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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Fix for cdparanoia segmentation fault

    Jon Jensen

    By Jon Jensen
    August 27, 2019

    Compact disc close-up Photo by Alberto Cabrera, cropped, CC BY 2.0

    It had been a while since I last needed to rip a CD into audio files (and compress them), but the need recently arose. This particular disc was a language learning supplement to a book, and a CD was a reasonable way to distribute that.

    (Even though audio file downloads and streaming have become a far more common way to distribute audio than physical CDs, electronic formats don’t preserve our same rights to resell, lend, and make backups. But that is a topic for another blog post!)

    I was ripping the CD with abcde (A Better CD Encoder), a text-based CD ripping, tagging, and compressing front-end I have used often in the past. Unexpectedly I got an error, as shown in this terminal output:

    Executing customizable pre-read function... done.
    Getting CD track info... Querying the CD for audio tracks...
    Grabbing entire CD - tracks:  01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
    abcde: attempting to resume from /home/user/Music/abcde.2a0e162a..
    Grabbing track 28: Track 28...
    cdparanoia III release 10.2 (September 11, 2008)
    Ripping from sector  131363 (track 28 …

    tips open-source audio

    The Dollars and Sense of Hiring Software Consultants

    Elizabeth Garrett Christensen

    By Elizabeth Garrett Christensen
    August 16, 2019

    Interview Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash

    I’m often asked by family and friends about End Point’s market and how software consulting fits into the business landscape and I thought I’d write up some thoughts for the general public in how hiring a consultant is actually the smartest thing to do for your business and it makes a ton of sense financially.

    Let’s talk some math about hiring an in-house developer:

    • According to Glassdoor, the average software developer salary is around $50,000–$120,000. Let’s say $85,000 per year. You typically pay for health insurance, other benefits and overhead expenses, so let’s just round the total cost of hiring one person to $110,000 per year (I think that’s actually pretty conservative).

    • You’d probably need to hire two people to support anything essential to your business, since having a single developer is risky (illness/​vacation/​employment change, etc.).

    • Your total cost of getting two developers in-house is around ~$220,000 per year

    Hiring your own developers Software consulting agency
    Senior developers
    Diverse skillset ?
    Protection from staffing changes ✓ …

    company training

    How to set up a local development environment for WordPress from scratch

    Kevin Campusano

    By Kevin Campusano
    August 7, 2019


    I recently got pulled into a project for a client who wanted to have a new WordPress website developed for them. I started by setting up a development environment with the niceties that I’m used to from my other application development work. That is, a development server, interactive debugging, linting, and a good editor.

    Another thing that I wanted was not to have to deal with LAMP or WAMP or XAMPP or any of that. I wanted a clean, from scratch installation where I knew and controlled everything that was there. I’ve got nothing against those packages, but I think that, by setting up everything manually, I’d be able to better learn the technology as I would know exactly how everything is set up under the hood. The shortcuts could come later.

    Luckily for me, there aren’t many pieces when it comes to setting up a basic, running development environment for WordPress. You only need three things: 1. MySQL, 2. PHP, and 3. WordPress itself. I also wanted a few other goodies and we’ll get there.

    Let’s go through the steps that I took to set all of this up:

    1. Set up PHP

    In Ubuntu, installing PHP is easy enough. Just run the following command:

    sudo apt-get install php

    After that’s done, …

    wordpress development mysql php ubuntu vscode

    A Moon Landing and the Education of Our Children

    Jonathan Perlin

    By Jonathan Perlin
    August 6, 2019

    Cosmosphere Museum

    As Liquid Galaxy flows from city to city, a big museum in small-town Kansas welcomes its newest exhibit to the collection. Amidst authentic NASA artifacts and real remnants of the space program, an array of seven screens glows in the shadow of the full-size replica of the lunar module that put man on the moon. In the wake of the 50th anniversary of the monumental mission, Liquid Galaxy arrives right on time to educate and awe patrons of all ages.

    A family exploring the Liquid Galaxy

    “Jim and I had a great time experimenting with it…and while we were doing so, we talked with three different guests—one couple and two singles—who said how much they appreciated us adding it. What Jim and I appreciated was the variety of content that we can see teachers using when they have classes here.” —Mimi Meredith, VP of Development, Cosmosphere Museum, Hutchinson, Kansas

    In the initial stages of installation, passersby cocked their heads in curiosity as large displays were lifted onto their mounts and the form of Liquid Galaxy emerged. The scene dramatically changed as the screens came to life and images of Earth and the Moon flew across the screen to the delight of children and adults alike. Witnessing the joy and wonder …

    visionport education

    Campendium v2019: A Summary of Recent Updates

    Steph Skardal

    By Steph Skardal
    August 5, 2019

    This year has brought a handful of exciting changes for Campendium, one of End Point’s long-time clients, by yours truly. Created by campers for campers, Campendium has thousands of listings of places to camp, from swanky RV parks to free remote destinations, vetted by a team of full-time travelers and reviewed by over 200,000 members. I thought I would take some time to summarize these recent updates.

