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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    A tribute to Kyle Simpson’s JavaScript book series

    Árpád Lajos

    By Árpád Lajos
    July 24, 2019

    You Don’t Know JS Photo by othree, used under CC BY 2.0

    Inspired by the Ruby Fight Club, a group of us have been reading Kyle Simpson’s You Don’t Know JS series (1st edition; in 2020 Kyle started publishing drafts of the 2nd edition of the books). These books are a great source of inspiration and available for free. I meet weekly with our small group to discuss chapters from these books. Each time we have a presenter who walks us through the chapter that we all read beforehand.

    During these sessions we have learned a lot about JavaScript, but also about preparing presentations. The increasing quality level of the meetings was noticable each week. I think we all owe a large thanks to Kyle Simpson. In this article I will focus on the book “You Don’t Know JS: ES6 and Beyond”.

    Past, present and future

    ECMAScript (ES for short) was versioned with a small number up until now, like 5. ES1 and ES2 were not widely known or implemented. ES3 was used by Internet Exporer 6–8 and Android 2.x. ES4 never came out. ES5 came out in 2009. ES5.1 came out in 2011 and was widely used by Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc.

    Now, version names will be in the format ES, but it might change to a per-feature basis.

    In the …

    javascript books development

    GraphQL Client Libraries

    Zed Jensen

    By Zed Jensen
    July 19, 2019

    three brown wooden boat on blue lake water taken at daytime
    Photo by Pietro De Grandi on Unsplash

    Last week I covered some of the more popular GraphQL libraries for servers. This post will cover some options for GraphQL clients. Similarly to last week, the examples in this post won’t necessarily be everything you’d need to get a server running; instead, they’re designed to give you an idea of what it might be like to use each library. If you’re unfamiliar with GraphQL, please check out my earlier post GraphQL — An Alternative to REST for more information.

    Apollo Client

    This is the client with which I’m the most familiar—I’ve used its React version, so I’ll show an example of how you’d use it with a React component. However, there are also versions available for Angular, Vue.js, native iOS and Android, and Scala.js.

    First we need to set up our Apollo client so it knows where our server is:

    import ApolloClient from "apollo-boost";
    const client = new ApolloClient({
      uri: "https://your-server.com"

    Next, you need to make sure the root component of your application is wrapped in an ApolloProvider:

    class App extends Component {
      render() {
        return (
          <ApolloProvider client={client}>
            <RestOfYourApp …


    Mocking asynchronous database calls in .NET Core

    Juan Pablo Ventoso

    By Juan Pablo Ventoso
    July 16, 2019

    Mocking asynchronous database calls in .NET Core Photo by Björn Söderqvist, used under CC BY 2.0


    Whenever we like—or are forced!—to develop using a TDD (test-driven development) approach or a more traditional practice, unit testing should be always a part of our development process. And when it comes to .NET Core, no matter what framework we choose (xUnit, MSTest or other), we will probably need to use a mock library.

    What is mocking? By definition, it’s making an imitation. Objects usually depend on other objects, which could rely on database connections, local files or external APIs. So when we need to test the behavior of a particular object, we will have to isolate its dependencies, replacing those objects with fake versions. And that’s where mocking—and the Moq library—comes into place: it’s a set of classes that allows us to easily create and handle those fake objects.

    So, assuming we already have a .NET Core solution with a test project included, all we need to do to add Moq is install the package from the NuGet console in Visual Studio:

    Install-Package Moq

    Mocking data with async calls support

    One of the first showstoppers I’ve encountered when trying to add unit tests to an existing project was to mock …

    dotnet testing

    GraphQL Server Libraries

    Zed Jensen

    By Zed Jensen
    July 12, 2019

    Eroded Icelandic mountain
    Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

    This post is a followup to my previous post, GraphQL — An Alternative to REST. Please check that out for an introduction to GraphQL and what makes it different from other API solutions. I’ve collected a list of some of the currently-maintained GraphQL libraries for a few different languages, along with some examples (most of which aren’t fully functional on their own, they’d need more configuration) so you can see what it might be like to use GraphQL in your project. I’ll be focusing on the ways each of these libraries implement GraphQL and what you’d need to do to start a project with each of them, so if you have questions about GraphQL itself, please check out my other blog post.

