity — A Report from MWRC by Mike Farmer
- Three Things: Startups, Rails news, jQuery index by Steph Skardal
- MWRC Highlights Part 1 of 2 by Brian Gadoury
- Puppet custom facts and Ruby plugins to set a homedir by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Liquid Galaxy in GSoC 2012! by Benjamin Goldstein
- Firebug in Action: CSS Changes by Steph Skardal
- Check JSON responses with Nagios by Brian Buchalter
- A Cache Expiration Strategy in RailsAdmin by Steph Skardal
- Check HTTP redirects with Nagios by Brian Buchalter
- RailsAdmin: A Custom Action Case Study by Marina Lohova
- A Little Less of the Middle by Josh Williams
- The Mystery of The Zombie Postgres Row by Greg Sabino Mullane
- PHP Vulnerabilities and Logging by Steph Skardal
- Handling outside events with jQuery and Backbone.js by Greg Davidson
- IPv6 Tunnels with Debian/Ubuntu behind NAT by Brian Buchalter
- jQuery Async AJAX: Interrupts IE, not Firefox, Chrome, Safari by Carl Bailey
February 13
- Multi-store Architecture for Ecommerce by Steph Skardal
- Rails 3 remote delete link handlers with Unobtrusive Javascript by Brian Gadoury
- Liquid Galaxy at the World Oceans Summit by Gerard Drazba
- Spring authentication plugin by Josh Tolley
- Downloading CSV file from Django admin by Szymon Lipiński
- Perl, UTF-8, and binmode on filehandles by Greg Sabino Mullane
- World IPv6 Launch: 6 June 2012 by Jon Jensen
- Tracking down PostgreSQL XYZ error: tablespace, database, and relfilnode by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Django and Virtual Environments by Szymon Lipiński
- DevCamps setup with Ruby 1.9.3, rbenv, Nginx and Unicorn by Richard Templet
- Lock up your keys by Jeff Boes
- Download Functionality for Rails Ecommerce by Steph Skardal
- RailsAdmin Import: Part 2 by Steph Skardal
January 14
- Protecting and auditing your secure PostgreSQL data by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Linux unshare -m for per-process private filesystem mount points by Jon Jensen
- Our SoftLayer API tools by Jon Jensen
- MySQL replication monitoring on Ubuntu 10.04 with Nagios and NRPE by Brian Buchalter
- Importing Data with RailsAdmin by Steph Skardal
- Using Disqus and Ruby on Rails by Brian Buchalter
- ActiveRecord Callbacks for Order Processing in Ecommerce Applications by Steph Skardal
- Interchange loops using DBI Slice by Richard Templet
- Take a snapshot in Cucumber and sync it with Dropbox! by Mike Farmer
- Introducing Piggybak: A Mountable Ruby on Rails Ecommerce Engine by Steph Skardal
- Ruby on Rails: Attributes Management through Rights by Steph Skardal
- Some great press for College District by Ron Phipps
- Automating removal of SSH key patterns by Brian Buchalter
- Interchange Search Caching with “Permanent More” by Mark Johnson
2011 144
December 17
- Importing Comments into Disqus using Rails by Brian Buchalter
- Labeling input boxes including passwords by Ron Phipps
- Converting CentOS 6 to RHEL 6 by Jon Jensen
- Rails Request-Based Routing Constraints in Spree by Brian Gadoury
- Modifying Models in Rails Migrations by Sonny Cook
- Nifty In-Button Confirmation by Evan Tann
- Sanitizing supposed UTF-8 data by Jon Jensen
- Hurray for tracking configuration files in source control by Josh Williams
- Preventing Global Variables in JavaScript by Evan Tann
- Using Gmail at Work by Brian Buchalter
- Liquid Galaxy at Le Pavillon de l’Arsenal in Paris by Benjamin Goldstein
- Sunspot, Solr, Rails: Working with Results by Steph Skardal
- Christmas Tree Commerce in 2011 by Brian J. Miller
- Running Integration Tests in WebKit Without a Browser by Mike Farmer
- Semaphore limits and many Apache instances on Linux by Jon Jensen
- Working with constants in Ruby by Brian Buchalter
- Performing Bulk Edits in Rails: Part 2 by Brian Buchalter
November 8
- Kamelopard Release by Josh Tolley
- Book Recommendation: Ghost in the Wires by Steph Skardal
- Global Variables in Interchange Jobs by Mark Johnson
- Appending one PDF to another using PDF Toolkit by Brian Buchalter
- Performing Bulk Edits in Rails: Part 1 by Brian Buchalter
- Advanced Rights and Roles Management in Rails by Steph Skardal
- Finding PostgreSQL temporary_file problems with tail_n_mail by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Double habtm Relationship Between Models by Steph Skardal
October 7
- RPM building: Fedora’s _sharedstatedir by Jon Jensen
