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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Spatial queries with MySQL

    Juan Pablo Ventoso

    By Juan Pablo Ventoso
    March 24, 2021

    Spatial queries with MySQL Photo by Francois Powell, CC BY 2.0, cropped

    MySQL is one of the most widely used relational databases. Most PHP websites rely on MySQL for persisting their information, which makes it one of the DB-Engines top four most popular databases along with Oracle, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.

    One of its capabilities that is not very well known is that the engine supports working with spatial data, allowing you to save different shapes (points, lines, polygons) and querying information based on intersections, distances, or overlaps. This capability was included in MySQL a long time ago, but it became easier to use starting in version 5.6, when the distance and point intersection functions were added.

    Spatial data can be useful for many needs, including:

    • Searching for places based on latitude/​longitude coordinates
    • Displaying information and areas as layers on maps
    • Architecture or home design applications

    My first experience with spatial queries was for a weather website I developed that displays local alerts/​warnings on a map using MySQL spatial functions to return active weather alerts for a given location, or to inform if lightning has been observed near the user’s current …

    mysql database gis leaflet

    Database Design: Using Natural Keys

    Emre Hasegeli

    By Emre Hasegeli
    March 15, 2021

    Bank safe deposit boxes

    Whether to use natural or surrogate keys is a long-debated subject of database design. I am a fan of using natural keys. I think there are even more compelling reasons to use natural keys in databases as the systems grow more complex and interdependent.

    Natural or Surrogate

    Let’s start by what we mean by natural. It’s not trivial to define this. In today’s world of APIs, someone’s surrogate key is another’s natural key. Wikipedia defines natural keys as “a type of unique key in a database formed of attributes that exist and are used in the external world outside the database”. This makes it clear that the keys we get from APIs are our natural keys. But how about the ones generated by us to be used in the external world?

    When applications expose the keys on the URLs and APIs, others start relying on them. This is where our choices become important. When all those different applications generate their own keys instead of using the keys they got from other places, life becomes difficult for no reason.

    Let’s elaborate with an example corporate database where employees are identified by their usernames and the departments with their domains. So our data would look like this:

    | …

    database development performance postgres sql

    Job opening: Ruby on Rails & Vue.js developer

    Jon Jensen

    By Jon Jensen
    February 24, 2021

    This position has been filled. See our active job listings here.

    Two software developers at their computers
    Photo by WOCinTech Chat, CC BY 2.0, cropped

    We are seeking a full-time software engineer specializing in Ruby on Rails and Vue.js to work with us on our clients’ applications.

    End Point is an Internet technology consulting company based in New York City, founded 25 years ago! We have over 50 employees serving many clients ranging from small family businesses to large corporations.

    Even before the pandemic most of us worked remotely from home offices. We collaborate using SSH, Git, project tracking tools, Zulip chat, video conferencing, and of course email and phones.

    What you will be doing:

    • Develop new web applications and support existing ones for our clients
    • Consult with clients on software features and plans
    • Work together with End Point co-workers and our clients’ in-house staff
    • Use open source tools and contribute back as opportunity arises

    What you bring:

    Professional experience developing and supporting web applications in these technical areas:

    • 3+ years of development with Ruby on Rails and front-end JavaScript
    • Frameworks and libraries such as Vue.js, React, Angular
    • Databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Solr, Elasticsearch, etc.
    • Security consciousness
    • Git version …

    jobs-closed ruby rails javascript remote-work

    An Introduction to TypeScript

    Jeff Laughlin

    By Jeff Laughlin
    February 9, 2021

    TypeScript logo

    TypeScript is a programming language defined as a superset of JavaScript. It adds static type information to JavaScript code using type annotations. These annotations permit strong type-checking at compile-time, kind of like a very strict linter. They are only used for static analysis. TypeScript is transpiled to JavaScript for execution in the browser or Node.js and the type annotations are stripped out. It is still possible to use standard JavaScript type information at run-time, such as that obtained using the typeof and instanceof operators.

    Adding type annotations brings many benefits. Most importantly, TypeScript can tell us when we’re doing something dumb that’s likely to cause a type-related bug. But more than that, it powers editors’/​IDEs’ context sensitive tool tips so when you hover or start typing the editor can supply helpful information so you can get your job done quicker. This is particularly useful to new developers as it saves them the trouble of reading all the sources to figure out the variable types from context, especially when debugging.

