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    Bharathi Ponnusamy

    Bharathi Ponnusamy

    Bharathi is a true dev/ops crossover: He is an experienced systems administrator who works with many tools on Linux, including Ansible, Terraform, and Docker Compose. He is also a web developer who has worked with ASP.NET, C#, Django/​Python, Angular, JavaScript, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Jenkins.

    He has experience with many aspects of the VisionPort and Liquid Galaxy systems.

    Bharathi is always interested in learning new technologies.


    DevOps Engineer, Axisrooms, 2016–2018. Automated processes and helped to build a hotel revenue management application.

    Senior Software Engineer, eShakti, 2014–2016. Developed internal applications and worked on ecommerce application.

    Software Engineer, QwickSoft, 2012–2014. Worked on healthcare, industrial management web applications, and GPS technologies.


    • B.Tech, Information Technology, Anna University, India, 2013.


    He loves planting trees, hiking, swimming, long drives, and playing badminton.