- Using the new version of imapfilter with mutt by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Rails Controllers and Transactions by Sonny Cook
- PG West 2011 Re-cap by David Christensen
- Viewing schema changes over time with check_postgres by Greg Sabino Mullane
- CRUD, RESTful, and JSON for Address Management in Interchange by Steph Skardal
- A comparison of Jaspersoft iReport and Pentaho Reporting by Josh Tolley
September 12
- Rails 3.1: Upgrading a Simple App — Part 2 by Steph Skardal
- PostgreSQL Serializable and Repeatable Read Switcheroo by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Another Post-Postgres Open Post by Josh Williams
- Rails 3.1: Upgrading a Simple App — Part 1 by Steph Skardal
- Headed out to PgWest next week by David Christensen
- Bucardo, 9.1, and you! by Josh Williams
- OpenSSH known_hosts oddity by Jon Jensen
- CSS Fixed, Static Position Toggle by Steph Skardal
- Postgres Open: One week to go! by Josh Williams
- SQL errors in Interchange by Jeff Boes
- Ruby on Rails Performance Overview by Steph Skardal
- Bucardo PostgreSQL replication to other tables with customname by Greg Sabino Mullane
August 10
- Building Xpdf on Ubuntu by Jon Jensen
- Giraffes and Liquid Galaxy by Josh Tolley
- PostgreSQL log analysis / PGSI by Greg Sabino Mullane
- jQuery and hidden elements by Jeff Boes
- Changing postgresql.conf from a script by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Remove specific CGI variables using Apache by David Christensen
- The rails_admin gem in Ecommerce by Steph Skardal
- Rails Optimization: Digging Deeper by Steph Skardal
- DevCamps news by Jon Jensen
- Debian Postgres readline psql problem and the solutions by Greg Sabino Mullane
July 7
- Cuenca, Ecuador by Benjamin Goldstein
- Company Presentation: jQuery and Rails by Steph Skardal
- Rails Optimization: Advanced Techniques with Solr by Steph Skardal
- Announcing pg_blockinfo! by David Christensen
- Raw Caching Performance in Ruby/Rails by Steph Skardal
- Google+ by Steph Skardal
- Home router problems with .0 IP address by Jon Jensen
June 12
- We are hiring: Ruby on Rails Developer by Ron Phipps
- Competing with the big players in e-commerce by Ron Phipps
- DBD::Pg UTF-8 for PostgreSQL server_encoding by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Internet Retailer exhibits of note by Jon Jensen
- End Point at IRCE 2011 by Steph Skardal
- DBD::Pg moves to Git! by David Christensen
- MongoDB replication from Postgres using Bucardo by Greg Sabino Mullane
- June 8, 2011: World IPv6 Day by Josh Williams
- SeniorNet by Jeff Boes
- Using Set Operators with Ruby Arrays by Mike Farmer
- Bucardo multi-master for PostgreSQL by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Paperclip in Spree: Extending Product Image Sizes by Steph Skardal
May 15
- Saving time with generate_series() by Josh Tolley
- Postgres Bug Tracking - Help Wanted! by Greg Sabino Mullane
- End Point to be at Internet Retailer 2011 by Steph Skardal
- Spree Performance Benchmarking by Steph Skardal
- Raising open file descriptor limits for Dovecot and nginx by Jon Jensen
- Coding Tips from RailsConf 2011 by Steph Skardal
- JavaScript and APIs at RailsConf 2011 by Steph Skardal
- Only Try This At Home by Josh Williams
- Sass at RailsConf 2011 by Steph Skardal
- Rails 3 at RailsConf 2011 by Steph Skardal
- RailsConf 2011 — Day One by Jason Dixon
- DBD::Pg and the libpq COPY bug by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Locally served YUI3 by Brian J. Miller
- Benchmarking in Perl: Map versus For Loop by Steph Skardal
- NOTIFY vs Prepared Transactions in Postgres (the Bucardo solution) by Greg Sabino Mullane
April 10
- MySQL Integer Size Attributes by Mark Johnson
- A Product Variant Code Challenge by Steph Skardal
- Three Liquid Galaxy Projects Accepted for Google Summer of Code 2011 by Adam Vollrath
- Postgres query caching with DBIx::Cache by Greg Sabino Mullane
- RHEL 5 SELinux initscripts problem by Jon Jensen
- Determining dominant image color by Jeff Boes
- Use ZIP+4, except when you shouldn’t by Jeff Boes
- Virtual Page Tracking and Goals with Google Analytics by Steph Skardal
- DBD::Pg query cancelling in Postgres by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Ruby, Rails, and Ecommerce by Steph Skardal
March 16
- Annotating Your Logs by Josh Williams
- Interactive Git: My New Found Friend(s) by Brian J. Miller
