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    Ongoing observations by End Point Dev people

    Image Recognition Tools

    detecting 1 face

    I’m always impressed with the advancement of machine learning, and, more recently, deep learning. However, since I am not an expert in the field I decided to let the researchers and scholars elaborate more on them.

    In this post I will share the existing tools and the associated libraries to make them work, at least for me.

    The reason I explored these tools is simple: I plan to deploy a poor man’s security camera in my home with some “sense” of intelligence. Since I am working at home, I want to know who is actually knocking my door. So I thought, what if I could use a web cam to monitor my door and let me know who’s actually standing at the door?

    Face Detection

    I searched around for existing face detection software and found this Python script using Haarcascade. So I was able to detect faces, but upon sharing the “findings” with a friend he said this only detects faces. How would the computer be able to recognize who’s who? Then I stumbled upon the phrase “face recognition”.

    You might have noticed that if you use the image file that you import directly from your smartphone, the output will be displayed in a large file to the screen. You can use ImageMagick to resize the file to …

    machine-learning python

    Immersive and GIS Developer Job Opening

    Benjamin Goldstein

    By Benjamin Goldstein
    October 2, 2018

    This position has been filled. See our active job listings here.

    Liquid Galaxy Installation

    We are looking for a full-time, salaried engineer to help us further develop our software, infrastructure, and hardware integration for our shared immersive system, End Point Liquid Galaxy.

    What you will be doing:

    • Develop new software involving 3D GIS, panoramic video, Google Earth, a custom CMS, and ROS (Robot Operating System)
    • Improve the system with automation, monitoring, and customizing configurations to customers’ needs
    • Provide remote and occasional on-​site troubleshooting and support at customer locations
    • Build tours and supporting tools for emerging markets
    • Integrate and test new hardware to work with the system

    What you will need:

    • Sharp troubleshooting ability
    • Experience with “devops” automation tools such as Chef
    • Strong programming experience in one or more of these languages:
      • Python
      • JavaScript
      • C/C++
      • Ruby
    • Linux system administration skills
    • A customer-​centered focus
    • Strong verbal and written communication skills
    • Experience directing your own work, and working remotely as part of a team
    • Enthusiasm for learning new technologies

    Bonus points for experience with:

    • Contributing to open source projects
    • Working with GIS, e.g., ESRI, Mapbox, Open Street Map, KML, …

    visionport jobs-closed gis

    Building Rasters in PostGIS

    Josh Tolley

    By Josh Tolley
    September 12, 2018

    In a past blog post I described a method I’d used to digest raw statistics from the Mexican government statistics body, INEGI, quantifying the relative educational level of residents in Mexico City. In the post, I divided these data into squares geographically, and created a KML visualization consisting of polygons, where each polygon’s color and height reflected the educational level of residents in the corresponding area. Where the original data proved slow to render and difficult to interpret, the result after processing was visually appealing, intuitively meaningful, and considerably more performant. Plus I got to revisit a favorite TV show, examine SQL’s Common Table Expressions, and demonstrate their use in building complex queries.

    But the post left a few loose ends untied. For instance, the blog post built the visualization using just one large query. Although its CTE-based design rendered it fairly readable, the query remained far too complex, and far too slow, at least for general use. Doing everything in one query makes for a sometimes enjoyable mental exercise, but it also means the query has to start from zero, every time it runs, so iterative development bogs down …

    postgres gis sql database

    Job opening: .NET/​C# and JavaScript developer

    Jon Jensen

    By Jon Jensen
    August 30, 2018

    This position has been filled. See our active job listings here.

    programmer at keyboard on desk
    Photo by #WOCinTech Chat · CC BY 2.0, modified

    We are looking for another talented full-time software developer to join us, working with .NET and C# on Windows, JavaScript, and at least one of PHP, Java, or Ruby.

    If you like to solve business problems and can take responsibility for getting a job done well without intensive oversight, please read on!

    End Point is a 23-year-old web consulting company based in New York City, with about 50 employees, the majority working remotely from home offices. We collaborate using SSH and Remote Desktop, GitLab, GitHub, chat, Hangouts and other conferencing software, and good old email and phones.

    We serve over 200 clients ranging from small family businesses to large corporations.

    We are experts in web development, databases, and DevOps, and we use mostly open source frameworks, in a variety of languages, on Linux and Windows.