    Apollo Server (JavaScript/TypeScript)

    Apollo GraphQL has libraries for both a GraphQL server and client (which I’ll discuss later). Apollo Server can be used both as a standalone server as well as with libraries like Express. Apollo Server is the server library I have the most experience with—I wrote a server last year using Express and Apollo Server, along with a client that used Apollo Client. I’m a fan of the flexibiliy of Apollo, but it takes more work to set up than …

    graphql api mongodb nodejs django docker containers

    An Introduction to Neural Networks

    Ben Ironside Goldstein

    By Ben Ironside Goldstein
    July 1, 2019

    Weird Tree Art (Neural Network) Photo by Sudhamshu Hebbar, used under CC BY 2.0

    Earlier this year I wrote a post about my work with a machine-learning camera, the AWS DeepLens, which has onboard processing power to enable AI capabilities without sending data to the cloud. Neural networks are a type of ML model which achieves very impressive results on certain problems (including computer vision), so in this post I give a more thorough introduction to neural networks, and share some useful resources for those who want to dig deeper.

    Neurons and Nodes

    Neural networks are models inspired by the function of biological neural networks. They consist of nodes (arranged in layers), and the connections between those nodes. Each connection between two nodes enables one-way information transfer: a node either receives input from, or sends output to each node to which it is connected. Nodes typically have an “activation function”, parameterized by the node’s inputs, and its output is the result of this function.

    As with the function of biological neural networks, the emergence of information processing from these mathematical operations is opaque. Nevertheless, complex artificial neural networks are capable of feats such as …

    machine-learning artificial-intelligence

    Deploying production Machine Learning pipelines to Kubernetes with Argo

    Kamil Ciemniewski

    By Kamil Ciemniewski
    June 28, 2019

    Rube Goldberg machine
    Image by Wikimedia Commons

    In some sense, most machine learning projects look exactly the same. There are 4 stages to be concerned with no matter what the project is:

    1. Sourcing the data
    2. Transforming it
    3. Building the model
    4. Deploying it

    It’s been said that #1 and #2 take most of ML engineers’ time. This is to emphasize how little time it sometimes feels the most fun part—#3—gets.

    In the real world, though, #4 over time can take almost as much as the previous three.

    Deployed models sometimes need to be rebuilt. They consume data that need to constantly go through points #1 and #2. It certainly isn’t always what’s shown in the classroom, where datasets perfectly fit in the memory and model training takes at most a couple hours on an old laptop.

    Working with gigantic datasets isn’t the only problem. Data pipelines can take long hours to complete. What if some part of your infrastructure has an unexpected downtime? Do you just start it all over again from the very beginning?

    Many solutions of course exist. With this article, I’d like to go over this problem space and present an approach that feels really nice and clean.

    Project description

    End Point Corporation was founded in 1995. …

    machine-learning kubernetes natural-language-processing python docker containers

    Linting Ruby In Your Editor

    Patrick Lewis

    By Patrick Lewis
    June 27, 2019

    Cotton Photo by Kimberly Vardeman, used under CC BY 2.0

    Ruby developers have access to a variety of linters and static program analysis tools that can greatly improve developer efficiency and code quality by catching syntax errors, detecting code smells, and making coding style suggestions based on popular style guides.

    I have been a long-time advocate of configuring development environments with automatic code linting and will use this post to highlight some of the available tools for Ruby and methods for integrating them with popular code editors (Vim, Emacs, and Visual Studio Code).

    Configuring your editor for automatic linting makes it much easier to identify and fix issues with your code at development time, and in-editor integration is very convenient for highlighting problems as you type (or save), making it easy to evaluate and improve the quality of your code as it is written.

    Three popular linting plugins/extensions for Vim, Visual Studio Code, and Emacs are:

    Asynchronous Lint Engine (ALE) Plugin for Vim

    Provides asynchronous linting in Vim while you edit, and displays warnings/error messages in the editor. Supports the following tools for Ruby development and runs them …

    ruby vim vscode emacs tools

    SCAM ALERT: EndPoint Petroleum Corporation, P&Z Petroleum

    Benjamin Goldstein

    By Benjamin Goldstein
    June 22, 2019

    Person using laptop computers
    Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

    This blog post is to alert the public, targeted individuals, and relevant authorities about a scam being perpetrated under the guise of a fictitious company called “EndPoint Petroleum Corporation”. The scammers have set up a website for this fake company, copying much of the content from Noble Energy. The scammers have adapted an old version of our logo for their nefarious purposes.

    We will refrain from posting the URL for the scammers’ website since we don’t want to increase its SEO ranking, but it is shown in the image capture above. At first glance this website looks legitimate, but closer observation provides abundant evidence to the contrary. Rather than posting a list of its defects which would assist the scammers, I urge the interested reader to spend five minutes on the website.

    An email forwarded to us from one of their targets provides an example of how the scammers are trying to use their website. They are targeting people outside the US with experience in the Oil and Gas Industry, telling them that they have been “shortlisted” for an Operations Manager position with the bogus company. The scammers then tell their targets to contact …

    scam security
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