- Postgres Build Farm Animal Differences by Greg Sabino Mullane
- ActiveProduct — Just the Spree Products by Sonny Cook
- Referral Tracking with Google Analytics by Steph Skardal
- Lazy Image Loading in JavaScript with jQuery by Steph Skardal
- Liquid Galaxy Project in GSoC 2011! by Benjamin Goldstein
- Product Personalization for Ecommerce on Interchange with Scene7 by Steph Skardal
- Google 2-factor authentication by Jon Jensen
- Presenting at PgEast by David Christensen
- Liquid Galaxy in The New York Times by Benjamin Goldstein
- jQuery and Long-Running Web App Processes: A Case Study by Brian Gadoury
- A Ruby on Rails Tag Cloud Tutorial with Spree by Steph Skardal
- Ecommerce on Sinatra: A Shopping Cart Story by Steph Skardal
- API gaps: an Android MediaPlayer example by Jon Jensen
- SSH: piping data in reverse by David Christensen
February 19
- Ecommerce Solutions: What are the Options? by Steph Skardal
- What’s the difference? by Josh Tolley
- YUI Extensions and Post Initialization by Brian J. Miller
- Debugging PHP extensions with the dynamic linker by Jason Dixon
- Google Earth KML Tour Development Challenges on Liquid Galaxy by Adam Vollrath
- Ecommerce Facebook Integration Tips by Steph Skardal
- GNU Screen + SSH_AUTH_SOCK; my new approach by David Christensen
- A Simple WordPress Theme In Action by Steph Skardal
- Managing Perl environments with perlbrew by Jason Dixon
- Pausing Hot Standby Replay in PostgreSQL 9.0 by David Christensen
- A Performance Case Study by Steph Skardal
- SAS 70 becomes SSAE 16 by Jon Jensen
- Web Friendly Tools by Steph Skardal
- Using nginx to transparently modify/debug third-party content by David Christensen
- Monitoring with Purpose by Jason Dixon
- In Our Own Words by Steph Skardal
- Visit at DistribuTECH by Ron Phipps
- Browser popularity by Jon Jensen
- JSON pretty-printer by Jon Jensen
January 11
- jQuery Tips and an Ecommerce Demo by Steph Skardal
- DROID 2 review by Jon Jensen
- Ruby Ecommerce with Sinatra: Admin and Products by Steph Skardal
- check_postgres without Nagios (Postgres checkpoints) by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Ecommerce on Sinatra: In a Jiffy by Steph Skardal
- Zayda Internet joins End Point by Jon Jensen
- DBD::Pg, UTF-8, and Postgres client_encoding by Greg Sabino Mullane
- SSH config wildcards and multiple Postgres servers per client by Greg Sabino Mullane
- New Year Bug Bites by Benjamin Goldstein
- jQuery code for making a block level element clickable while maintaining left/middle/right clicking by Ron Phipps
- Version Control Visualization and End Point in Open Source by Steph Skardal
2010 147
December 4
- Character encoding in perl: decode_utf8() vs decode('utf8') by David Christensen
- SearchToolbar and dropped Interchange sessions by Ron Phipps
- Using “diff” and “git” to locate original revision/source of externally modified files by David Christensen
- Dissecting a Rails 3 Spree Extension Upgrade by Steph Skardal
November 8
- PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance Review by David Christensen
- PostgreSQL 9.0 Admin Cookbook by Josh Tolley
- Mongol Rally charity fundraiser by Jon Jensen
- Ruby on Rails versus CakePHP: A Syntax Comparison Guide by Steph Skardal
- Liquid Galaxy Sysadmin+ Wanted by Benjamin Goldstein
- Utah Open Source Conference 2010 part 1 by Jon Jensen
- (Image|Graphics)Magick trick for monitoring or visualizations by Kiel Christofferson
- Speeding up the Spree demo site by Jon Jensen
October 20
- Keep the Aisles Clean at Checkout by Mark Johnson
- Spree on Rails 3: Part One by Steph Skardal
- Spree on Rails 3: Part Two by Steph Skardal
- check_postgres meets pgbouncer by Josh Tolley
- Cross Browser Development: A Few CSS and JS Issues by Steph Skardal
- Simple audio playback with Yahoo Mediaplayer by Jeff Boes
- Youth Debate and other client news by Jon Jensen
- Git branches and rebasing by Jeff Boes
- Implementing Per Item Discounts in Spree by Sonny Cook
- SEO friendly redirects in Interchange by Richard Templet
- Conventions by Jon Jensen
- Providing Database Handle for Interchange Testing by Chris Kershaw
- Red Hat SELinux policy for mod_wsgi by Adam Vollrath
- Keep Your Tools Sharp To Avoid Personal Technical Debt by Brian Gadoury
- Spree Sample Data: Orders and Checkout by Steph Skardal
- Upgrading old versions of Postgres by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Seeking a Ruby, Rails, Spree developer by Jon Jensen