    What you will need:

    • Professional experience building reliable back-end web applications using .NET and C#, as well as PHP, Java (or Kotlin or Scala), or Ruby
    • Good front-end web skills with responsive design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (including jQuery, Vue, Angular, React, etc.)
    • Experience with databases such as …


    Self-driving toy car using the Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic algorithm

    Kamil Ciemniewski

    By Kamil Ciemniewski
    August 29, 2018

    The field of Reinforcement Learning has seen a lot of great improvement in the past years. Researchers at universities and companies like Deep Mind have been developing new and better ways to train intelligent, artificial agents to solve more and more difficult tasks. The algorithms being developed are requiring less time to train. They also are making the training much more stable.

    This article is about an algorithm that’s one of the most cited lately: A3C — Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic.

    As the subject is both wide and deep, I’m assuming the reader has the relevant background mastered already. Although reading it might be interesting even without understanding most of the notions in use, having a good grasp of them will help you get the most out of it.

    Because we’re looking at the Deep Reinforcement Learning, the obvious requirement is to be acquainted with the neural networks. I’m also using different notions known in the field of Reinforcement Learning overall like $Q(a, s)$ and $V(s)$ functions or the n-step return. The mathematical expressions, in …

    python machine-learning artificial-intelligence

    Liquid Galaxy at Google for Nigeria

    Brian Zenone

    By Brian Zenone
    August 6, 2018

    Google for Nigeria

    Over the years, Liquid Galaxy has taken us to many a far-flung locale, but few of us at End Point were expecting a Liquid Galaxy installation in Africa. Yet that is exactly what happened: In conjunction with Google’s “Next Billion Users” initiative, End Point was invited to install a Liquid Galaxy at “Google for Nigeria” in Lagos, Africa’s largest city, a teeming metropolis of 21 million souls.

    With the challenge of getting our equipment to Nigeria and hearsay about intermittent Internet and electricity, we had more than our usual concern about making sure our Liquid Galaxy would function reliably for the event. And given the US Department of State’s warnings about health and safety, the trip would be more involved than most. However, End Point engineer Will Plaut fairly leapt at the chance. More than 20 hours of flying, a bevy of vaccines and a host of visa procedures were no match for Will’s intrepid spirit and sense of adventure — he even took it upon himself to hunt down the difficult-to-find Yellow Fever vaccine in Greenville, South Carolina.

    But before simply sending Will off to fend for himself amidst the hubbub of Lagos, the list of logistics problems seemed unending. The …

    visionport event

    Meet the End Point Windows consulting group

    Chris Hopkins

    By Chris Hopkins
    July 27, 2018

    As the share of internet traffic passing through mobile devices hovers around 50%, it’s easy to forget that a lot of computing still happens on desktops and laptops—​and perhaps even easier to forget that the majority of those desktops and laptops are running Microsoft Windows.

    At End Point, we take pride in being a multi-platform organization and using open source technologies in real-world business environments. Our internal chat service, wiki, and many other libraries and tools we employ across our client base are all open source. However, for various reasons many companies choose Microsoft’s solutions including long-time standards Windows Server, Active Directory, and Exchange.

    In April 2017, Dan Briones came to End Point to head up the company’s new Windows infrastructure services. In 2018 we added two new engineers to the mix, Chris Hopkins and Charles Chang, to form a full-service Windows consulting team, all local to our New York City office on Park Avenue.

    Dan Briones

    Dan Briones

    Dan is the team lead and has over three decades of hands-on experience in IT systems management, systems integrations, migrations, virtualization, networking, security, orchestration, security, compliance, …

    windows integration company

    Recommender System via a Simple Matrix Factorization

    Kamil Ciemniewski

    By Kamil Ciemniewski
    July 17, 2018

    people sitting and laughing
    Photo by Michael Cartwright, CC BY-SA 2.0, cropped

    We all like how apps like Spotify or Last.fm can recommend us a song that feels so much like our taste. Being able to recommend an item to a user is very important for keeping and expanding the user base.

    In this article I’ll present an overview of building a recommendation system. The approach here is quite basic. It’s grounded though in a valid and battle-tested theory. I’ll show you how to put this theory into practice by coding it in Python with the help of MXNet.

    Kinds of recommenders

    The general setup of the content recommendation challenge is that we have users and items. The task is to recommend items to a particular user.

    There are two distinct approaches to recommending content:

    1. Content based filtering
    2. Collaborative filtering

    The first one bases its outputs on the the intricate features of the item and how they relate to the user itself. The latter one uses the information about the way other, similar users rank the items. More elaborate systems base their work on both. Such systems are called hybrid recommender systems.

    This article is going to focus on collaborative filtering only.

    A bit of theory: matrix …

    python machine-learning
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