    JavaScript is a fairly dynamic language but types still exist in JavaScript, whether we like it or not. Because it’s so …

    typescript javascript nodejs

    Monads: Another tool from the functional programming toolbox

    Kevin Campusano

    By Kevin Campusano
    January 27, 2021


    I was first exposed to the world of functional programming back in 2007 with the release of .NET Framework 3.5 and the introduction of LINQ into the C# language. At the time, I was just beginning to learn how to code and LINQ seemed to be little more than an extension of the C# language that allowed programmers to use SQL-like syntax to interact with collections of data. This was mostly useful for interacting with databases, via LINQ to SQL. The concept of “functional programming” never even crossed my mind back then.

    Once you had created a LINQ to SQL Object Model using the tools provided in Visual Studio, you could write code like this directly in C#:

    var customersWithRecentExpensiveOrders =
      // Think of db.Orders as your hypothetical "orders" table.
      from o in db.Orders
      where o.Total >= 100.00 && o.Date == DateTime.Now
      // All orders have a customer
      select o.Customer;

    Alternatively, you could also use the so-called method syntax:

    var customersWithRecentExpensiveOrders =
        .Where(o => o.Total >= 100.00 && o.Date == DateTime.Now)
        .Select(o => o.Customer);

    LINQ would take that and turn it into native SQL that got …

    functional-programming javascript

    Endless OS: A Linux Distro for Kids

    Mom & daughter working at a computer Photo by August de Richelieu

    In 2020 some of us had to work from home while taking care of the kids ourselves, as most childcare services are temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this post I won’t complain about the pandemic, but rather share my experience.

    I have installed several different Linux distributions for my kids’ desktop computer in the past, but have found it quite difficult to find a balance between strict parental controls and no parental controls at all. Then I came across Endless OS, a Linux distro based on Debian, but with heavy customizations to focus on school from home.


    The installation process was smooth and easy. The install image I chose was quite huge though, at around 16GB. But given we can just use a USB drive as the installation medium nowadays this should not be a big issue. The installer does not seem to give an option to encrypt my hard disk with LUKS during the installation phase.

    Endless OS is powered by OSTree (which is defined as “a system for versioning updates of Linux-based operating systems”) and Flatpak. According to the website, “Endless OS uses OSTree, a non-destructive and atomic technique to deploy operating …

    linux kids

    Creating a Messaging App Using Spring for Apache Kafka, Part 4

    Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir

    By Kürşat Kutlu Aydemir
    January 14, 2021

    Spring-Kafka Photo by Daniel Tran on Unsplash

    This article is part of a series. The GitHub repository with code examples can be found here.

    After a long break from this series let’s keep moving further.

    Let’s configure and prepare the WebSocket session pool. As we go through some custom operations like authentication and storing messages on the time of socket messages and sessions received, we need to create a WebSocketHandler for WebSocket configuration. When a WebSocket session message is received we’re going to send the message to a Kafka topic. In order to achieve this we need to define our WebSocket message handler MessageHandler and Kafka message producer MessageSender. We also need a session pool WebSocketPool so we can manage the client sessions.


    package com.endpoint.SpringKafkaMessaging.websocket;
    import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketSession;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Set;
    public class WebSocketPool {
      public static Map<Long, Set<WebSocketSession>> websockets = new HashMap<>();

    WebSocketPool holds client sessions in a map of <user_id, <set of WebSocketSession>>. This map allows multiple …

    java spring kafka spring-kafka-series

    Cesium KML-CZML Editor

    Dmitry Kiselev

    By Dmitry Kiselev
    December 21, 2020

    End Point’s immersive technology team is happy to present a great new tool for the rapidly growing Cesium community: Cesium KML-CZML Editor. The editor gives users the ability to visually and dynamically edit KML and CZML in its Cesium browser window. Updates made with it can be exported at any time to CZML, the native markup language for Cesium.

    The Cesium KML-CZML Editor addresses an important but hitherto unaddressed need of the Cesium community: It provides an intuitive interface for making adjustments to fix the many inconsistencies with how KML created for (and often by) Google Earth appears on 3D maps rendered with Cesium. It is a powerful tool for converting and adapting KML for Google Earth into CZML that displays nicely in Cesium. The editor also works as a visual editor for creating and editing CZML, regardless of whether you’re converting from KML.

    The inconsistencies with how Cesium displays KML created for Google Earth are due to occasional differences between how Cesium and Google Earth render KML when various attributes aren’t specifically set within a given instance of code. The situation is similar to how web browsers sometimes interpret given instances of HTML …

    cesium google-earth gis open-source visionport
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