- Surge 2010 wrap-up by Jon Jensen
- Two Cool Things about Liquid Galaxy by Benjamin Goldstein
- Surge 2010 day 1 by Jon Jensen
September 15
- Google Liquid Galaxy Support by Benjamin Goldstein
- Gift Certificates: Easy to Say, Hard to Do by Carl Bailey
- Debugging jQuery by Ron Phipps
- PostgreSQL 8.4 in RHEL/CentOS 5.5 by Jon Jensen
- Postgres configuration best practices by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Anonymous code blocks by Josh Tolley
- pg_wrapper’s very symbolic links by Josh Williams
- Listen/Notify improvements in PostgreSQL 9.0 by Greg Sabino Mullane
- PostgreSQL odd checkpoint failure by David Christensen
- jQuery Auto-Complete in Interchange by Jeff Boes
- Perl Testing - stopping the firehose by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Reducing bloat without locking by Josh Tolley
- CSS Sprites and a “Live” Demo by Steph Skardal
- Guidelines for Interchange site migrations by Ron Phipps
- Long Lasting SSH Multiplexing Made Simplish by Brian J. Miller
August 9
- An Odd Reason Why I Like Google Wave by Jon Jensen
- Learning Spree: 10 Intro Tips by James Bennett
- Hopefully Useful Techniques for Git Rebase by Ethan Rowe
-, CityPASS, and Zapp’s in the news by Jon Jensen
- Ruby on Rails Typo blog upgrade by Jon Jensen
- Creativity with fuzzy string search by Josh Tolley
- End Point turns 15 years old by Jon Jensen
- Tail_n_mail and the log_line_prefix curse by Greg Sabino Mullane
- A WordPress Migration Quick Tip by Steph Skardal
July 12
- Distributed Transactions and Two-Phase Commit by Josh Tolley
- Spree: Gift Certificates and Coupons by Steph Skardal
- Efficiency of find -exec vs. find | xargs by Jon Jensen
- PostgreSQL: per-version .psqlrc by David Christensen
- PostgreSQL: Dynamic SQL Function by David Christensen
- Localize $@ in DESTROY by Mark Johnson
- PostgreSQL: Migration Support Checklist by David Christensen
- Spree: Working with Sample Product Data by Steph Skardal
- Why is my load average so high? by Josh Tolley
- Spree vs. Magento: Feature List Revisited by Steph Skardal
- Views across many similar tables by Jeff Boes
- Mock Testing with Perl by Sonny Cook
June 10
- Upgrading Spree with the help of Git by Steph Skardal
- Getting Started with Unit Testing by Ethan Rowe
- SouthEast LinuxFest 2010 by Brian J. Miller
- NoSQL at RailsConf 2010: An Ecommerce Example by Steph Skardal
- pgcrypto pg_cipher_exists errors on upgrade from PostgreSQL 8.1 by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Rails 3 at RailsConf 2010: Code Goodness by Steph Skardal
- RailsConf 2010: Spree and The Ecommerce Smackdown, Or Not by Steph Skardal
- RailsConf 2010 Rate a Rails Application: Day One, Session One by Steph Skardal
- Spree vs Magento: A Feature List Comparison by Steph Skardal
- Tracking Down Database Corruption With psql by Josh Williams
May 15
- The PGCon “Hall Track” by Josh Tolley
- Postgres Conference — PGCon2010 — Day Two by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Spree and Multi-site Architecture for Ecommerce by Steph Skardal
- PostgreSQL Conference - PGCon 2010 - Day One by Greg Sabino Mullane
- PostgreSQL 8.4 on RHEL 4: Teaching an old dog new tricks by David Christensen
- PostgreSQL switches to Git by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Finding the PostgreSQL version — without logging in! by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Thrillist Buys JackThreads by Jon Jensen
- Continuing an interrupted git-svn clone by David Christensen
- PostgreSQL template databases to restore to a known state by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Using PostgreSQL Hooks by Josh Tolley
- Tail_n_Mail does Windows (log file monitoring) by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Cassandra, Thrift, and Fibers in EventMachine by Ethan Rowe
- PostgreSQL startup Debian logging failure by David Christensen
- Tickle me Postgres: Tcl inside PostgreSQL with pl/tcl and pl/tclu by Greg Sabino Mullane
April 13
- LinuxFest Northwest: PostgreSQL 9.0 upcoming features by Selena Deckelmann
- Viewing Postgres function progress from the outside by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Make git grep recurse into submodules by David Christensen
- Spree and Authorize.Net: Authorization and Capture Quick Tip by Steph Skardal