    Maps and Clustering

    Campendium map clustering of campground locations

    Campendium uses Mapbox for map rendering to display campgrounds and locations throughout North America. One of the new features added this year was clustering of campground locations, where campgrounds are grouped together and presented in a “cluster” with a size relative to how many campgrounds are in the cluster.

    If a user is searching for campgrounds in a broad location, they can see where campgrounds might be more densely grouped by location. Once a user zooms in zoom in a couple of clicks, the campgrounds are no longer clustered and individual campgrounds locations can be seen. While working on this update, we spent a good amount of our time tweaking and troubleshooting the optimal clustering behavior to provide the most benefit to those searching for a …

    rails solr sunspot react maps javascript user-interface ruby clients case-study

    Prepare for .NET Core 3 and .NET 5

    Juan Pablo Ventoso

    By Juan Pablo Ventoso
    August 3, 2019

    Prepare for .NET 5 Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash, edited by Juan Pablo Ventoso


    It’s been a while now since .NET Core is out there: It was released back in June 2016 and it kept growing since then. The main advantages when comparing with .NET Framework is that .NET Core is free, open-source and cross-platform. It also has several performance improvements that gains up to 600% increase for some particular functions like converting elements to a string, or more than 200% for some LINQ queries, and a general performance boost in application startup.

    But it also has drawbacks: Some third party libraries are still not fully supported, so while they can still be used, the compiled results will only be portable to Windows. Also, .NET Core 2.2 (the latest release to date) doesn’t yet have support for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) or Windows Forms applications… But it looks like this is going to change soon.

    Next stop: .NET Core 3

    In the 2019 Build Conference that took place in May, .NET Core 3 was announced: It’s expected to be released in November this year, and it will finally include support for Windows desktop development (WPF, UWP and Windows Forms). It will also …


    Ruby Gem Spotlight: DRG

    Patrick Lewis

    By Patrick Lewis
    July 31, 2019

    Pins Photo by Ioan Sameli, used under CC BY-SA 2.0, cropped from original.

    The DRG gem is “a Ruby utility to help automate dependency management using Bundler.” I use DRG to manage gem versions in all of my Rails projects and have found it to have several useful features for managing project dependencies in Gemfiles.

    Pinning with ‘drg:pin’

    DRG works by adding a variety of Rake tasks for updating your Gemfile. I like to start with rake drg:pin:minor to pin a project’s Gemfile to the approximate minor version of the gems currently installed in a project’s Gemfile.lock. This fills in missing version information where needed, and updates the Gemfile to better reflect the state of the currently-installed gems.

    Here’s an example of a Gemfile from a freshly generated Rails project before and after running rake drg:pin:minor:


    gem 'bootsnap', '>= 1.1.0', require: false
    gem 'drg'
    gem 'puma', '~> 3.11'
    gem 'rails', '~> 5.2.3'
    gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0'
    gem 'sqlite3'
    gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'
    group :development, :test do
      gem 'byebug', platforms: [:mri, …


    A tribute to Kyle Simpson’s JavaScript book series

    Árpád Lajos

    By Árpád Lajos
    July 24, 2019

    You Don’t Know JS Photo by othree, used under CC BY 2.0

    Inspired by the Ruby Fight Club, a group of us have been reading Kyle Simpson’s You Don’t Know JS series (1st edition; in 2020 Kyle started publishing drafts of the 2nd edition of the books). These books are a great source of inspiration and available for free. I meet weekly with our small group to discuss chapters from these books. Each time we have a presenter who walks us through the chapter that we all read beforehand.

    During these sessions we have learned a lot about JavaScript, but also about preparing presentations. The increasing quality level of the meetings was noticable each week. I think we all owe a large thanks to Kyle Simpson. In this article I will focus on the book “You Don’t Know JS: ES6 and Beyond”.

    Past, present and future

    ECMAScript (ES for short) was versioned with a small number up until now, like 5. ES1 and ES2 were not widely known or implemented. ES3 was used by Internet Exporer 6–8 and Android 2.x. ES4 never came out. ES5 came out in 2009. ES5.1 came out in 2011 and was widely used by Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc.

    Now, version names will be in the format ES, but it might change to a per-feature basis.

    In the …

    javascript books development
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