- jQuery UI Sortable Tips by Chris Kershaw
- PostgreSQL at LinuxFest Northwest by Selena Deckelmann
- Using charge tag in Interchange’s profiles, and trickiness with logic and tag interpolation order by Ron Phipps
- Restoring individual table data from a Postgres dump by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Authlogic and RESTful Authentication Encryption by Steph Skardal
- A decade of change in our work by Jon Jensen
- Tip: Find all non-UTF-8 files by David Christensen
- Modifying Models in Rails Migrations by Sonny Cook
- Git Submodules: What is the Ideal Workflow? by Steph Skardal
March 12
- Spree and Software Development: Git and Ruby techniques by Steph Skardal
- Xen MAC mismatch VNC mouse escape HOWTO by Jon Jensen
- PostgreSQL Conference East 2010 review by Greg Sabino Mullane
- LibrePlanet 2010: Eben Moglen and the future of Oracle in free software by Selena Deckelmann
- Using psql \o to append to a file by Josh Tolley
- MountainWest RubyConf 2010 — Steph’s Notes by Steph Skardal
- NoSQL Live: The Dynamo Derivatives (Cassandra, Voldemort, Riak) by Ethan Rowe
- Quick Thoughts on NoSQL Live Boston Conference by Ethan Rowe
- PostgreSQL UTF-8 Conversion by Jon Jensen
- PostgreSQL tip: arbitrary serialized rows by David Christensen
- Spree on Heroku for Development by Steph Skardal
- Riak Install on Debian Lenny by Ethan Rowe
February 12
- PostgreSQL EC2/EBS/RAID 0 snapshot backup by Jon Jensen
- More Code and SEO with the Google Analytics API by Steph Skardal
- PostgreSQL tip: dump objects into a new schema by David Christensen
- GNU diff: changing the output filenames by David Christensen
- MRM: The power of ‘random’, program maintenance, weave and electricity by Selena Deckelmann
- Safari 4 Top Sites feature skews analytics by Jon Jensen
- MySQL Ruby Gem CentOS RHEL 5 Installation Error Troubleshooting by Adam Vollrath
- On Linux, noatime includes nodiratime by Jon Jensen
- Monday Reading Material by Selena Deckelmann
- PostgreSQL version 9.0 release date prediction by Greg Sabino Mullane
- LCA2010: Postgres represent! by Selena Deckelmann
- Automatic migration from Slony to Bucardo by Josh Tolley
January 17
- PostgreSQL tip: using pg_dump to extract a single function by David Christensen
- Postgres: Hello Git, goodbye CVS by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Slony: Cascading Subscriptions by David Christensen
- Blog versus Forum, Blogger versus WordPress in Ecommerce by Steph Skardal
- SEO 2010 Trends and Strategies by Steph Skardal
- Splitting Postgres pg_dump into pre and post data files by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Gathering server information with boxinfo by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Rails Ecommerce with Spree: Customizing with Hooks Comments by Steph Skardal
- Rails Ecommerce with Spree: Customizing with Hooks Tutorial by Steph Skardal
- Postgres Upgrades — Ten Problems and Solutions by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Postgres SQL Backup Gzip Shrinkage, aka Don’t Panic!!! by David Christensen
- DevCamps on different systems, including Plesk, CPanel and ISPConfig by Ron Phipps
- SSHFS and ServerAliveInterval by Ethan Rowe
- Common Topics in Scalability by Ethan Rowe
- End Point Blogging Stats Year In Review by Steph Skardal
- State of the Postgres project by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Monitoring Postgres log files with tail_n_mail by Greg Sabino Mullane
2009 158
December 16
- JPEG compression: quality or quantity? by Daniel Browning
- MySQL and PostgreSQL command equivalents (mysql vs. psql) by Greg Sabino Mullane
- jQuery UI Drag Drop Tips and an Ecommerce Example by Steph Skardal
- Verifying Postgres tarballs with PGP by Greg Sabino Mullane
- dstat: better system resource monitoring by Jon Jensen
- Content Syndication, SEO, and the rel canonical Tag by Steph Skardal
- Editing large files in place by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Live by the sword, die by the sword by Greg Sabino Mullane
- List Google Pages Indexed for SEO: Two Step How To by Steph Skardal
- Multiple links to files in /etc by Jon Jensen
- CakePHP Infinite Redirects from Auto Login and Force Secure by Steph Skardal
- Cisco PIX mangled packets and iptables state tracking by Jon Jensen
- Iterative Migration of Legacy Applications to CakePHP by Ethan Rowe
- Rails Ecommerce Product Optioning in Spree by Steph Skardal
- RCS vs. Git for quick versioning by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Using The Security Component and validatePost in CakePHP Gotcha by Steph Skardal
November 13
- Setting up a login form in a controller other then the Users controller in CakePHP, don’t forget the User model by Ron Phipps
- XZ compression by Jon Jensen
- Dropped sessions when Toolbar is installed by Ron Phipps
- WordPress Plugin for Omniture SiteCatalyst by Steph Skardal
- Test Fixtures for CakePHP Has-and-Belongs-to-Many Relationships by Ethan Rowe
- Port knocking with knockd by Greg Sabino Mullane
- PubCon Vegas: 7 Takeaway Nuggets by Steph Skardal
- PubCon Vegas Day 3: User Generated Content by Steph Skardal
- PubCon Vegas Day 2: International and Mega Site SEO, and Tools for SEO by Steph Skardal
- PubCon Vegas Day 1: Keyword Research Session by Steph Skardal
- Automatically building Pentaho metadata by Josh Tolley
- DjangoCon 2009: Portland, Ponies, and Presentations by Adam Vollrath
- PL/LOLCODE and INLINE functions by Josh Tolley
October 10
- ImageMagick EPS bug workaround by Jon Jensen
- Google Summer of Code Mentors Summit by Selena Deckelmann
- Pentaho Reporting 3.5 for Java Developers by Josh Tolley
- Performance optimization of by Jon Jensen
- Upgrading from RHEL 5.2 to CentOS 5.4 by Jon Jensen
- Talk slides are available! Bucardo: Replication for PostgreSQL by Selena Deckelmann
- Rails Approach for Spree Shopping Cart Customization by Steph Skardal
- Fun with SQL by Josh Tolley
- New End Point site launched: Rails, jQuery, Flot, blog feed by Steph Skardal
- rsync and bzip2 or gzip compressed data by Jon Jensen
September 12
- Using ln -sf to replace a symlink to a directory by Jon Jensen
- GNU Screen: follow the leader by Kiel Christofferson
- Permission denied for postgresql.conf by Greg Sabino Mullane
- SEO: External Links and PageRank by Steph Skardal
- Migrating Postgres with Bucardo 4 by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Client Side Twitter Integration by Steph Skardal
- Tests are contracts, not blank checks by Steven Jenkins
- Starting processes at boot under SELinux by Jon Jensen
- Increasing maildrop’s hardcoded 5-minute timeout by Jon Jensen
- Tests are not Specs by Steven Jenkins
- Rejecting SSLv2 politely or brusquely by Jon Jensen
- JavaScript fun with IE 8 by Max Cohan
August 13
- File test comparison table for shell, Perl, Ruby, and Python by Jon Jensen
- Interchange news by Jon Jensen
- Perl’s Scalar::Util::dualvar by Jon Jensen
- Defining variables for rpmbuild by Jon Jensen
- Text sequences by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Two quick tips: egrep & SQL dumps, Vim and deleting things that don’t match by Selena Deckelmann
- lessons = colors.find_all {|c| c.kind_of? Blue} by Ethan Rowe
- Debugging prepared statements by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Site Search on Rails by Steph Skardal
- Google Voice first impressions by Jon Jensen
- Perl+Postgres: changes in DBD::Pg 2.15.1 by Greg Sabino Mullane
- More PostgreSQL and SystemTap by Josh Tolley
- Look Ma, I made an iPhone Enterprise Application! by David Christensen
July 16
- Slony, sl_status and diagnosing a particular type of lag by Selena Deckelmann
- Comparing databases with check_postgres by Greg Sabino Mullane
- SDCH: Shared Dictionary Compression over HTTP by Jon Jensen
- Fedora goes up to eleven by Daniel Browning
- OSCON so far! Filesystem information bonanza on Wednesday by Selena Deckelmann
- Gmail Contacts Notes Converter by Jon Jensen
- pgGearman 0.1 release! by Selena Deckelmann
- CSS @font-face in Firefox 3.5 by Jon Jensen
- Bucardo and truncate triggers by Greg Sabino Mullane
- MDX by Josh Tolley
- Subverting PostgreSQL Aggregates for Pentaho by Josh Tolley
- MTU tweak: a fix for upload pain by Jon Jensen
- Last day in Nigeria! A short summary by Selena Deckelmann
- PostgreSQL Windows installer tip: passwords by Selena Deckelmann
- In Nigeria: Weekend exploring by Selena Deckelmann
- Nigeria PostgreSQL Training: Day 1 by Selena Deckelmann
June 8
- LinuxTag 2009 day 1 by Jon Jensen
- nofollow in PageRank Sculpting by Steph Skardal
- Open Source Bridge: the aftermath by Selena Deckelmann
- Getting Started with Demand Attach by Steven Jenkins
- Packaging Ruby Enterprise Edition into RPM by Adam Vollrath
- Inside PostgreSQL - Clause selectivity by Josh Tolley
- Using the new-style Google Analytics pageTracker functions in Interchange by Richard Templet
- The importance of offline community by Selena Deckelmann
May 19
- Git rebase: Just-Workingness Baked Right In (If you’re cool enough) by Ethan Rowe
- PostgreSQL with SystemTap by Josh Tolley
- Google I/O 2009 day 1 by Jon Jensen
- Writing Procedural Languages — slides by Josh Tolley
- PGCon thus far by Josh Tolley
- PgCon: the developer’s meeting and the 2009 keynote by Selena Deckelmann
- PgCon: Preparing the keynote, more talks and today is Developer Meeting day by Selena Deckelmann
- PGCon: First day in Ottawa by Selena Deckelmann
- Competitors to Bucardo version 1 by Jon Jensen
- The design of Bucardo version 1 by Jon Jensen
- RailsConf 2009 report by Sean Schofield
- Operating system upgrades by Jon Jensen
- Spree at RailsConf by Steph Skardal
- TLS Server Name Indication by Jon Jensen
- Rails Optimization @RailsConf by Steph Skardal
- Cinco de Rails by Steph Skardal
- Stuff you can do with the PageRank algorithm by Sonny Cook
- Announcing hosting by Jon Jensen
- Rails Conf Kicking Off in Less Than 24 Hours by Sean Schofield
April 12
- Being at the MySQL User Conference: how Postgres fits in by Selena Deckelmann
- End Point speakers at PGCon 2009 by Jon Jensen
- Inside PostgreSQL - Data Types and Operator Classes by Josh Tolley
- Why OpenAFS? by Steven Jenkins
- SEO Ecommerce by Steph Skardal
- In Interchange, You Might Need to [try] [goto]. What’s the [catch]? by Mark Johnson
- That Feeling of Liberation? It’s Git. by Ethan Rowe
- Messaging, Information, and Making Assertions About Stuff You Cannot See by Ethan Rowe
- OFFSET 0, FTW by Josh Tolley
- Subverting Subversion for Fun and Profit by David Christensen
- On URL Shorteners and Selena FLOSSing by Jon Jensen
- Greg’s THREE talks at PostgreSQL Conference East this weekend by Selena Deckelmann
March 17
- Google Base and Spree by Steph Skardal
- Rails and SEO advantages by Ryan Masters
- Inside PostgreSQL — Multi-Batch Hash Join Improvements by Josh Tolley
- End Point: Search Engine Bot Parsing by Steph Skardal
- Generating sample text automatically by JT Justman
- Ack, grep for Developers by Brian J. Miller
- Git commits per contributor one-liner by Jon Jensen
- She sells C shells by the seashore by Christopher Nehren
- End Point SEO with Linkscape by Steph Skardal
- Vim tip of the day: tabbed editing by Christopher Nehren
- Interchange jobs caveat by David Christensen
- Vim Tip of the Day: running external commands in a shell by Selena Deckelmann
- Emacs Tip of the Day: ediff-revision by David Christensen
- pg_controldata by Josh Tolley
- Scout barcode artistry by Jon Jensen
- Apache RewriteRule to a destination URL containing a space by Ron Phipps
- Passenger and SELinux by Ron Phipps
February 14
- Search Engine Optimization Thoughts by Steph Skardal
- osCommerce dead and reborn by Jon Jensen
- Bare Git repositories and newspapers by Steven Jenkins
- Puppet PDX meeting by Selena Deckelmann
- Replicate only parts of my table by Josh Tolley
- Announcing Release of PostgreSQL System Impact (PGSI) Log Analyzer by Mark Johnson
- Testing in the Web Environment by Jeff Boes
- Hot topic: user groups! by Selena Deckelmann
- Test::Database Postgres support by Greg Sabino Mullane
- David Mamet on software development by Jon Jensen
- NY Puppet Users Group meeting by Steven Jenkins
- Slony1-2.0.0 + PostgreSQL 8.4devel by Josh Tolley
- Git it in your head by Ethan Rowe
- Using cron and psql to transfer data across databases by Greg Sabino Mullane
January 8
- Take pleasure in small things by Ethan Rowe
- Why not OpenAFS? by Steven Jenkins
- Slow Xen virtualization of RHEL 3 i386 guest on RHEL 5 x86_64 by Jon Jensen
- College District launches 4 additional sites by Ron Phipps
- Note to self by Ethan Rowe
- The Orange Code by Jon Jensen
- Greg Sabino Mullane @ US PostgreSQL Association by Jon Jensen
- What is OpenAFS? by Steven Jenkins
2008 59
December 7
- Perl 5 now on Git by Jon Jensen
- Sometimes it’s a silly hardware problem by Jon Jensen
- Using YSlow to analyze website performance by Ron Phipps
- TrueCrypt whole-disk encryption for Windows by Jon Jensen
- Parallel Inventory Access using PostgreSQL by Mark Johnson
- Why is my function slow? by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Best practices for cron by Greg Sabino Mullane
November 5
- Creating a PL/Perl RPM linked against a custom Perl build (updated) by Jon Jensen
- Multiple reverse DNS pointers per IP address by Jon Jensen
- OpenSQL Camp 2008 by Greg Sabino Mullane
- Google Sponsored AFS Hack-A-Thon by Max Cohan
- 10,000 databases on a PostgreSQL cluster by Jon Jensen
October 6
- Varnish, Radiant, etc. by Ethan Rowe
- Ohio Linux Fest AFS Hackathon by Steven Jenkins
- Walden University Presidential Youth Debate goes live by Jon Jensen
- WhereCampPDX Conference Report by Selena Deckelmann
- PostgreSQL Conference West 2008 Report by Daniel Browning
- Spree 0.4.0 Released by Sean Schofield
September 14
- 64-bit Windows naming fun by Jon Jensen
- Filesystem I/O: what we presented by Selena Deckelmann
- Postfix, ~/.forward, and SELinux on RHEL 5 by Jon Jensen
- Competence, Change Agents, Software, and Music by Ethan Rowe
- Red Hat acquires Qumranet by Jon Jensen
- UTOSC 2008 wrap-up by Jon Jensen
- Machine virtualization on the Linux desktop by Jon Jensen
- Know your tools under the hood by David Christensen
- Fun with 72GB disks: Filesystem performance testing by Selena Deckelmann
- Small changes can lead to significant improvements by Steve McIntosh
- Stepping into version control by David Christensen
- Standardized image locations for external linkage by Jeff Boes
- Authorize.Net Transaction IDs to increase in size by Dan Collis-Puro
- Major rumblings in the browser world by Jon Jensen
August 18
- Camps presentation at UTOSC 2008 by Jon Jensen
- nginx and lighttpd deployments growing by Jon Jensen
- Moose roles by Ethan Rowe
- Acts As Xapian — It Just Works by Sean Schofield
- Review of The Book of IMAP by Jon Jensen
- On excellence by Ethan Rowe
- Subversion or CVS metadata exposure by Jon Jensen
- Some handy cryptography/networking tools by Jon Jensen
- Alaska Basin by Jon Jensen
- On “valid” Unix usernames and one’s sanity by Jon Jensen
- OpenAFS Workshop 2008 by Steven Jenkins
- RPM --nodeps really disables all dependency logic by Jon Jensen
- Listing installed RPMs by vendor by Jon Jensen
- End Point’s Spanish website by Jon Jensen
- The how and why of Code Reviews by Daniel Browning
- Testing Concurrency Control by Ethan Rowe
- Perl on Google App Engine by Jon Jensen
- Switching from Sendmail to Postfix on OpenBSD by Jon Jensen
July 6
- Code Debt-Free by Ethan Rowe
- MySQL vs. PostgreSQL mailing list activity by Jon Jensen
- Git push: know your refspecs by Ethan Rowe
- Building Perl on 64-bit RHEL/Fedora/CentOS by Jon Jensen
- Perl incompatibility moving to 5.10 by Ethan Rowe
- Signs of a too-old Git version by Jon Jensen
June 2
- RailsConf 2008 Report by Sean Schofield
- PGCon 2008 Report by Greg Sabino Mullane
February 1
- DBD::Pg 2.0.0 Released by Greg Sabino Mullane
2007 14
December 2
- Better Git it in Your Soul by Ethan Rowe
- Triangle Research Joins End Point by Jon Jensen
November 1
- Git PostgreSQL mirror by Jon Jensen
October 1
- Bucardo: Replication for PostgreSQL by Greg Sabino Mullane
September 1
- RailsConf 2007 Conference Report by PJ Cabrera
July 1
- Get Out of Technical Debt Now! by Jon Jensen
June 2
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Security Report by Jon Jensen
- Evangelizing Test-Driven Development by Ethan Rowe
May 1
- USPS changes the Web Tools Rate Calculator API by Dan Collis-Puro
March 1
February 2
- New edition of The Book of JavaScript reviewed by Jeff Boes
- Interchange 5.4.2 released by Jon Jensen
January 2
- Greg Sabino Mullane’s PostgreSQL tips and how-to articles by Jon Jensen
- Hardware Monitoring with Nagios on OpenBSD by Jon Jensen
2006 9
July 1
- YAPC::NA 2006 Conference Report by Brian J. Miller
June 2
- Review: Practices of an Agile Developer by Ethan Rowe
- Trouble with MySQL 4.1 under heavy load by Jon Jensen
May 2
- Interchange 5.4.1 released by Jon Jensen
- PostgreSQL Supports Two-Phase Commit by Jeff Boes
February 3
- End Point Launches New Website by Brian Dunn
- End Point’s New HQ by Brian Dunn
- PostgreSQL Master Greg Sabino Mullane Joins Crew by Brian Dunn
January 1
- Interchange 5.4 Released by Jon Jensen
2005 4
November 1
- PostgreSQL 8.1 Shows Database Progress by Jon Jensen
August 2
- End Point Celebrates 10 Years of Service! by Brian Dunn
- Ethan Rowe Promotes Good Data, VPNs by Brian Dunn
June 1
- Death, Taxes — and Spam‽ by Brian Dunn
2004 1
October 1
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 3 Released by Jon Jensen